A vacationing entomologist suffers extreme physical and psychological trauma after being taken captive by the residents of a poor seaside village and made to live with a woman whose life task is shoveling sand for them.
Nick (Peter Falk), un home de la construcció, ha de carregar amb la responsabilitat de cuidar la seva dona (Gena Rowlands) que pateix inestabilitat emocional. Contínuament lluita per mantenir la normalitat davant del seu comportament estrany, fins que aquest afecta els seus fills i caldrà que prengui mesures.
Viena, 1900. Stefan Brand és un ric pianista a qui agrada sortir per la nit i seduir les dones. Mentre que es canvia de casa, la filla de la veïna cau sota el seu encant: l'espia, el segueix, l'estima bojament en secret. El trobarà un dia, passaran la nit junts. Per a ell, no serà més que un caprici, per a ella serà l'amor de la seva vida. Un vespre, mentre que torna a casa seva, troba una carta d'un remitent desconegut. És de la seva veïna, després de morta. Les primeres línies l'enganxen i la lectura l'ocupa finalment tota la nit.
Twelve episodic tales in the life of a Parisian woman and her slow descent into prostitution.
Actress Myrtle Gordon is a functioning alcoholic who is a few days from the opening night of her latest play, concerning a woman distraught about aging. One night a car kills one of Myrtle's fans who is chasing her limousine in an attempt to get the star's attention. Myrtle internalizes the accident and goes on a spiritual quest, but fails to finds the answers she is after. As opening night inches closer and closer, fragile Myrtle must find a way to make the show go on.
L'Hortense és una jove negra que viu a Londres. Quan moren els seus pares adoptius, l'Hortense sent la necessitat de conèixer la seva mare biològica, que la va donar en adopció tot just quan ella va néixer. Quan per fi la troba, descobreix que és una dona blanca anomenada Cynthia.
Un grup de monges occidentals obre un hospital a un antiquíssim temple de l'Himàlaia. A les dificultats econòmiques i a l'hostilitat dels nadius, aviat se sumen les tensions entre les monges mateixes. Un agent britànic intentarà intervenir entre elles per solucionar els seus problemes, però la seva presència acabarà despertant, amb conseqüències fatals, la sexualitat reprimida d'algunes germanes.
A young, idealist American gets a job as a train conductor for the Zentropa railway network in postwar, US-occupied Frankfurt. As various people try to take advantage of him, he soon finds his position politically sensitive, and gets caught up in a whirlpool of conspiracies and Nazi sympathisers.
L'Alexander i la Katherine Joyce, un gentil i acomodat matrimoni anglès, arriben a Nàpols per fer-se càrrec de l'herència que un familiar, el seu oncle Homer, pintoresc personatge, els ha legat: una fabulosa villa a Capri i altres possessions a l'illa de Nàpols . La parella, distanciada per uns condicionaments del tot irreconciliables, entén que no només segueixen junts per les obligacions que comparteixen, sinó que també hi ha alguna cosa en ells que una vegada va bategar amb força i que potser no hagi mort del tot: l'amor.
Després de matar el seu oponent durant un combat, un boxejador decideix tornar a la seva Irlanda natal per deixar enrere el passat. Tot just arribar, s'enamora de Mary Kate Danaher, una dona molt temperamental, i decideix casar-s'hi malgrat que el seu germanastre s'oposa al matrimoni.
A ghost and a French marquis wander through the Winter Palace in St Petersburg, encountering scenes from many different periods of its history.
A chronicle of the rise and brief career of rock 'n' roll star Buddy Holly, who aspires to play music the way he wants it to sound. Holly and his band, the Crickets, are first invited to record in Nashville, where they encounter creative differences with the producing staff. Later they play a major booking at the Apollo Theater, scheduled there under the mistaken assumption that they're a black band. Holly's career eventually goes solo -- until the tragic day the music dies.
Lucy Honey Church, una jove anglesa de bona família, es troba de viatge a Florència, acompanyada per la seva cosina i dama de companyia Charlotte Bartlett. A la pensió on s'allotgen coneixen l'excèntric senyor Emerson i el seu fill George, que, amablement, els cedeixen les habitacions perquè les dames gaudeixin d'una finestra amb vista a la ciutat.
The relationship between Lelia, a light-skinned black woman, and Tony, a white man is put in jeopardy when Tony meets Lelia’s darker-skinned jazz singer brother, Hugh, and discovers that her racial heritage is not what he thought it was.
A common friend's sudden death brings three men, married with children, to reconsider their lives and ultimately leave the country together. But mindless enthusiasm for regained freedom will be short-lived.
In 2014, Tsai Ming-Liang was invited to make a film for the MarseilleFID, Marseille International Film Festival. Since he was not familiar with Marseille, he decided to make a film as tourist, capturing the beautiful Mediterranean sunshine in the late summer of that year. He also invited famous French actor, Denis Lavant, to appear alongside Lee Kang-Sheng playing Xuanzang. "Journey to the West" was invited to be the opening short film at the Berlin International Film Festival the same year.
At a cruising spot near a lake, Franck falls in love with Michael, a handsome and lethally dangerous man. Even though Franck is aware of this, he chooses to follow his passion.
Composed entirely of literary quotations from many different sources and from several historical periods, the loose narrative concerns a drifter found by a rich woman who soon falls in love with him. A drowning accident takes place and the drifter dies, but some time later he reappears in the woman’s life looking for a job. Or could it be the man’s twin brother?
Avery, a reclusive older man, has a best friend in his dog, Red. When three teens kill Red without reason, Avery sets out for justice and redemption, attempting to follow the letter of the law. But when the law fails him, and the boys' father clearly defines right and wrong in his own way, Avery must avenge himself by any means possible.
Forced to support herself, her children, her physically incapacitated husband and her obtrusive brother and mother, a downtrodden working woman contracts tuberculosis. She is granted a brief vacation at a health spa, where a whole new world — and potential new life — is opened up to her.