Roma, any 1946. La Dèlia té tres fills i està casada amb el malhumorat Ivano, que no la tracta gaire bé. Després de la guerra, tots dos lluiten per tirar endavant la família amb diversos treballs mal pagats. Fins que un dia reben una notícia meravellosa: la filla gran acaba de comprometre’s amb un noi de bona família.

When ex TV host and socialite Lex finds herself faced with the possibility of spending Christmas sharing a luxury chalet with her son, ex husband and his new girlfriend, she volunteers to work in the chalet to avoid things getting too close to home, while documenting her every move for a new wave of followers loving this new chapter of her life.

An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.

Single mom Flora is at a loss about what to do with her rebellious teenage son, Max. Her efforts to keep him out of trouble lead to a beat-up acoustic guitar, a washed-up LA musician, and harmony for this frayed Dublin family.

In a small French village, everything would be quiet if the local wildlife cop was not being ridiculed by a smart poacher.

L'última pel·lícula dels productors de "Paràsits" és un thriller d'acció realista sobre una venjança entre assassins a sou degut a un assumpte no resolt en el passat. Un assassí arriba a Tailàndia per a resoldre un cas de segrest, però es veurà perseguit per un home amb qui manté un deute del passat.

"Hoshi no Koe" (La veu de les estrelles) és una història d'amor a distància, d'una noia i un noi que s'envien missatges a través del telèfon mòbil. L'any 2046 es descobreixen ruïnes d'una civilització alienígena a Mart, i la humanitat ha avançat prou com per iniciar una expedició espacial el següent any. La Mikako Nagamine i en Noboru Terao són dos estudiants d'institut que es veuen separats, ja que en Noboru seguirà estudiant i la Mikako serà membre de l'expedició espacial.

Kaley, a young Au Pair, finds herself unable to return home for the holidays when a snowstorm derails her plans. In spite of her own disappointment she is determined to teach the girls she watches, alongside their charming Uncle, the magic of Christmas. Will this series of events lead to a perfect Christmas?

After a couple finds a traumatized child of unknown origins, wife Paula must decipher the girl's strange behaviors to unlock her identity and dark past.

A finals de la guerra civil nord-americana (1861-1865), un grup de confederats manats pel capità Pierre Cardona es dedica a robar els carregaments d'or que transporta l'exèrcit ianqui.

Gairebé és Nadal i el més important per l'Ashley Harrison és anar a passar el Nadal amb la seva mare a Seattle, però a l'aeroport es troba que no pot agafar el vol que havia previst. Intenta llogar un cotxe però un desconegut li passa davant i lloga l'últim vehicle disponible en tot l'aeroport. Desesperada per arribar a temps a Seattle, accepta l'oferta de compartir cotxe i despeses de viatge amb ell. Durant l'accidentat viatge de dos dies, els passen mil aventures i tenen l'oportunitat de coneixes una mica millor. Mentrestant, l'Ashley no ho sap però uns agents de l'FBI la segueixen de molt a prop perquè l'han pres per una terrorista que podria posar en perill la seguretat nacional.

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

A group of World War II American soldiers encounter a supernatural enemy as they occupy a French castle previously under Nazi control.

The Boyle family moves into a gothic style house by a cemetery, unaware of its bloody path and guts-spraying future.

Charity, an ambitious reporter, learns the true meaning of Christmas when she investigates Erik Gallagher, a beloved member of the town who insists all the gifts he provides every Christmas are from none-other than Santa himself.

A couple's camping trip turns into a frightening ordeal when they stumble across the scene of a horrific crime.

An Irish undertaker profits when outlaws take over a peaceful town, but his own family come under threat as the death toll increases dramatically.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.

Twins Todd and Terry seem like sweet boys -- that is, until one of them takes an axe to the face of a fellow patron at the local drive-in.

Battle-hardened O’Hara leads a lively mercenary team of soldiers on a daring mission: rescue hostages from their captors in remote Africa. But as the mission goes awry and the team is stranded, O’Hara’s squad must face a bloody, brutal encounter with a gang of rebels.