A documentary exploring what it means to be Japanese.
Last month, 82 Nigerian schoolgirls were released after 3 years of imprisonment. In exchange, 5 terrorist leaders walked free - These leaders belong to Boko Haram, the most bloodthirsty terrorist group on the planet. The group gained global notoriety after their kidnapping of 276 students in 2014, over 100 of which have not yet been released. Their objective: to establish a Caliphate and impose sharia - Islamic law - in the heart of Africa. In an attempt to understand who these terrorists are, how they operate, and what kind of a threat they represent to Africa and the rest of the world, we have investigated in Nigeria, Cameroon and on the border of Niger and Nigeria, meeting former prisoners, repented jihadists and troops on the frontline.
其深陷的面容、著魔卻又脆弱的眼神,營造無可取代的獨特風格,黑暗音樂界大使、冷酷哥德教主、入籍「澳洲音樂協會名人堂」的Nick Cave,緊附Punk Rock、Gothic Rock、No Wave及Blues的曲風,在猶如吞吐字句呢喃著故事的演繹,探索各種情感的多變,舉凡瘋狂憤怒、晦暗頹靡、美麗虛無或是病態扭曲,無一不包。自1983年帶領Bad Seeds樂團,聯手以極為沈溺姿勢詮釋出迷人的魔鬼詩篇。Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds花費長達兩年時間錄製第16張錄音室新碟《Skeleton Tree》,如同封面的全黑呈獻,不僅是一張陰暗黑色調性的全數籠罩,更是極度悲傷的作品。空降英國亞軍、澳洲+丹麥+挪威+紐西蘭等多國冠軍,美國寫下出道以來成績最好的NO.27商業記錄。分別獲得每日電訊報、英國衛報、獨立報、NME、Q雜誌全數滿分推崇,已入籍MOJO+NME+Paste+滾石雜誌+Rough Trade+Stereogum的年度50大專輯名單之列!
Cynthia Lowen’s powerful documentary Netizens highlights three women as each wages war against one of the internet’s most malevolent forces: prevalent and un-policed misogyny, harassment, and stalking. Directed at thousands of women daily by way of social media, it lies in plain sight, and its ramifications never remain only online. The film deftly depicts not only the forms digital abuse can take, from non-consensual pornography to invasion of privacy, but also the consequences for its victims.
尹麦德(沙哈布·侯赛尼 Shahab Hosseini 饰)是学校里教授文学的老师,同时,他和妻子蕾娜(塔兰涅·阿里多斯蒂 Taraneh Alidoosti 饰)一起在剧团里表演话剧,夫妻两人感情十分深厚。某日,两人所住的房子成为了危楼,随时都有倒塌的危险,无奈之下,尹麦德和蕾娜只得临时找了另一个住所,匆匆入住。某日,蕾娜提前回到家中,不想遭到了陌生男子的袭击晕倒在浴室之中,愤怒的尹麦德根据罪犯遗漏的车钥匙找到了一辆小货车,一路尾随至面包店。最终,尹麦德找到了罪魁祸首巴巴克(巴巴克·卡里米 Babak Karimi 饰),却发现他当时亦只是一念之差走错了路,并且对自己的所作所为充满了愧疚。尹麦德要求巴巴克在自己的妻子和儿子面前坦白罪行,没想到却酿成了所有人都无法承受的惨痛后果。
A divorced father picks up his eight-year-old daughter Lea. It seems pretty much like every second weekend, but after a while Lea can't help feeling that something isn't right. So begins a fateful journey.
《时光依旧》跨越了从1948年到现在60多年的时间,通过一个人的遭遇审视了发生在以色列的巨变。 《时光依旧》是一个半自传性的电影,记录了一个家庭生活中四个标志性的片段。这部电影以我父亲的私人记事本为素材,从1948年他作为一名抵抗战士开始讲述,同时参杂了我母亲写给她流亡海外的亲人的家书和我关于父母亲的私人回忆。电影描绘了这些巴勒斯坦人日常生活的画卷:他们留在他们出生的土地上,被划入“阿拉伯以色列人”,在自己的国家作为少数派而存在着。 从1948年以色列建国至今,透过一名巴勒斯坦抵抗组织成员福阿德的故事,呈现出他儿子对自我身份认同的追问。这场政治浩劫的现实让伊利亚•苏雷曼不得不思考这样一个问题:是他将巴勒斯坦带到了他所到之处,还是巴勒斯坦自己延伸到了世界的其他地方?
A box of stunning family photos awakens grief and lost memories as they are viewed for the first time on camera.
Based on a true incident, the film is about four men, who call themselves Ayyankali Pada, holding the Palakkad collector hostage demanding tribal land rights.
还有5天,西尔维乌就要从感化院中释放,可是自从他知道自己那消失了多年的母亲再次出现,并决定带走与他相依为命的弟弟后,这5天开始变得如一个世纪般漫长。 自从多年前母亲突然消失后,西尔维乌独自把弟弟带大,将他视作自己的儿子。如今在最后关头,他越来越担心弟弟就这样被带走。仓惶之中,他决定绑架自己暗恋的心理学社工安娜,并带她一起逃走。逃离感化院的西尔维乌,第一次尝到了自由的味道:穿过发间的风,开阔的大路,还有他的初吻……一切都因此有了可能。
With an enthralling central performance by Gilbert Sicotte, this masterful debut feature examines the life of the top car salesman in a fading Quebec town as events challenge the 67-year-old’s sense of identity and the meaning of life at the most profound level.
A police officer tries to find out who is to blame for a crime committed against a candidate for mayor of a small town. He hears versions of a hired killer, the victim's fiancée, and the candidate himself.
Alvin Ailey是一位有远见的艺术家,他通过舞蹈找到了救赎。 这幅身临其境的肖像用他自己的话讲述,并通过创作一种受他生活启发的舞蹈来讲述一个男人,当面对一个拒绝拥抱他的世界时,他决心建立一个愿意拥抱他的世界。
Mehmet, a young Turkish man newly migrated from the village Tire, takes a job searching for water leaks below the surface of the streets of Istanbul. Due to a strange set of events, he is mistaken for a Kurd, imprisoned, and brutally beaten. Upon his release a week later, he becomes an outcast marked as a Kurd, losing his apartment, his job, and eventually his girl friend, Arzu. When a Kurdish friend, Berzan is killed in a street protest triggered by a hunger strike, Mehmet takes a trek to return the body to Berzan's home village near the Iraqi border, and learns why so many Kurds are refugees.
St. John’s Night is a traditional midsummer Latvian celebration where family and friends get together to build bonfires, drink and have a good time. According to a legend, on this night lovers and those who wish to fall in love can search the woods for the "magic fern".