Noch immer ist die Menschheit in einen erbitterten Kampf gegen die mörderischen Titanen verstrickt und obwohl Annie Leonhardt gefangen genommen werden konnte, ist noch immer unklar, woher die riesigen Kreaturen überhaupt kommen. Auch die Mauerkirche gibt ihr Wissen über die Titanen nicht preis und so gibt es nur noch eine einzige Spur, die direkt zu Mitglied des 104. Trainingskorps führt. Unterdessen legen Erens Freunde Reiner und Berthold ein erschütterndes Geständnis ab..

Lazy, uneducated students mostly coming from money, share a very close band. They live together in the dormitory of this private highschool, where they daily plan their latest pranks on teachers or the other classes. When a new and obviously strict headmaster arrives, the students naturally try to overthrow him. A comic war of nitwits follows.

A man, thought to be dead, returns to his hometown in Florida. He finds his wife re-married and the town now ruled by corrupt forces.

Aus dem Englischen übersetzt-The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers ist ein sowjetischer Actionfilm von 1968, eine Fortsetzung von The Elusive Avengers, der von Edmond Keosayan inszeniert und auf Mosfilm gedreht wurde. Dem Film folgten The Crown of the Russian Empire oder Once Again the Elusive Avengers, die 1971 veröffentlicht wurden.

UFO experts claim that after the explosion of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was an increase in the number of sightings of UFO'S (Unidentified Flying Objects) worldwide. Just over two decades later, the Brazilian medium Chico Xavier confided to close friends that when man reached the moon on July 20, 1969, happened a meeting with the celestial beings of our solar system to check the progress of humanity. They decided to grant a period of 50 years for humanity to evolve morally and live in peace, without provoking a third world war. If we live in peace until the Deadline, humanity would be ready to enter a new era of its existence, and magnificent feats would be checked everywhere, including our brothers from other planets would be expressly authorized to present themselves publicly and officially to Earth's residents.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

Young Russian Princess Anastasia is the cherished daughter of the mighty Czar Nicholas. Anastasia’s perfect world changes forever when the evil monk Rasputin topples the Czar from power. Anastasia falls in love with the dashing young soldier, Alexander, who helps the young princess flee for her life.

Für Hunderte Flüchtlingskinder bleiben die Ungewissheiten ihres Lebens nicht ohne Folgen: Sie verfallen in das sogenannte "Resignationssyndrom".

In der Eiszeit hält der Frühling Einzug: Blumen erblühen, die Tiere erwachen aus ihrem Winterschlaf und die Familien freuen sich auf den Nachwuchs. Da überkommt Sid die verrückte Idee, einen Eier-Sitting-Service für die werdenden Eltern ins Leben zu rufen. Sein Plan droht jedoch zu scheitern, denn Squint, das Piraten-Kaninchen, entführt die Eier, um mit dem Lösegeld ein neues Piratenschiff anzuschaffen.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

David Lynch turns this digital video of a ballerina into an impressionistic exercise.

The film focuses on an extraordinary person called Igor Burtsev. He has traveled half the world in the search for Yeti. And though his friends and colleagues look at his hobby with irony he is not planning to give up. He is sure that Bigfoot is somewhere near, and they are bound to meet some day. In fact? it doesn’t really matter whether the long awaited meeting is to happen, or not. What matters is that Burtsev’s loyal friend called Yeti prompts him every day to keep moving forward.

Als eine Bulldogge Jerry sagt, er solle „nur pfeifen“, wann immer er ihn braucht, gerät Tom in große Schwierigkeiten, bis er dem Köter Ohrenschützer anlegt.

Daffy is a professional paranormal investigator come to help a possessed damsel in distress.

Claudia and Flavio were once passionately in love, but all of that is over. Now, in their fifties, they must venture anew into the world of love and dating once more but for Claudia confronting the end and accepting a new beginning isn’t so easy. Claudia is unwilling to let go and forget the life she’s built with Flavio, while Flavio, eager to move on, soon finds himself in a relationship with a much younger woman. Claudia soon reconnects with Nina, a student from her days as a professor.

When down-to-earth Alex says yes to her boyfriend's marriage proposal, she has no idea that her future-in-laws are none other than Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

A male lion, right next to bars that are about 6 or 8 inches apart, keenly watches a uniformed zoo attendant toss small morsels of food into the cage. The lion alternates between finding the food on the cage floor and reaching through the bars to swipe at the man, who stays alarmingly close to the beast. In the background are the large rocks and brick wall at the back of the lion's habitat.

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