Com narração de David Attenborough, imagens inéditas mostram como o confinamento permitiu à natureza recuperar e florescer. Nos mares, céus e terras, o planeta Terra encontrou o seu ritmo quando todos parámos.

In the secret forests of Northern Italy, a dwindling group of joyful old men and their faithful dogs search for the world’s most expensive ingredient, the white Alba truffle. Their stories form a real-life fairy tale that celebrates human passion in a fragile land that seems forgotten in time.

A police brigade works in the dangerous northern neighborhoods of Marseille, where the level of crime is higher than anywhere else in France.

As anger and resentment grow in the face of social inequalities, many citizens-led protests are being repressed with an ever-increasing violence. In this documentary, David Dufresne gathers a panel of citizens to question, exchange and confront their views on the social order and the legitimacy of the use of force by the State.

Há muito que Satoko e Kiyokazu (Hiromi Nagasaku e Arata Iura) desejavam ter um filho. Ao compreenderem que, infelizmente, tal não lhes seria possível de forma convencional, procuraram uma agência de adoção. Para grande felicidade de ambos, receberam nas suas vidas um recém-nascido a quem chamaram de Asato (Reo Sato). Passam-se seis anos tranquilos. Mas a harmonia transforma-se num pesadelo quando Satoko recebe um telefonema de Hikari (Aju Makita), a mãe biológica da criança, que lhe diz querer o filho de volta.

In Paris, Lulu, a passionate policeman, works with the faith of a rookie, despite the sclerotic bureaucracy and the incompetence or negligence of some of his colleagues. In his new position as a narcotics inspector, he tries to keep his sanity as he witnesses the worst of the human condition.

The film is set in Marais, a quiet region along the banks of Loire river in 1918. Riton is afflicted with a bad-tempered wife and three unruly children. Garris lives alone with his recollections of World War I trenches. Their daily life consists of seasonal work and visits from their two pals: Tane, the local train conductor and Amédée, a dreamer and voracious reader of classics.

Trinta anos após o lançamento do seu filme «JFK» (1991), o realizador Oliver Stone analisa provas recentemente desclassificadas relacionadas com o assassinato do Presidente John F. Kennedy, que teve lugar em Dallas a 22 de novembro de 1963.

The true story of immigration attorney Judy Wood and how she singlehandedly changed the U.S. law of asylum to save women's lives.

When an unlikely ally enters the Bloom family's world in the form of an injured baby magpie they name Penguin, the bird’s arrival makes a profound difference in the struggling family’s life.

Recorde os eventos que marcaram o 11 de setembro de 2001, da perspetiva do Presidente Bush e dos seus colaboradores mais próximos, e ouça o relato pormenorizado das horas cruciais e principais decisões tomadas naquele dia histórico.

The world is on the verge of a devastating war with monsters who are coming to retrieve the Scaling Stone. Yin Yang Master Qingming's life is in danger and he travels to different worlds to prepare for the upcoming assaults. On his journey, Qingming finds that the key to all the calamities is embracing his hybrid identity of both human and monster.

A história de Clara, que após sofrer uma grande desilusão com o seu marido, um polícia extremamente violento, decide fugir com os seus dois filhos à procura de uma nova vida. E, do solitário Marc, um homem que procura reconstruir a sua vida e que se cruza com Clara. No meio a circunstâncias inesperadas e rodeados por desconhecidos, pode surgir uma nova história de amor.

Em 1989, um jornalista canadiano investiga as circunstâncias em torno do encarceramento altamente suspeito de um viciado em heroína numa prisão tailandesa.

Rosa is about to turn 45 and realises that she's always lived her life to serve everyone else. So she decides to leave it all behind, take charge of her life and fulfil her dream of starting her own business.

Everything changes in the life of a young 15-year-old Chukchi hunter Lyoshka with the advent of the Internet in the village. He falls in love – for the first time and deeply – with the silent video chat girl. Upon learning that she lives in Detroit, Lyoshka decides on the most desperate act in his life.

An adaptation of the Rankin/Bass cartoon, "The King Kong Show". King Kong is brought in by the evil Dr. Who to dig for Element X in a mine when the robot Mechani-Kong is unable to do the task. This leads to the machine and the real Kong engaging in a tremendous battle atop Tokyo Tower.

Lyon, 1960s. Emile is twelve years old. His father is a hero. He says he is a judo champ, a parachutist, a soccer player and even a personal advisor to General de Gaulle. Now he wants to save French Algeria! Fascinated and proud, Emile willingly follows his father in missions of utmost danger: tailing, spying, delivering top-secret letters. Emile carries out his orders in all seriousness. He even recruits Luca, a new classmate, into his secret combat. But what if the father’s exploits were all phony, and far too dangerous for children?

Five women are about to give birth. They do not know each other, are not alike, but will find themselves in the same maternity to live the best day of their lives. The first contractions at birth, the film traces their journey, between laughter and tears.

Benito González (Javier Bardem) sonha com dinheiro, poder e, sobretudo, sexo. Além de sexo, um de seus desejos é construir um grande e fálico arranha-céu, o que consegue quando se casa com a filha de um milionário. Ele está feliz com a riqueza, mas um acidente e uma série de outros acontecimentos farão com que repense o modo como vê o mundo e trata as pessoas.