After reuniting with Gwen Stacy, Brooklyn’s full-time, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is catapulted across the Multiverse, where he encounters the Spider Society, a team of Spider-People charged with protecting the Multiverse’s very existence. But when the heroes clash on how to handle a new threat, Miles finds himself pitted against the other Spiders and must set out on his own to save those he loves most.

Beretningen om den amerikanske videnskabsmand J. Robert Oppenheimer og hans rolle i udviklingen af atombomben.

Section 9 får hænderne fulde da "The laughing man", en berygtet cyber terrorist som har holdt lav profil i de sidste 6 år pludselig dukker op igen. Aramaki tror at politiet hovedmistænkte er en lokkedue, og han beordrer derfor sine folk til at undersøge sagen nærmere. Major Motoko Kusanagi er grundet "The Laughing mans" seneste trussel, imidlertid på en opgave for at beskytte politiets general direktør ved en presse konference. Dette bliver begyndelsen på Section 9's mange møder med "The Laughing man". I mellemtiden har de fået til opgave at pågribe en udenlandsk revolutionær og samtidig sætte en stopper for det der ligner en organ smugler ring. Majoren og Section 9 er stærkt besluttet på at få disse kriminelle pågrebet!

With the help of the "Dragon Sin of Wrath" Meliodas and the worst rebels in history, the Seven Deadly Sins, the "Holy War", in which four races, including Humans, Goddesses, Fairies and Giants fought against the Demons, is finally over. At the cost of the "Lion Sin of Pride" Escanor's life, the Demon King was defeated and the world regained peace. After that, each of the Sins take their own path.

New York plages af spøgelser og genfærd, og politiet står magtesløst. De eneste, der har forstand på de overnaturlige væsner, er tre geniale parapsykologiske videnskabsmænd og deres firma 'Ghostbusters'. De går i gang med at uddrive gespensterne, men selv de får deres sag for, da den yndige Dana og hendes sære nabo bliver besat af dæmoner.

An experienced commercial pilot is forced to collaborate with his country's intelligence services to avoid being punished for a serious fault he committed on the job. He is quickly plunged into an underworld of intrigue and extortion that will put his life at risk and he will pay a very high price to escape from it.

An urban legend says that lighting fireworks at an abandoned airfield will beckon the "summer ghost," a spirit that can answer any question. Three teenagers, Tomoya, Aoi, and Ryo, each have their own reason to show up one day. When a ghost named Ayane appears, she reveals she is only visible to those "who are about to touch their death." Compelled by the ghost and her message, Tomoya begins regularly visiting the airfield to uncover the true purpose of her visits.

The Band of the Hawk participates in the Midland war campaign. On the bloody battlefield, they conquer decisive victories that lead them to Doldrey, an old fortress that will decide the outcome of the war.

'The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes' fortæller forhistorien til The Hunger Games-filmene. Vi følger den unge Coriolanus Snow, arving til hovedstadens tidligere leder og elev på Panems mest prestigefyldte akadami. Hvad ingen ved, er, at Snow i virkeligheden er ludfattig og satser på at modtage et diplom samt en pengepræmie, så hans familie kan overleve. Men da Snow under det 10. Dødsspil pludseligt skal være mentor for den unge oprørske Lucy Gray fra Distrikt 12, ændres alle planer. Pengepræmien går nemlig til den, hvis deltager vinder spillet. Lucy og Snow må nu bruge alle tricks for at vinde og i sidste ende overleve... men alt kompliceres yderligere, da mentor og deltager udvikler følelser for hinanden.

When Seiya, Hyōga and Shun visit Saori (Athena) at the orphanage, they meet an employee called Eri. An orphan herself, Eri takes a liking to Hyōga and one night they sit outside watching the stars. They see a shooting star and Hyōga asks Eri to make a wish. After Hyōga leaves, however, Eri becomes powerfully attracted to the shooting star and wanders alone into the woods, where she finds a golden apple. She is then possessed by Eris, the Goddess of Discord, and kidnaps Athena, planning to use the golden apple to suck her energy out, fully reincarnate and take over the world. Eris leaves a message for the Bronze Saints, who set out for the goddess's temple which appears on the mountains. There, the heroes fight the five Ghost Saints: Maya of Sagitta, Orpheus of Lyra, Christ of the Southern Cross, Jan of Scutum (called by the Japanese name Tateza) and Jäger of Orion.

When a golden opportunity arises to boost the fortunes of a forgotten fishing town, its residents set out to trick their way to making it happen.

After a high-ranking North Korean official requests asylum, KCIA Foreign Unit chief Park Pyong-ho and Domestic Unit chief Kim Jung-do are tasked with uncovering a North Korean spy, known as Donglim, who is deeply embedded within their agency. When the spy begins leaking top secret intel that could jeopardize national security, the two units are each assigned to investigate each other.

Delfinen Snebold redder en lille dreng i bølgerne. De to bliver meget tætte og lever et sorgløst liv i havet. En dag forstyrres freden i deres glade lille verden, af en onde blæksprutte.

A young Hip Hop star named Summer G falls for a middle to upper class sister while in college. After she rejects him for a fellow social climber, Summer G spends ten years building a Hip Hop empire, then moves to the Hamptons where he finds the object of his affections.

Erotisk præget drama om to fremmede, Alba og Natasha, der mødes ved et tilfælde og tilbringer en lidenskabelig nat sammen på et hotelværelse i Rom.

A recently married scholar goes on a quest for knowledge of other people's wives, based on his philosophical differences with the Sack Monk. He encounters the Flying Thief, who agrees to help him find women, but only if he attains a penis as big as a horse's. The scholar has a surgeon attach said unit, and he's off and running on his mission, only to find that there are obstacles to his new lifestyle, such as jealous husbands and treacherous females.

A woman finds the key to a room in the attic that her husband forbids her from entering. When she opens the door, she is confronted with the haunting existence of the woman her husband refuses to forget.

Miyano’s world of Boys’ Love manga turns to reality when chance leads him to Sasaki. Now, Sasaki wants to spend every opportunity with him.

A group of young martial artists infiltrate an underground pit fighting ring where the loser is chopped up and served in a Chinese restaurant.