The special is hosted by Tony Danza and Annie Potts celebrating 50 years of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera's partnership in animation. This is the first animated project to be broadcast in Dolby Surround sound system.

Promotional video celebrating 20 years of the Naruto animation project.

Cisára zdržujú vo Viedni neodkladné štátne záležitosti a Sissi preto odchádza sama do Maďarska, aby s pomocou grófa Andrassyho získala revolučne zmýšľajúcu šľachtu na stranu Habsburgovcov. Andrassy vyzná Sissi lásku, ale ona vie, že patrí iba Francovi Jozefovi. Cisársky pár sa potom rozhodne stráviť niekoľko dní v Bad Ischle, ďaleko od tlaku viedenského dvora. Ale pretože Sissi v Maďarsku ochorela na pľúca, odchádza čoskoro na juh, aby sa tam vďaka miernejšiemu podnebiu uzdravila. Po jej rekonvalescencii uskutoční cisársky pár v záujme zlepšenia napätých vsťahov s talianskou šľachtou oficiálnu štátnu návštevu v talianskych provinciách. to sa však neobíde bez škandálu, nakoľko talianska šľachta pošle namiesto seba na slávnostné predstavenie do milánskej Scaly služobníctvo...

Hudební dokument Western Stars je filmovou verzí posledního stejnojmenného alba Bruce Springsteena, které se těší ohromnému mezinárodnímu úspěchu. Film nabízí fanouškům z celého světa jedinečnou příležitost přijmout pozvání do hudebníkovy historické katedrály, slavné stodoly staré téměř sto let, a vychutnat si všech 13 zbrusu nových písní, které zde Bruce Springsteen představuje v doprovodu své stálé kapely i symfonického orchestru. Přestože nás Springsteen ve svém prvním studiovém albu po pětileté pauze zavádí do zcela nových míst, vrací se zároveň ke svým kořenům. Dokument, který se dotýká témat jako jsou láska, ztráta, osamělost, rodina a neúprosné plynutí času, evokuje vzpomínky na americký západ a kombinuje archivní materiál a vyprávění Bruce Springsteena s písněmi z jeho poslední desky.

Akino is a trainee concierge at the Hokkyoku Department Store, an unusual department store that caters exclusively to animals. Under the watchful eyes of the floor manager and senior concierges, Akino runs around to fulfill the wishes of customers with a myriad of needs and problems in her pursuit to become a full-fledged concierge.

A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

Barbie comes home from shopping. She takes her groceries out of the bag and unwraps a little Barbie doll. She fries up the Barbie doll and eats it.

The rural Taiwanese outer islands of Kinmen sit merely 2 miles off the coast of China. Kinmen attracts tourists for its remains from the 1949 Chinese Civil War. It also marks the frontline for Taiwan in its escalating tension with China.

A half-sister and brother, illegitimate offsprings of Zeus, are stranded on a Channel Island ranch and face eviction by the US Government. They must find a play fated by Zeus and perform it flawlessly for the gods' amusement. If they do not act well, they will die. Shot over a period of 10 years "12" is 1 part L.A. love story, "The Importance of Being Earnest", a pagan spoof, personal diary of LA disasters of the 90's, and an unforgettable adventure about characters in search of themselves.

Part live-action, part animated story about a boy who, after an awful amusement park accident, gets a brain transplant, which allows him to see cartoon characters in real life.

Unavený z nákladov a zhonu mestského života vezme Recep Nurullaha do domu na vidieku, ktorý zdedil po svojej babičke. Na vedľajšom pozemku si zaparkuje príves Busra, právnička z Istanbulu. Najprv spolu nevychádzajú, no čoskoro ich čaká veľké dobrodružstvo za záchranou dediny pred nebezpečenstvom.

An archival investigation into the imperial image-making of the RAF ‘Z Unit’, which determined the destruction of human, animal and cultural life across Somaliland, as well as Africa and Asia.

Mater and Lightning McQueen are ready to rock! When Mater's garage band, Mater and the Gas Caps, records a hit song, Mater becomes a rock legend. Then Lightning joins Mater's band for the rock concert of the century!

An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

Santo and Mantequilla Nápoles team up to end the curse of La Llorona by getting ahold of a special medallion. Unfortunately, La Llorona escapes in the process.

12, is a comic parody about an office's obsession with the television show 24 as the their obsessions kick into high gear with the shows season finale approaching. Part The Office part 24, the short film mash-up introduces a novel send-up of these pop culture staples.

Recep Ivedik has been depressed since the death of his grandmother. Everyone who tries to help him fails. A young girl named Zeynep, who can't find an apartment, stays with Recep. Initially, the two can't stand each others but after a while, they grow close. Despite many adventures together, Recep's depression won't go away. That is until he experiences something he had never experienced before.