Dave Slade (Nicholas M. Garofolo) faces a myriad of internal and external struggles in trying to figure out what is real or surreal. He encounters the threatening presence of Terranova (Dakota Wollmer), a woman who claims she is from the future. Then Slade has to navigate his way with a new friend or foe, Krasota, (Karoline Fischer). His Landlord, Mary Lee (Rosie Xu), is a positive presence but she disappears as a result of Krasota who states it is futurist villain Riccoine, (Brett Wise) and his finger weapon. Then futuristic vampires come to Coney Island to cause havoc for Dave Slade, including one attractive blonde, Alvara, (Arina Ozerova) with alternative motives. Slade must navigate through the dark night on Coney Island as the vampires come out to feed including Alvara and her unwanted controlling Silas (Warren Chao). Slade and his ex-CIA cohort, Old Man, (Dave Sweeney) must figure out the way out of these challenges to make things right for themselves and the world at hand.

Goodbye Tornio is a vivid depiction of being young, fearlessly following your dreams and figuring things out on your own as you go. Eighteen-year-old Vilma celebrates her graduation from high school, with toasts from loving parents and parties with best friends, before leaving her hometown in Lapland and moving to the big city.

Convinced of his girlfriend's infidelity, a man embarks on a mythical quest to reclaim his masculinity.

В окрестности города С-Петербурга, в дворцовом парке города Павловска стоит своеобразный памятник. Время не пощадило эту металлическую конструкцию, бывшую когда-то, видимо, фонтаном с неким обнаженным торсом на вершине. От фигуры венчающей фонтан осталась одна рука, воздетая к небу в решительном жесте. Это созданный временем памятник руке, как главному вершителю человеческих идей. Руками пекут хлеб и строят дома, учат детей и ласкают любимых, создают шедевры и ведут к свету. Рука, протянутая другу символизирует братство, сопернику - примирение. Однако, ею можно держать и оружие, подписывать смертный приговор, совращать, бить или даже убивать. Чему же, добру или злу, поставлен природой этот монумент? Этот вопрос стал катализатором идеи для создания фильма “Двое”, в котором на примере взаимоотношения двух молодых людей делается попытка пофилософствовать на данную тему.

Киноповесть о кузнеце Шоахмеде Шомахмудове и его жене, усыновивших и воспитавших в годы Великой Отечественной войны четырнадцать осиротевших детей разных национальностей...

A woman fell in love with a Japanese soldier, during the Japanese Occupation in the Philippines. The whole town turned against her.

Jean Evans of an international wildlife foundation, who is known to Africa as 'the Panther Girl' because of her bravery in jungle living, stumbles on a plot by a mad scientist to frighten the natives out of a diamond-laden district by chemically growing crayfish to giant size, and enlists the aid of a game hunter friend to prevent a monster rampage and bring the culprits to justice.

Оказавшись по воле случая на острове Динотопия, где в мире и согласии живут люди и динозавры, братья Дэвид и Карл нашли здесь настоящих друзей. Но этому «затерянному раю» грозит гибель. Угроза исходит и из высокой башни, в которой обитает Ле Саж, лидер враждебного племени «изгнанников», и от загадочного колдуна, ставящего опасные эксперименты в надежде обрести бессмертие. Но самая большая опасность — начали терять свою силу солнечные камни, служащие источниками жизни Динотопии. А в миле от Города Водопадов замечено стадо хищных тиранозавров. Тем временем люди Ле Саж нашли артефакт, некогда принадлежавший человеку, правившему тиранозаврами, и способный уничтожить Динотопию. Карл и Дэвид должны решить, стоит ли им рискнуть жизнью, чтобы спасти этот прекрасный мир…

Yonosuke Hikura appears to be an ordinary high school student. Yet he has inherited the important role of protecting the harmony between Heaven and Earth. With the help of the magical sword Chitentai, and Tsukinojo Inbe, he courageously battles the demons, sending them back to the Earth World, from which they have escaped.

The stooges are greeting card salesmen who are mistakenly inducted into the army after escaping from the jealous husband of one of their customers. In bootcamp their sergeant turns out to be the same man, whom they constantly vex and bewilder. When the boys are sent to the front lines and the sergeant is captured they must rescue him, which they do after doping themselves with laughing gas. At the end they get shot off into the sunset on a cannon shell.

He was at the bay when his world split in half.

RGBebop / Anthropology is an animated visual music improvisation in color and sound, made by hand with laser-cut stencils, pen, brush, ink, and paper.

Spit and Ashes is a reimagining of the historical violence waged against women by patriarchal forces in the name of religion, medicine and family. The High Priestess embodies the wild, sexual and grotesque - the un-tamable hunger of female desire and the ultimate threat to male power. The Midwife is the spirit of all women who sought knowledge and agency over their own bodies and paid for their agency with their lives. Through a series of erotic and brutal rituals these women come together to reclaim their bodies and prepare for the fight ahead.

4th episode of a serie of 5. Chinny is stuck in a marriage with a disgusting midget, but is seduced and tricked into becoming the fifth concubine of lecherous official Simon Hsin. While Chinny is mistreated by the other concubines, Simon has affairs with anything that movies, poisons Chinny's husband, and imprisons her brother-in-law. It soon becomes apparent that this is Simon's M.O. when he steals another man's wife and kills him as well

A down-to-earth individual leading a modest life, Thomas Adams "ThAT" Thompson's world is turned upside down when a mysterious event bestows upon him extraordinary superhuman-like abilities. In his quest to overcome his greatest adversary, ThAT One Guy undergoes a transformative journey, both physically and emotionally. He must learn to harness and master his powers, pushing himself to the limits and discovering the true extent of his abilities.