In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella’s flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness von Hellman, a fashion legend who is devastatingly chic and terrifyingly haute. But their relationship sets in motion a course of events and revelations that will cause Estella to embrace her wicked side and become the raucous, fashionable and revenge-bent Cruella.

Pirmo reizi Zirnekļcilvēka filmu sērijas vēsturē mūsu draudzīgā apkaimes varoņa maska ir noņemta un viņš vairs nespēj nošķirt savu parasto dzīvi no riskantajām supervaroņa gaitām. Kad viņš lūdz palīdzību Doktoram Streindžam, likmes kļūst vēl augstākas, liekot viņam aptvert, ko patiesībā nozīmē būt Zirnekļcilvēkam.

Polu Atreidesu – spožu un apdāvinātu jaunu vīrieti, kuram zvaigznēs ierakstīts ievērojams liktenis. Viņam jādodas uz bīstamāko planētu Visumā, lai nodrošinātu savas ģimenes un savas tautas nākotni. Starp ļaunajiem spēkiem uzplaiksnī cīņa par resursiem, kas atrodami vienīgi uz šīs planētas un spēj atraisīt cilvēces dižāko potenciālu, bet izdzīvos vienīgi tie, kuri spēs pārvarēt savas bailes.

Haunted by his mysterious past, a devoted high school football coach leads a scrawny team of orphans to the state championship during the Great Depression and inspires a broken nation along the way.

Jaunlaulāta līgava kāzu naktī pēkšņi saprot, ka viņas ekscentriskā jauniegūtā ģimene ir sātanisti un grasās viņu upurēt nelabajam.

A grieving father's journey over a bridge goes awry after he picks up a homeless vet.

Data—arguably the world’s most valuable asset—is being weaponized to wage cultural and political wars. The dark world of data exploitation is uncovered through the unpredictable, personal journeys of players on different sides of the explosive Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data story.

Kerola Denversa kļūst par vienu no Visuma supervaroņiem karā, kurā Zeme iesaistīta divu citplanētiešu rasu starpgalaktiku cīniņā.

A young man in 1981 South Africa must complete his brutal and racist two years of compulsory military service while desperately maintaining the secrecy of his homosexuality.

Kāds kareivis, kas gājis bojā kaujas laikā, tiek atgriezts dzīvē ar jaunāko nano un biotehnoloģiju palīdzību: viņa organismā ievadītie mikroskopiskie nanoroboti vīrieti ir pataisījuši par supercilvēku, biotehnoloģiju brīnumu, neapturamu spēku – viņš pats spēj sevi izārstēt un ir tikpat kā neiznīcināms. Tomēr viņš sāk atcerēties savu iepriekšējo dzīvi, savu nogalināto sievu un viņas slepkavas un grasās atriebties. Taču vai uz šīm atmiņām var paļauties? Un vai atriebes kāre ir viņa paša jūtas?

In this modern telling of the classic tale, aspiring singer Katie Gibbs falls for the new boy at her performing arts high school. But Katie's wicked stepmother and stepsister are scheming to crush her dream before she can sing her way into his heart.

A young woman struggling to stay on top of everything in her life meets a married publisher and begins an affair with him.

The Falls is a feature film about two missionaries that fall in love while on their mission. RJ travels to a small town in Oregon with Elder Merrill to serve their mission and teach the words of Joseph Smith. Living together and sharing the challenge of leaving home, the two men help each other discover their strengths. They share a passion for their faith and learn to express their feelings, risking the only community they have for a forbidden intimacy.

A pregnant woman returns to her recently-deceased grandparents’ old family home to spend time with her estranged mother. What begins as a tenuous reunion slowly turns terrifying.

On a secluded farm in a nondescript rural town, a man is slowly dying. His family gathers to mourn, and soon a darkness grows, marked by waking nightmares and a growing sense that something evil is taking over the family.

After a prank blows up a studious high school senior's life, he shares a list of certain things he wishes he'd done differently — and maybe still can.

A crew of hardy road workers, led by a bickering Father and Son, must survive the night when they accidentally awaken an ancient Irish vampire.

A prehistoric epic that follows a young mammoth hunter's journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his tribe.

Vairākus gadus pēc tēva pazušanas, Megu un viņas brāli Čārlzu apciemo mistiskas būtnes, kuras paziņo, ka zina, kur tēvs atrodas. Lai viņu atrastu, Megai, viņas brālim un viņu draugam jādodas ceļojumā cauri laikam un telpai.

Miguel, a horribly disfigured young man, goes on a rampage at a masquerade party and rapes and then mutilates a girl. Institutionalized at a mental asylum, he is released five years later, into the care of his sister, Manuela who, along with their wheelchair bound mother operates a boarding school for young women. Miguel becomes obsessed with one of the girls at the school, and wants to resume his incestuous relationship with his sister.