In early 20th-century Naples, a theatrical parody lands beloved thespian and playwright Eduardo Scarpetta in court, facing a malicious lawsuit that could compromise his freedom of expression and the economic security of his extended family—including his son's, young Eduardo De Filippo.

An old film director, unhappy with the movie he's shooting about a Hungarian circus stranded in Rome during the 1956 anti-Soviet uprising, faces divorce from his producer wife and other problems.

A yellow cab is driving through the vibrant and colourful streets of Tehran. Very diverse passengers enter the taxi, each candidly expressing their views while being interviewed by the driver who is no one else but the director Jafar Panahi himself. His camera placed on the dashboard of his mobile film studio captures the spirit of Iranian society through this comedic and dramatic drive…

An actor past his prime gives drama lessons to prisoners in an attempt to stage "Waiting for Godot."

Meeting by chance when they return to their tiny California hometown, two former high-school sweethearts reflect on their shared past.

Martin Eden és un noi humil de poble que es guanya la vida treballant com a mariner. Un dia, en Martin defensa d'una agressió l'Arturo, un jove de classe alta. Com a agraïment, aquest convida en Martin a la seva llar i a poc a poc el va introduint en el seu estil de vida. El jove coneix així els avantatges de l'educació i veu això com una oportunitat per progressar i convertir-se en l'escriptor que ha decidit que vol ser, mentre aprofita el temps al màxim entre luxes. En Martin rebrà un impuls inesperat quan conegui l'Elena, la germana de l'Arturo, de la qual s'enamora a l'instant.

The amazing true story of a Uruguayan rugby team's plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes mountains, and their immense will to survive and pull through alive, forced to do anything and everything they could to stay alive on meager rations and through the freezing cold.

Gianni is a serial seducer but his life is destined to change when he meets Chiara, a beautiful woman who has had an accident and is paraplegic.

Una comèdia romàntica que et farà gaudir.

Un soldat expulsat de l'exèrcit busca el seu pare, a qui no coneix, perquè l'ajudi a fer realitat el seu somni de competir en carreres de motos SuperSport.

JR is a fatherless boy growing up in the glow of a bar where the bartender, his Uncle Charlie, is the sharpest and most colorful of an assortment of quirky and demonstrative father figures. As the boy’s determined mother struggles to provide her son with opportunities denied to her — and leave the dilapidated home of her outrageous if begrudgingly supportive father — JR begins to gamely, if not always gracefully, pursue his romantic and professional dreams, with one foot persistently placed in Uncle Charlie’s bar.

After tragedy strikes, an unlikely young hero takes her rightful place among the Power Rangers to face off against the team's oldest archnemesis.

After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, though he lacks for heroic skills.

Valentino and Salvo, unemployed and in search of fortune and recommendation, leave Palermo for Valentino’s home town, Monteforte, where they will try to survive the Italian crisis by opening some sort of hospice.

Fa deu anys que en Samba va arribar a França des del Senegal i des de llavors ha passat per diverses feines humils. L'Alice és una executiva que està passant una mala època. Tots dos lluiten per sortir del seu particular laberint. El destí farà que els seus camins es trobin.

Beckett (John David Washington), un nord-americà de vacances a Grècia, es converteix en víctima d'una persecució després d'un accident brutal. Mentre emprèn una fugida desesperada per Grècia per salvar la pell, arribar a l'ambaixada dels Estats Units i rentar-ne el nom, la tensió va en augment a mesura que les autoritats estrenyen el setge, el malestar polític augmenta, i Beckett es va endinsant més i més en una perillosa i intrincada conspiració.

London, England, April 1980. Six terrorists assault the Embassy of Iran and take hostages. For six days, tense negotiations are held while the authorities decide whether a military squad should intervene.

Sara and Nicola are married and in love. Their lives seem to be perfect: they have an angelic six-year-old daughter, thriving careers and a stable marriage. The birth of their second child, which disrupts the family balance, leads to tragicomic scenarios.

La Gray Wheeler és una jove que es queda molt trista quan el seu promès mor de sobte. Gray busca refugi en els amics d'ell: Sam, Dennis i Fritz. La relació amb aquests tres amics fa que Gray sàpiga secrets i noves facetes de l'home que ella es pensava que coneixia bé.

A WWII pilot traveling with top secret documents on a B-17 Flying Fortress encounters an evil presence on board the flight.