Seele ordena un atac total a NERV, amb l'objectiu de destruir els Evangelions abans que en Gendo pugui activar el Tercer Impacte i la Instrumentalitat sota el seu control.

The battle is over, and they can go about their normal lives now... or so they thought. With no time to rejoice after miraculously saving Mirai from Beyond the Boundary, Mirai lost all her memories. Akihito, now a high school senior, starts to avoid Mirai thinking it’s for the better. Not aware of Akihito’s feelings, Mirai tries to get closer to Akihito. Then, someone who knows of Mirai appears in front of the two. With Akihito’s troubles in vain, Mirai once again sets forth on a battle that forces her to look within.

Inspired by the life of Captain Vikram Batra (PVC), the film celebrates his bravery, valiant spirit and honors his invaluable sacrifice during the Kargil War of 1999, at the age of 24.

Sud-àfrica, 1978. En Tim Jenkin i l'Stephen Lee són dos activistes polítics blancs del Congrés Nacional Africà. El règim de l'apartheid els empresona i tramen un pla per escapar de la infame presó de Pretòria.

Queen Poppy plans the first annual Trolls Kingdom Secret Holiday Gift Swap, but things don't go quite as expected.

A mitjans del segle XIX, el professor James Murray comença a compilar paraules per a la primera edició de l'Oxford English Dictionary, un diccionari que té la tasca ambiciosa de recopilar totes les paraules de la llengua anglesa. Per sorpresa de Murray, un doctor d'un asil psiquiàtric serà una de les ajudes més grans.

An impoverished teen seeking to escape the clutches of a human trafficker must weigh living up to his moral code against his struggle to survive.

Decades since their successful television series was canceled, Chip has succumbed to a life of suburban domesticity as an insurance salesman. Dale, meanwhile, has had CGI surgery and works the nostalgia convention circuit, desperate to relive his glory days. When a former cast mate mysteriously disappears, Chip and Dale must repair their broken friendship and take on their Rescue Rangers detective personas once again to save their friend’s life.

A la policia judicial, tots els investigadors topen tard o d'hora amb un crim que són incapaços de resoldre i que es torna una obsessió. Per a Yohan es tracta de l'assassinat de Clara, una noia que va ser ruixada amb benzina i cremada al carrer per un desconegut. Els interrogatoris se succeeixen i no falten sospitosos, però els dubtes de Yohan no deixen de créixer. Només hi ha una certesa: el crim es va cometre la nit del 12.

An LA girl, unlucky in love, falls for an East Coast guy on a dating app and decides to surprise him for Christmas, only to discover that she's been catfished. But the object of her affection actually lives in the same town, and the guy who duped her offers to set them up if she pretends to be his own girlfriend for the holidays.

Fa milions d'anys, els éssers còsmics coneguts com els Celestials van començar a experimentar genèticament amb els humans. La seva intenció era crear individus súper-poderosos que fessin únicament el bé, però alguna cosa va sortir malament i van aparèixer els Desviants, destruint i creant el caos al seu pas. Totes dues races s'han enfrontat en una eterna lluita de poder al llarg de la història. Enmig d'aquesta guerra, Ikaris i Sersi intentaran viure la història d'amor pròpia.

The world is on the verge of a devastating war with monsters who are coming to retrieve the Scaling Stone. Yin Yang Master Qingming's life is in danger and he travels to different worlds to prepare for the upcoming assaults. On his journey, Qingming finds that the key to all the calamities is embracing his hybrid identity of both human and monster.

A recently widowed man and his two teenage daughters travel to a game reserve in South Africa. However, their journey of healing soon turns into a fight for survival when a bloodthirsty lion starts to stalk them.

Four different couples have a romantic week over New Year's Eve. Both coming out of failed marriages, Ji-ho and Hyo-young are not open to the possibility of new love, while Jin-ah heads to the other side of globe and encounters Jae-hun.

An Indian intelligence agent journeys to a war-torn coastal island to break a resolute rebel group and meets a passionate journalist.

Young Anthony Soprano is growing up in one of the most tumultuous eras in Newark, N.J., history, becoming a man just as rival gangsters start to rise up and challenge the all-powerful DiMeo crime family. Caught up in the changing times is the uncle he idolizes, Dickie Moltisanti, whose influence over his nephew will help shape the impressionable teenager into the all-powerful mob boss, Tony Soprano.

A woman desperately races to save her child after police place her hometown on lockdown due to an active shooter incident.

La Major Susan Turner, líder de l'antiga unitat militar de Reacher, és falsament acusada de traïció. Jack Reacher haurà de treure-la de presó i descobrir la veritat darrere d'una conspiració governamental per netejar els noms i salvar les vides. Durant la fuita, Reacher descobrirà un secret del seu passat que podria canviar la vida per sempre. Seqüela de Jack Reacher (2012).

A mysterious stranger arrives in a village situated in the Thar desert and crosses paths with a veteran cop investigating a case of brutal killings.

Sakshi is eight months pregnant with her first child when she and Hemant are forced out of their home. They escape from the city and seek refuge in a house located deep inside sugarcane fields. The house is ridden with dark secrets that start unravelling as the story unfolds, posing a threat to Sakshi and her unborn child. Even as Sakshi tries to save herself and her unborn baby, scary sightings of three mysterious kids and a charred monster coupled with an eerie lullaby, emanating from an old transistor, wreak havoc with her sanity.