Never-before-seen footage shows how our living in lockdown opened the door for nature to bounce back and thrive. Across the seas, skies, and lands, Earth found its rhythm when we came to a stop.

In the secret forests of Northern Italy, a dwindling group of joyful old men and their faithful dogs search for the world’s most expensive ingredient, the white Alba truffle. Their stories form a real-life fairy tale that celebrates human passion in a fragile land that seems forgotten in time.

Sătui de munca banală de zi cu zi, trei polițiști marsiliezi au șansa să spargă o puternică rețea de narcotraficanți, însă o informatoare-cheie le face o cerere incomodă.

As anger and resentment grow in the face of social inequalities, many citizens-led protests are being repressed with an ever-increasing violence. In this documentary, David Dufresne gathers a panel of citizens to question, exchange and confront their views on the social order and the legitimacy of the use of force by the State.

After suffering through a long and unsuccessful series of fertility treatments, Satoko and her husband Kiyokazu make the decision to adopt a child. Six years after adopting a boy they named Asato, Satoko has quit her job to concentrate fully on her husband and son. The family lives a peaceful existence until the arrival of a stranger.

In Paris, Lulu, a passionate policeman, works with the faith of a rookie, despite the sclerotic bureaucracy and the incompetence or negligence of some of his colleagues. In his new position as a narcotics inspector, he tries to keep his sanity as he witnesses the worst of the human condition.

The film is set in Marais, a quiet region along the banks of Loire river in 1918. Riton is afflicted with a bad-tempered wife and three unruly children. Garris lives alone with his recollections of World War I trenches. Their daily life consists of seasonal work and visits from their two pals: Tane, the local train conductor and Amédée, a dreamer and voracious reader of classics.

Thirty years after the release of his film JFK (1991), filmmaker Oliver Stone reviews recently declassified evidence related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which took place in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

The true story of immigration attorney Judy Wood and how she singlehandedly changed the U.S. law of asylum to save women's lives.

Sam Bloom e o mamă tânără, a cărei lume e distrusă în urma unui accident. Un aliat neașteptat intră în familia lui Bloom, sub forma unei coțofene rănite, pe nume Penguin, care schimbă viețile tuturor.

Experience the events of September 11, 2001 through the eyes of President Bush and his closest advisors as they personally detail the crucial hours and key decisions from that historic day.

The world is on the verge of a devastating war with monsters who are coming to retrieve the Scaling Stone. Yin Yang Master Qingming's life is in danger and he travels to different worlds to prepare for the upcoming assaults. On his journey, Qingming finds that the key to all the calamities is embracing his hybrid identity of both human and monster.

Clara and her two sons escape from her abusive husband with little more than their car and plan to start over in New York. After the car towed away, the family meets Alice, who gets them into an emergency shelter. While stealing food at a Russian restaurant called ‘Winter Palace’, Clara meets Marc, who has been given the chance to help the old eatery regain its former glory. The ‘Winter Palace’ soon becomes a place of unexpected encounters between people who are all undergoing some sort of crisis and whom fate has now brought together.

Daniel Léger, un fost dependent de heroină, se implică într-o afacere cu droguri cu persoanele nepotrivite şi din motivele nepotrivite. Când lucrurile se înrăutăţesc, Daniel ajunge într-o închisoare thailandeză şi primeşte o sentinţă de 100 de ani. În timp ce încearcă să supravieţuiască în închisoarea din Bangkok, condamnarea sa captează atenţia jurnalistului Victor Malarek de la ziarul Globe and Mail, care decide să meargă după poliţiştii sub acoperire responsabili de acuzarea pe nedrept a lui Daniel.

Rosa is about to turn 45 and realises that she's always lived her life to serve everyone else. So she decides to leave it all behind, take charge of her life and fulfil her dream of starting her own business.

Everything changes in the life of a young 15-year-old Chukchi hunter Lyoshka with the advent of the Internet in the village. He falls in love – for the first time and deeply – with the silent video chat girl. Upon learning that she lives in Detroit, Lyoshka decides on the most desperate act in his life.

An adaptation of the Rankin/Bass cartoon, "The King Kong Show". King Kong is brought in by the evil Dr. Who to dig for Element X in a mine when the robot Mechani-Kong is unable to do the task. This leads to the machine and the real Kong engaging in a tremendous battle atop Tokyo Tower.

Lyon, anii 1960. Emile are 12 ani. Tatăl lui e un erou. El spune că e campion la judo, parașutist, fotbalist și chiar și consilier personal al generalului de Gaulle. Acum vrea să salveze Algeria franceză! Fascinat și mândru, Emile își urmează tatăl în misiuni foarte periculoase: urmărit, spionat, trimiterea unor scrisori secrete. Emile e foarte serios când vine vorba de îndeplinirea ordinelor. El chiar îl recrutează pe Luca, un coleg nou, în lupta lui secretă. Dar dacă toate aventurile tatălui său sunt false și mult prea periculoase pentru copii?

Five women are about to give birth. They do not know each other, are not alike, but will find themselves in the same maternity to live the best day of their lives. The first contractions at birth, the film traces their journey, between laughter and tears.

Benito González este un inginer extravagant din Melilla, cu o personalitate neclintită și îndrăzneață. Visul lui este să construiască cea mai înaltă clădire din regiune. După ce prietena lui îl părăsește, el se dedică în totalitate ambițiilor sale, hotărând să nu lase nimic să-i stea în cale. Se căsătorește cu fiica unui miliardar, intenționând să folosească banii tatălui ei pentru a-și realiza proiectul. Benito își face drumul printr-o carieră plină de excese, fetișuri și înșelăciuni, dar conflictele personale pe care le dezlănțuie în cele din urmă îi duc viața în spirală spre dezastru.