This DVD includes the following perfomances: If You Had My Love (1999 VH-1 Fashion Awards), If You Had My Love (video) Madison Square Garden Performance with Marc Anthony, No me Ames (video), Let's get Loud (1999 Women's World Cup), Waiting for Tonight (megamix video), If You Had My Love (1999 Blockbuster Music Awards), Baila (video), Feelin' So Good (video), Plus exclusive interviews from family and friends.

The Perfect Storm engulfs Los Angeles on the historic 25th Anniversary of SummerSlam. The wrecking ball force of Brock Lesnar meets the blind rage of a vengeful Triple H as two larger-than life gladiators collide for the first-time ever! Plus, CM Punk seeks validation for his status atop the WWE in a Triple Threat title defense against the Big Show and long-time rival John Cena. And after being injured at the hands of Alberto Del Rio, a determined Sheamus puts his World Heavyweight Championship on the line against the ruthless “Man of Destiny”. A violent whirling of storm clouds approaches the Staples Center for WWE SummerSlam!

Somewhere in the spanish country, in the 60s. Paco and his wife Régula are very poor. They work as tenant farmers for a very wealthy landowner. They have 3 children. One is backward. The others can not got to school because the master "needs" their work. When Regula's brother is fired from where he has worked for 61 years, he settles down at their little place... An attack against the archaism of the spanish country of the 60s.

In 1840s New York, the uneventful and boring days of the daughter of a wealthy doctor come to an end when she meets a dashing poorer man — who may or may not be after her inheritance.

Godard negyedik játékfilmje, amelynek alapját Marcel Sacotte bíró prostitúcióval kapcsolatos kutatásai adták: egy nagyon átlagos mai nő a mindennapi élet nyomására, anyagi okokból prostitúcióba kényszerül, s mint adásvétel tárgya végül értelmetlenül életét veszti. A mártíromság 12 stációjára bontva és a legkülönbözőbb utalásokkal gazdagítva elevenedik meg előttünk, Nana élete...

Re-re-repeat A rhythmic dialogue between sound and image: exploring space, corporeal phenomenology and chance outcomes, which alter perceptions of time and memory.

Napóleon csapatai Moszkva alatt állnak, ám ekkor a leggyámoltalanabb orosz ifjú, a nyápic és nyúlszívű Borisz Grusenko hősiesen a császár életére tör. Woody Allen fergeteges komédiájában ezúttal Tolsztoj és Dosztojevszkij életművéről szedi le a keresztvizet, miközben bődületes bölcsességekkel leszünk gazdagabbak, úgymint életről és halálról, szerelemről és háborúról, no és a mélységesen mély orosz lélekről. (

"Az Evangélium feldolgozása során, természetesen teljes mértékben hű akartam maradni Mátéhoz, mert így láttam helyesnek, elsősorban esztétikai, de történelmi okok miatt egyaránt... Később, a film forgatásakor mégis megpróbáltam erőszakot tenni az anyagon, hogy az aktualitásokhoz közelítsem..." (Pasolini)

A stark and graphic portrayal of the conditions that existed at the State Prison for the Criminally Insane at Bridgewater, Massachusetts, and documents the various ways the inmates are treated by the guards, social workers, and psychiatrists.

Egy kisvárosi hentes, Popaul megismerkedik Hélene-nel a tanítónővel egy ismerős pár lakodalmán. Ismeretségükből mély barátság alakul ki. A kisvárost egy sorozatgyilkos tartja rettegésben: a környéken fiatal lányokat szurkálnak halálra. Hélene az osztályával kirándulni megy az erdőbe. Hirtelen a fiatal feleség holttestére bukkannak, akit nemrégiben szúrtak agyon. Legnagyobb döbbenetére a holttest mellett megtalálja azt az öngyújtót, amelyet korábban ő ajándékozott Popaul-nak. A nyomozónak nem árulja el titkát.

LSD: Problem Child and Wonder Drug captures the fascinating story of LSD as it is eloquently told by Dr. Albert Hofmann, the 100-year-old sage-scientist who brought LSD into the world. With interviews and presentations by Rick Doblin, Alex Grey, Ralph Metzner, Carl Ruck, Goa Gil, and others, this historic message from the father of LSD is a timeless relic and an immediate source of inspiration. The story is told through an account of the 2006 International LSD Symposium in Basel, Switzerland. At the now-legendary conference, eighty speakers and two thousand participants gathered for three days in honor of Dr. Hofmann's 100th birthday and to hear Dr. Hofmann speak about his life, his discovery, and his thoughts on the psychedelic experience. It was also an occasion for leading doctors, researchers, artists and thinkers in the psychedelic field to present their work.

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

We had the lovely opportunity to chat with Dennis & Jiamin, owners of Nylon Coffee Roasters. Their passion and love for coffee gave birth to their nice little 'coffeeshop' (as they both call it), right in the quaint residential neighbourhood of Everton Park. Don't be fooled by the small seating area of this little 'hole-in-the-wall' coffeeshop. Nylon Coffee Roasters source, roast (in-house) and serve their own coffee bean blends with love.

After a depressed artist miraculously survives a suicide attempt, a series of horrific murders leads him to realize he may have been possessed by the vengeful spirit of a murdered gangster.

An ordinary high school student– with an incontinent grandmother and extremely horny dad, are visited by an extremely pretty avatar to preform a “mind transfer” on Grandma. But before too long, Dad’s sniffing round to get it on with the great-shaped avatar.

In a crowded, multi-appartment house, a young student peeps on his neighbours making love and subsequently develops a steamy affair with the neighbour's wife. The affair slowly becomes an obsession and spins out of control.

A bűnöző Madrid és társai veszik fel a harcot a vérszomjas fenevadak ellen. Közben egyre többen kerülnek a vámpírok hatalma alá...

Az ügyvéd, akit nemrég rúgtak ki a kamarából, abortuszra kíséri barátnőjét egy vidéki kórházba. Itt ismerkedik meg a helyi banda vezérével, Molecolával, aki hamarosan bevonja őt is kétes üzleteibe