Džo Gardeners ir skolotājs skolā, kurš ārprātīgi mīl džezu. Pēc veiksmīgas uzstāšanās klubā "Half Note", viņš nejauši iekļūst negadījumā, kas nošķir viņa dvēseli no ķermeņa. Tā rezultātā viņš tiek nosūtīts uz You Seminar - centru, kas palīdz attīstīt dvēseles un iegūt kaislības pirms tās tiek nogādātas jaundzimušajiem. Džo nākās lūgt palīdzību no citām apmācāmajām dvēselēm, jo tikai tā viņam izdosies atgriezties uz Zemes.

Veļas mazgātavas īpašniece Evelīna ir pārstrādājusies, atsvešinājusies no vīra un meitas, turklāt ģimenes bizness ir uz slēgšanas robežas. Viss kļūst vēl ļaunāk, kad Evelīna nonāk stingrās nodokļu inspektores Deirdres redzeslokā. Kādā no vizītēm ieņēmumu dienestā Evelīnas vīrs atklāj, ka ieradies no citas pasaules, lai uzticētu Evelīnai visa multiversa glābšanu. Ceļojot pa paralēlām pasaulēm, Evelīna iegūst gan jaunas spējas, gan iepazīst dažādās dzīves, kādas būtu varējusi dzīvot, ja jaunībā būtu pieņēmusi citus lēmumus.

Anglijas karalis Džordžs VI negaidīti kāpa tronī, kad viņa brālis Edvards no tā atteicās pēc tēva karaļa Džordža V nāves. Jaunais karalis netīkoja pēc karaļa troņa, jo visu mūžu bija cietis no runas defekta. Otrā pasaules kara priekšvakarā Anglijai bija nepieciešams līderis, un karaļa sieva Elizabete pierunāja vīru vērsties pie ekscentriskā runas terapeita Laionela Loga. Lai gan iesākums bija grūts, terapijas laikā starp viņiem izveidojās ciešas saites. Ar Laionela, karaļa ģimenes, valdības un Vinstona Čērčila atbalstu, karalim izdodas pārvarēt stostīšanos un uzstāties radio ar runu, kas neatgriezeniski iedvesmoja britu nāciju...

The arranged marriage between a capricious woman from Tokyo high society and a quiet and rustic man is tested by a marital crisis.

A grieving father in a downward spiral stumbles across a box of his recently deceased son's demo tapes and lyrics. Shocked by the discovery of this unknown talent, he forms a band in the hope of finding some catharsis.

Akari is a first grade high school student. She is positive, realistic and outgoing with romance. Akari though is not good at expressing her feelings. She become friends with Yuna, who attends the same high school. Yuna has a hard time talking with strangers and she is passive with romance. She has never been in love, but she dreams of having a romance like those drawn in manga. Even though Akari and Yuna have totally different personalities, they are now good friends. Yuna gets attracted to Rio who is Akari’s stepbrother and attends the same high school. Akari becomes attracted to Kazuomi, who is Yuna’s childhood friend and attends the same high school.

A profoundly personal voyage into the complexity, fragility and wonder of the human brain, after Lotje Sodderland miraculously survives a hemorrhagic stroke and finds herself starting again in an alien world, bereft of language and logic. This feature documentary takes us on a genre-twisting tale that is by turns excruciating and exquisite - from the devastating consequences of a first-time neurological experiment, through to the extraordinary revelations of her altered sensory perception.

A man tries to make his wife fall in love with him again, after waking up in an alternate reality where she never knew him.

Beneath Anna Poliatova's striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world's most feared government assassins.

Billy Batson and his foster siblings, who transform into superheroes by saying "Shazam!", are forced to get back into action and fight the Daughters of Atlas, who they must stop from using a weapon that could destroy the world.

Vivien, an accomplished student with a passion for physics, and Roy, a troubled young man, are involved in an accident that forces them to reclaim their lives one minute at the time.

The French government is asking Gustave Eiffel to design something spectacular for the 1889 Paris World Fair, but he simply wants to design the subway—until he crosses paths with a mysterious woman from his past.

Though Rachel is a successful attorney and a loyal, generous friend, she is still single. After one drink too many at her 30th-birthday celebration, Rachel unexpectedly falls into bed with her longtime crush, Dex -- who happens to be engaged to her best friend, Darcy. Ramifications of the liaison threaten to destroy the women's lifelong friendship, while Ethan, Rachel's confidant, harbors a potentially explosive secret of his own.

Following a zombie outbreak in Las Vegas, a group of mercenaries take the ultimate gamble: venturing into the quarantine zone to pull off the greatest heist ever attempted.

Tom Medina is sent by a juvenile judge to the Camargue, to live with Ulysses, a kind-hearted man in tune with nature. Inhabited by visions, fascinated by bulls and horses, Tom learns the trade of a herdsman at Ulysses’ side. He no longer steals and now thirsts for knowledge and aspires to become someone else. Revolted by the hostility which does not change towards him, he fights against his destiny and crosses the road of Suzanne…

Travis Block is a shadowy Government agent who specializes in removing operatives whose covers have been exposed. He then has to uncover a deadly conspiracy within his own ranks that reaches the highest echelons of power.

In the heirs, the friendship ends, as is well known - especially if the illegitimate scion of a count is to come unexpectedly to a million-fortune. In a bitter inheritance dispute, Paula Dennstein and Therese Schwarz are the lawyers of the parties to the dispute, who at eye level deliver a sophisticated exchange of blows and outdo each other in bluffing. While the idealistic career starter leaves no stone unturned to help her client to his rights, the lavish legal advocate of the noble family must prevent the family's reputation from getting under the wheels.

Husband does not understand his wife? Conflict with children? Do you want to be heard and stood in your place? Be afraid of your desires. In this family, everything changed places, including grandmother.

Is it right to be treated as a weirdo just because you are Death incarnate? Even Death has feelings, and God forbid, even Death may die.

Passengers on a low cost flight from Djerba to Beauvais have their patience tested to destruction when their departure is delayed for eight hours because of a fault with the plane's air-conditioning. In the end, they are so fed up that they will do almost anything to get back home.