A trilogia humanista de Kobayashi, "Guerra e humanidade", continua tendo, neste segundo filme, o idealista Kaji sendo mandado à Manchúria, o local mais longe do Japão e com as mais selvagens atrocidades acontecendo durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ao descobrir que os soldados são cruelmente maltratados pelo seu sargento e oficiais, Kaji resolve fazer um protesto.

Jacek, an angry drifter, murders a taxi driver, brutally and without motive. His case is assigned to Piotr, an idealistic young lawyer who is morally opposed to the death penalty, and their interactions take on an emotional honesty that throws into stark relief for Piotr the injustice of killing of any kind.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Fanny e Alexandre são irmãos e vivem na exuberante e colorida Ekdahl, na Suécia. Seus pais, Oscar e Emilie, são o diretor e a atriz principal da companhia de teatro local. Após a morte prematura de Oscar, Emilie casa com o bispo e se muda com as crianças para a austera casa do religioso, onde elas passam a ter uma vida bem diferente da que levavam até então.

A imparável sede de poder de Kano vai levá-lo a tentar conquistar o Plano Terreno, uma alma de cada vez. Com a ajuda de um trio de mercenários Black Dragon implacáveis, ele irá devastar sem qualquer piedade todas as cidades indefesas que encontrar. A escolha é simples: ceder ou ser aniquilado. Entretanto, o guerreiro rebelde Kensi busca a ajuda de Kuai Ling, o único suficientemente poderoso para desafiar Kano. Mas Kuai Ling abdicou da sua vida de guerreiro, e Kenshi não tem a disciplina necessária para derrotar Kano. Se Kuai Ling não conseguir quebrar o gelo das suas dúvidas, nada conseguirá salvar o Plano Terreno. Todo o planeta está em jogo, e nunca arriscamos Konsequências mais graves!

Renascimento do Evangelho foi o terceiro filme de "Evangelho Nova Génese" a ser lançado no Japão. Renascimento é finalmente a "visão final" de GAINAX e Anno Hideaki. Ele combina partes dos dois primeiros filmes, "Evangelho Nova Génese: Morte e Ressurreição" e "O Fim do Evangelho", numa longa produção.

There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.

Shozo Hirono has managed to separate from the Yamamori family and create his own small family, and extend his circle of acquaintances. These new friendships include a powerful underboss of the Muraoka family, Noboru Uchimoto.

Mônica tenta dar um banho no Monicão que foge para o cinema. Lá a turminha aproveita para ver uma série de aventuras com seus bichinhos de estimação, enquanto procura pelo Monicão.

Depois de relaxar na praia, os Chapéus de Palha acham que o Going Merry foi roubado por ladrões. Eles os perseguem, depois que eles são encontrados eles identificam-se como os irmãos ladrões, que planeiam roubar o relógio de diamante da Ilha Nejimaki tornando-se os maiores ladrões do mundo. Eles, então, encontram um grupo de piratas perigosas com seu capitão, Bear King, que tem a intenção de se tornar o Rei dos Piratas. Depois Nami é sequestrada, a viagem dos Chapéus de palha para a Ilha Nejimaki e desafiar os Irmãos Ladrões para uma grande batalha no Trunfo do Castelo.

After being suspended from their agency due to a rules violation, teenage hitmen Chisato and Mahiro are forced to get “real” jobs to make ends meet. But while the elite duo is forbidden from executing targets or enemies under any circumstances, two aspiring rival hitmen decide to eliminate the competition while they’re vulnerable—leading to a lightning-fast showdown between trained killers.

In what is left of the city of Jaffa, a man about to lose his house contemplates his fate. Meanwhile two women remain tied to their homes. Cats scrabbling her front door, one finds solace feeding her old mother, until her house is taken over by an Israeli film crew. The other immerses herself in dreams of love whilst making wedding decorations. In a nearby café an old captain sits motionless the whole day through, while another man moves restless like a fish in an aquarium. For these Palestinian characters this is a way of life, holding onto hope through their own rituals.

A funny story about a life of a big department store and its employees and customers.

In the late 1960s, Dhofar rose up against the British-backed Sultanate of Oman, in a democratic, Leninist guerrilla movement. Director Heiny Srour and her team crossed 500 miles of desert and mountains by foot, under bombardment by the British Royal Air Force, to reach the conflict zone and capture this rare record of a now mostly-forgotten war.

In this sequel to the popular adventures of Mademoiselle C, the strange Mademoiselle Charlotte began a new life as a postwoman in Saint-Gérard where she encounters a particularly dishonest businessman.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

A honest cop tries to track down the brain behind a series of robberies and murders, but things turn personal when his family become pawns in the criminal's game.

In 1953, Jacqueline Auriol, a French pilot, is about to go down in history along with her jet aircraft.