Miles Morales i Gwen Stacyes sumen forces amb la Spider-Society, protectora del Multivers, per fer front a un malvat molt poderós que amenaça de provocar una gran catàstrofe. Però l’equip no es posa d’acord sobre com fer front al desafiament i Morales haurà de replantejar-se què significa ser un heroi.

Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.

Hopper és el fill adoptiu del rei Peter, un famós aventurer. Meitat pollet i meitat llebre, li costa molt créixer i es disfressa de llebre per evitar les burles dels seus companys. Quan arriba el dia de les proves de la Royal Adventurer Society, Hopper, obstaculitzat per la seva disfressa, fracassa miserablement. Però està decidit a aprofitar una segona oportunitat i trobar el Ceptre de l'Hàmster de la Foscor, abans que el seu malvat oncle Lapin. El Ceptre atorgarà un immens poder a qui el tingui. Si Lapin aconsegueix amb ell, serà imparable. Acompanyat pel seu fidel servent Abe, una tortuga sarcàstica, i Meg, una mofeta experta en arts marcials, emprèn una cerca èpica i iniciàtica.

A girl wakes up in a huge secret laboratory, then accidentally meets another girl who is trying to protect her house from a gang. The mystery girl overthrows the gang with her unexpected powers, and laboratory staff set out to find her.

Durant nombroses missions més que impossibles, Dom Toretto i la seva família han estat capaços de ser més llestos, de tenir més valor i d'anar més ràpid que qualsevol enemic que s'hi creués. Però ara s'hauran d'enfrontar a l'oponent més letal que mai hagin conegut: un terrible perill que ressorgeix del passat, que es mou per una sagnant set de venjança i que està disposat a destrossar la família i destruir per sempre tot allò que a Dom li importa.

Una mare intenta protegir als seus fills de les mans de la seva violenta ex-parella en aquest terrorífic thriller. Un asfixiant exercici de "Home Invasion" que ens trasllada als passadissos de "L'habitació del pànic". Una jove mare queda tancada dins del rebost de casa seva per culpa del seu ex-xicot. Haurà d'utilitzar tot el seu enginy per a protegir als seus dos fills petits, que han quedat fora, d'un perill cada vegada més gran mentre troba una manera d'escapar.

La vigília de Nadal, l'egoista i avar Ebenezer Scrooge té una única i freda nit per afrontar el seu passat (i canviar el futur) abans que sigui tard.

Bullied by his boss, worked around the clock, he's nothing more than a corporate drone. All it takes is a zombie outbreak for him to finally feel alive!

Quan no era res més que una nena, Anna (Maggie Q) va ser recollida per Moody (Samuel L. Jackson), un llegendari assassí, el seu mentor i figura paterna. 20 anys després, l'Anna s'ha convertit en una de les assassines a sou més hàbils del planeta. Quan Moody és brutalment assassinat, Anna jura venjança i, per això, s'alia amb Rembrandt (Michael Keaton), un enigmàtic assassí. A mesura que creix l'acostament entre tots dos, la confrontació es torna més i més perillosa.

Eight short stories of seduction and illicit encounters between lovers, filled with humor and eroticism, which use a circular structure located in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of a colonial city of Mexico.

A Minnesota police officer crosses paths with a committed and tireless vigilante as he follows the trail of a ruthless predator responsible for several abductions and murders.

John, a disillusioned Vietnam War journalist, turns to heroin smuggling. He cons Ray, an equally burnt out veteran into delivering the drugs stateside to his wife. Everything soon falls apart and Ray ends up on the run with John's wife trying to evade crooked narcotics agents.

A powerful biotech company has breakthrough technology allowing them to clone history’s most influential people with just a few fragments of DNA. Behind this company is a cabal of Satanists that steals the shroud of Christ, putting them in possession of Jesus’ DNA. The clone will serve as the ultimate offering to the devil. The Archangel Michael comes to earth and will stop at nothing to end the devil’s conspiracy.

A journey into uncharted and forbidden territory through three tales tangled in space and time.

Per posar fi a una guerra apocalíptica i salvar la seva filla, una soldat emprèn una missió desesperada: transportar un carregament ultrasecret per un mar gelat.

Le Ying has stayed at home for many years doing nothing. After graduating from college and working for a period of time, Le Ying chose to withdraw from society and not held contact with her social circle. This was the best way she believed to "reconcile" with herself. One day, due to several "tricks" of fate, she decided to change her life.She met boxing coach Hao Kun. Just when she thought her life was about to get on the right track, life tests her again.

Sancaka has lived on the streets since his parents left him. Living a hard life, Sancaka survives by thinking about his own safety. When the condition of the city gets worse and injustice rages throughout the country, Sancaka must decide whether he continues to live to look after himself or rise to become their oppressed hero.

Self-proclaimed ethical hacker Mel Bandison's life is turned upside down when she stops a data breach on a high-tech self-driving bus that also happens to shut down an international criminal network. She then becomes a target and is framed with a deepfake video that “shows” that she murders someone.

A shockingly irreverent follow-up to the rural austerity of Barren Lives, dos Santos’ Godardian social satire owes more than a nod to the self-conscious antics of the French New Wave. The pampered son of a general, El Justicero is a hipster playboy who fancies himself a James Bond/Jean Paul Sartre urban hero. “Archetypical” yet “full of contradictions,” he sees that justice is achieved for the disadvantaged while taking advantage of certain bourgeois perks. His exploits are closely followed and eventually directed by his biographer who decides a film is not only more lucrative than a book, but it gives him the luxury of reviewing previous scenes. Unlike Bond, El Jus eventually experiences an awakening which threatens to compromise the entertainment value and glamour of his life story. - Harvard Film Archive

Tres parelles d'amics es reuneixen en una casa d'estiu a la regió de la Champagne per a celebrar el comiat de solter d'en Patrick, l'únic que quedava per casar-se del grup.