Im Herzen Südfrankreichs erstreckt sich ein für Nebel anfälliges Gebiet, in dem der Legende nach vor 250 Jahren eine blutrünstige Kreatur ihr Unwesen trieb. An diesem sagenumwobenen Ort geht wieder ein Gerücht um, denn Augenzeugen berichten von einem Tier mit großen Pranken und langem Schwanz, das Straßen mit einem einzigen Sprung überquert - kräftig genug, ein Pferd zu reißen und verstümmelt auf der Weide zurückzulassen. Ist die Bestie des Gévaudan zurück? Der Tierfotograf Bruno Loisel hat eine vermeintlich rationalere Erklärung. Bei dem Tier, auf das die Beschreibungen passen, könnte es sich um einen Puma handeln, doch diese Großkatzenart ist nur in Amerika beheimatet. Um die richtigen Techniken zu erlernen, wie man dem Puma auf die Spur kommt, begibt er sich nach Kanada, wo er ein Forscherteam begleitet, das sich der Erforschung des scheuen, nahezu unsichtbaren Raubtieres verschrieben hat. Wird Bruno mit den Erkenntnissen das Rätsel um die neue Bestie von Gévaudan lösen können?

Solomon and three friends find an embalmed dead body. Solomon refuses to accept there is anything supernatural in the house. He needs to believe if he wants to save the girl he loves from the ravenous blood spirit he has set free.

Through the creation of a family portrait, a mentally imbalanced young artist connects with her dead mother to exact revenge on her ghoulish father and abusive grandfather.

A resentful entity continues to come back to the Saha World in search of his lost love while battling against the secret guardians of the world. He fails his plan of trying to stay in this world but finds the true solution to his vengeance.

Annisa, a cheerful 15 year old girl, is open and has a tomboyish style. Entering his early years at Tunas Bangsa High School, he met Ivan and eventually became friends with Jelita, a 15-year-old girl who wore a headscarf, beautiful but shy and quiet.

This is the story of survivors of the Srebrenica genocide, the only holocaust in Europe since WWII. 8,372 Bosnian men and boys were killed in one week.Heartbreaking and mind blowing testimonials - the story told by survivors, contrasted by hauntingly beautiful landscapes and horrifying archive. The film portrays extraordinary characters, people who have been struggling to come to terms with the past as well as dealing with the harsh realities of living in one of the poorest countries in Europe. Their stories raise serious and profound questions about the nature of human existence, war and forgiveness.

'Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species' tells the story of non-native species and the massive impact they've had on local ecosystems, our economy and human health. Battling these invasives is a complex and expensive task, but simply "letting nature take its course" is far more costly. The documentary highlights many species including Spotted Lanternfly, Emerald Ash Borer and Japanese Knotweed.

This comedy revolves around two brothers, both wonderful chefs, who fall out catastrophically. At the climax of their dispute they rip the family recipe book in half - one brother gets the starters and the other gets the main courses. They set up rival restaurants, across the road from each other, and spend the next twenty years trying to out-do each other. Neither brother will admit it but they both know they are not entirely successful in the 'other half' of the menu. It takes a daughter - a successful corporate lawyer marrying a man from a very different background - to reunite them. She is planning her marriage and is determined that they will both cook the wedding banquet.

In a simple yet peaceful home in Baguio City, Benguet, Lolang Keyag Kudyaman lives with her baby grandson Eli Kudyaman during the quarantine. She hopes and waits patiently for the lockdown to be lifted in their place so that they could visit Eli's parents.

A killer with a lucky rabbit's foot finally meets his match...

When the mayor of a crime-ridden city and his opponent are both assassinated while seeking election, two FBI agents, John Archer and Mila Driver, reluctantly join forces to investigate the murder only to discover that City Hall holds more secrets than the identity of the killer.

A melodrama about a girl who has to marry the landlord in order to save her parents’ home.

Probably part of the "Alaska and Yellowstone National Park Series" in the "Northern Pacific Railway Series"

A young man named Sebastian Murphy has spent a decade moving around the country with his mother after her company went bankrupt. Now that she has found a stable job the are living in Wexford Town for six months. Sebastian has become close with Sean Gerrad who has brought him into a new group of friends but nobody knows that Sebastian has a secret. He is a fantastic musician and he is hopelessly in love with Lara but too afraid to do anything about it.

Compilation of John Denver's most notable song performances.