Flying Paper tells the uplifting story of resilient Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip on a quest to shatter the Guinness World Record for the most kites ever flown.

In one of the most inspiring expeditions of the 20th century, Alfredo Barragan sets out to prove that primitive men could traveled from Africa to America long before Columbus' trip. He creates a raft with the same materials these primitive men could have arranged and together with four brave friends he sets out to sail the Atlantic Ocean - and the adventure begins. He didn't only want to prove this hypothesis but he also wanted to prove that a men, with determination and enough planning, can achieve what seems impossible. "Let men know that men can!". Don't miss this amazing and inspiring story that will make you believe again in yourself and in mankind.

Diese 'History' Dokumentation untersucht die ultimativen Kämpfer der Urgeschichte: Schon seit mehr als einhundert Jahren erforschen Historiker und Wissenschaftler die Urgeschichte. Die Dokumentation zeigt die ultimativen Kämpfer dieser einzigartigen geschichtlichen Periode - gigantische Dinosaurier, die die Erde vor Millionen von Jahren beherrschten. Paläontologen untersuchen die Schlachtfelder der gnadenlosen Giganten und erhalten dabei erstaunliche Erkenntnisse darüber, in wie weit Beweglichkeit, Teamkoordination and der Angriff im richtigen Moment für die Dinosaurier überleben bedeutete. Jede Episode analysiert höchstdetailliert die räuberischen Kämpfe und enthüllt damit eine rücksichtslose Welt, die weitaus kalkulierender - und komplexer war, als bislang angenommen wurde.

Der Staatsmann Dolniker bricht mitten in einer Rede zusammen. Er braucht dringend Ruhe, die er in dem kleinen Dorf Kimmelquell zu finden hofft. Zusammen mit seinem Sekretär Ze’ev bringt er aber sehr schnell die dörfliche Ordnung und Ruhe durcheinander, indem er versucht, ein demokratisches Modellsystem einzuführen. Er spaltet das Dorf in zwei Lager und bringt sogar den Schuster dazu, sich selbst zu bestreiken. Mit der Ruhe ist es nun vorbei, denn die Geister, die er rief, lassen ihn nicht mehr los …

Pablo, aged sixteen, lives with his mother. Over the last few years, she has done her best to deal with financial difficulties, but it hasn't been easy. Pablo tries to keep living the way they used to.

Peter's American dream came true. But the trial of his faith had just begun...

Documentary about Swansea and Exeter

A hard-working section chief, fast approaching retirement and beset by stress from all directions, joins a jazz band and reignites his youthful passion for the music, giving him a chance to set things right in his life.

A detective investigating the murder of a heroin addict discovers that there is a connection between the junkie and his fiance, who is his boss' daughter.

A sociologist nearing middle-aged returns to Poland after several years of giving lectures abroad. The changing economy of the country and business successes of the people around him inspire him to venture out into the deep and unpredictable world of capitalism himself.

Three inept firemen try to avoid being fired by their increasingly exasperated chief.

John Sawyer, once an eminent barrister, has slid into a life of cynicism and drunkenness since his wife left him. When his daughter's boyfriend is accused of murder, Sawyer decides to try to pull himself together and defend him in court.

The tarragon regiment moving to the small town charms the women of the locality. Only trade counsellor Ottilia Mähönen considers them brutal barbarians and is horrified when her daughter Irja gives her room to cavalry master Osmo Kyrö who needs accommodation.

A retired New York City couple drive across country to reconnect with their reclusive son, joined by their two unmarried daughters.

Fifteen years after being the cause of an alleged love suicide there, writer Paul Herzog returns to Prague where he meets Clarissa, the sister of the deceased woman. When a couple of mysterious deaths occur amongst people who were close to Clarissa and her sister, Paul becomes the prime suspect...

Soft Apocalypse, 1998 Beppe Grillo's show on science

A feature-length documentary that delves into the life of an old spinster who, by convention, must be called señorita. Bound by rigid moral and family precepts, well-born ladies do not usually tell intimacies. However, the virgin - as the people of Xalapa have always called her - has agreed to confess and show her personal refuge, marked by solitude and the daily fulfillment of a sacrificial ritual.

A group of artists and friends of the late painter Martín Santiago meet to make his dream come true of his home becoming in an art museum and cultural space for the town of Deán Funes, Córdoba. The group is led by the artist's disciple, the painter Mario Sanzano, who heads the initiative. He is also accompanied by artists from the area and friends of Martín Santiago. Despite not having official resources, they carry out the feat of recovering the work and turning the space into a cultural center for the city.