Examines the evolution of the Black Power Movement in US society from 1967 to 1975. It features footage of the movement shot by Swedish journalists in the United States during that period and includes the appearances of Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, Huey P. Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, and other activists, artists, and leaders central to the movement.

1897 metai, „gražiosios epochos“ Paryžius. Talentingajam Edmonui Rostanui dar nėra trisdešimties metų, bet jis jau turi du vaikus ir daug rūpesčių. Deja, viskas, ką iki šiol parašė, buvo nesėkmė. Jį paralyžiuoja tuščio lapo vaizdas, o įkvėpimas išseko. Jo gerbėjos, garsios aktorės Saros Bernar, pastangomis į Edmoną kreipiasi garsiausias to meto aktorius Konstanas Koklenas. Iš nevilties Edmonas pasiūlo naują pjesę – herojinę komediją. Sužavėtas aktorius nori, kad jos premjera įvyktų per tris savaites! Vienintelė problema: Edmonas dar neparašė pjesės ir neįsivaizduoja, kokią istoriją pasakos. Jis žino tik pavadinimą – „Sirano de Beržerakas“. Nekreipdamas dėmesio į aktorių užgaidas, prodiuserių reikalavimus, žmonos pavydą, pasakas apie geriausio draugo širdies paslaptis ir visų aplinkinių entuziazmo stoką, Edmonas pradeda rašyti kūrinį, kuriuo niekas netiki.

Šis pasakojimas apie vidutinio amžiaus intelektualą, vardu Žeromas. Jo gyvenimas visiškai paklūsta šaltam protui, bet ne jo širdžiai. Jis diplomatas, susižadėjęs su mergina, kurią įsimylėjęs, bet nejaučia jai aistros. Žeromas važiuoja ilsėtis į Prancūzijos Alpes. Čia prabėgo visa jo vaikystė. Jis sutinka savo vaikystės draugę, rašytoją Aurorą. Moteris supažindina jį su keturiolikmete dukra Lora, kuri taip pat atvyko atostogų į Alpes.

A young cattle farmer is approached by an unscrupulous veterinarian to make a shady deal with a notorious beef trader.

Iverson is the ultimate legacy of NBA legend Allen Iverson, who rose from a childhood of crushing poverty in Hampton, Virginia, to become an 11-time NBA All-Star and universally recognized icon of his sport. Off the court, his audacious rejection of conservative NBA convention and unapologetic embrace of hip hop culture sent shockwaves throughout the league and influenced an entire generation. Told largely in Iverson's own words, the film charts the career highs and lows of one of the most distinctive and accomplished figures the sport of basketball has ever seen.

A glimpse at the life of French singer Serge Gainsbourg, from growing up in 1940s Nazi-occupied Paris through his successful song-writing years in the 1960s to his death in 1991 at the age of 62.

A documentary film about session and touring musicians that are hired by well-established and famous bands and artists. These people may not be household names, but are still top-notch performers!

Sandėlyje įrengtame restoranėlyje „Virtuvė sielai“ šeimininkauja graikų kilmės vokietis Zinosas. Vyrukui ima nesisekti. Jo mergina Nadina išvyksta gyventi į Šanchajų. Nuolatiniai restorano klientai, nepripažindami naujojo virtuvės šefo, praeina pro šalį. Zinosas nutaria palikti restoraną ir iškeliauti paskui Nadiną, o restoraną patiki iš kalėjimo paleistam broliui Ilajui. Ar tai išeis kam į gera, vienas Dievas težino.

Užaugęs neturtingoje aplinkoje, Edmondas Vidalas labai brangina šeimos vertybes ir savo kilmę. Jis bičiuliaujasi su Seržu Sateliu, su kuriuo pirmą kartą atsidūrė kolonijoje už vyšnių vagystę. Jiedu sukūrė nusikaltėlių gaują, sudarytą iš apsukriausių aštunto dešimtmečio plėšikų. Artėjant Edmondo šešiasdešimtmečiui, jis nusprendžia pasitraukti iš šio nešvaraus verslo ir gyventi ramiai. Jis skiria dėmesio savo žmonai ir vaikams, kasdieniams rūpesčiams. Tačiau ramybė trunka neilgai – netrukus Edmondo gyvenime vėl pasirodo Seržas.

A three year self-described labour of love, 2040 takes the form of a visual letter from the filmmaker to his four-year-old daughter Velvet, showing her what the year 2040 could look like “if we simply embraced the best solutions that exist today.”

After leaving the asylum, Vincent van Gogh settles in the home of Doctor Gachet, where he keeps painting amidst the torments of his failing mental health. He begins an affair with his host’s daughter, however, she soon realizes that he doesn’t love her and that his heart beats only for art.

Three old friends from college move back in together in an apartment in Munich for financial reasons

Élise lives with her 10-year-old son Léo, whose father is deceased. She has a chaotic relationship with Paul her lover. They go from happy moments to intense feuds. Élise introduces him to Léo and in time, they get to know and appreciate each other.

Aymé Pigrenet, a recently widowed farmer, is eager to find a new wife to help him run his farm. Desperate, he seeks the aid of a local matchmaker who suggest that he go to Romania to find a new wife. There he meets Elena.

A group of bad cops look to dispose of a body that one of them accidentally shot.

Set in New York's gay "bear" scene and taking a cue from the popular HBO franchise "Sex and the City," BearCity follows a tight-knit pack of friends experiencing comical mishaps, emotionally sweet yet lusty romantic encounters and a cast of colorful, diverse characters as they gear up for a big party weekend

Isabelle, HR of a large cruise company, made the mistake of choosing her boss as a lover. Before embarking on the maiden voyage of the new flagship of the fleet, though, he decided to disembark from their relationship! Some women take their revenge by poison, firearm, or slander. Isabelle chooses Remy a flamboyant, unemployed ne'er-do-well who flunked out in life on land, but after all is said and done, might have better luck at sea... She recruits him as leader of her plot and on this Palace of the Seas, Remy will first prove to be the worst nightmare of the CEO and Richard, the Cruise Director...then, little by little, he will change his life and that of all those who cross his path...

The story throws Elvis impersonators, Indians, modern cowboys, a 6-foot-tall blond assassin, a frat boy, a corrupt sheriff and a prostitute into a chase for a priceless American Indian artifact stolen during a poker game at an Indian casino

As a young man, Dorian Gray's beguiling innocence captured the eye of famed artist Basil Hallward. As the two enter into a close friendship, Basil crafts a remarkable piece of art that seems to capture Dorian's essence as much as it does the artist's obsession. Stricken by the remarkable beauty of the piece and lamenting his own inevitable loss of youth, the troubled Dorian makes a wish that the artistic rendering of him bear the weathers of time while he remains forever youthful. Later, as Dorian strikes up a friendship with Lord Henry, wealthy entitlement, decadence, and obsessive pleasure lead the handsome young noble down a dark path of drugs and dangerous friendships. When Basil attempts to help his old friend, the artist's nobility ends up costing him his life. Through it all, Dorian remains as hypnotically handsome as ever.

The Robertson County Sheriff's Department has released footage found on the bodies of the Sawyer family's cell phones and video cameras. What was first thought to be a murder-suicide is now believed to be the return of a centuries-old demon responsible for America's most famous paranormal event.