A partir de l’addicció de milers de persones a un medicament comercialitzat per la rica família Sackler, i que ha causat la mort de centenars de milers de persones als Estats Units, Laura Poitras segueix la història de la fotògrafa Nan Goldin, ex-addicta i activista, contra la farmacèutica.

John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, has dedicated his life to bringing up his 4-year-old son, Michael, after the child's mother left them soon after giving birth. When John is given only a few months left to live, he attempts to find a new, perfect family for Michael, determined to shield him from the terrible reality of the situation.

In 1951, a young Vietnamese girl arrives at a Saigon household as their new servant.

Armageddon (2005) was the sixth Armageddon PPV. It was presented by Microsoft's XBox 360, and took place on December 18, 2005 at the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island and was a SmackDown! brand-exclusive event. The main event was a Hell in a Cell match between Randy Orton and The Undertaker. One of the predominant matches on the card was an Interpromotional tag team match between WWE Tag Team Champions Batista and Rey Mysterio and World Tag Team Champions Big Show and Kane. Another primary match on the undercard was Booker T versus Chris Benoit in the fourth match of their "Best of 7" series for the vacant WWE United States Championship.

The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.

Nascuda i criada entre cavalls, una adolescent persegueix el somni de convertir-se en genet, igual que el seu pare. La seva euga preferida dóna a llum un poltre que anomenen Tempesta, i ella hi veu el campió que la seva família ha estat esperant. Tot i això, un accident ho posa tot en perill.

Naëlle (Najaa Bensaid) té 19 anys, amb un passat ja complicat a l'esquena. Durant un taller d'integració, Naëlle coneix Hélène (Agnès Jaoui), la seva instructora, que aconsegueix un entrenament en un gremi d'artesans. Tot i els seus errors, Naëlle aconsegueix trobar el seu camí, però no sense el suport d'Hélène i de Paul (Pio Marmai), el mestre artesà que l'assessora. Naëlle es llaurarà un lloc al fascinant món dels vitralls i s'adonarà que els valors dels companys no són només paraules buides.

Angèle, a thirty-something from Ivory Coast, always cope thanks to the gift of gab and audacity. To escape from a bunch of dangerous criminals, she becomes a nanny in the uptown Paris, hired by Hélène, the single mom of eight years old Arthur. Discovering the work conditions of her colleagues, she decides to stand up for their rights, thanks to a young lawyer who will quickly fall for her.

En un poble francès, un home de 60 anys, de caràcter irascible, decideix anar a escola per a aprendre per fi a llegir i escriure, i una jove i enfeinada professora s'encarrega d'ensenyar-li.

En Vincent és un famós empresari d'èxit. Un matí, l'avaria del cotxe en una carretera de muntanya interromp el seu frenètic estil de vida. En Pierre, que viu apartat del món modern enmig de la natura, l'ajuda i li ofereix la seva hospitalitat. L'amistat entre aquests dos homes tan oposats trastocarà les seves certeses respectives. Realment cadascú viu la vida que vol viure?

Michele relocates from capital to remote village Rupe in Abruzzo park. Challenges emerge as she aims to keep local school with few students open, set against idyllic winter and summer backdrops.

Vacations in the French countryside. Daphne, three months pregnant, finds herself alone to welcome Maxime, her boyfriend François’ cousin. François had to leave in a hurry for Paris to cover for a sick colleague. For four days, while waiting for his return, Daphne and Maxime get to know each other and share very intimate stories that bring them closer...

Paul, a 20 year old midwesterner, arrives at the central bus station and quickly catches eyes with Wye, a 22 year old girl voguing on the sidewalk. After Paul seeks her out in secret, an intense love between them blossoms. But when Paul discovers Wye is trans, he is forced to confront his own identity and what it means to belong.

Thirty-four year old Ramsès has established himself as a clairvoyant in La Goutte d’Or, Paris. A shrewd manipulator and something of a poet, he built a sound business consoling people. Elusive and dangerous youths, freshly arrived from the streets of Tangier, disrupt his business and the whole neighbourhood. Until the day Ramses has an actual vision.

Amanda, 24, lives mostly isolated and has never had any friends, even if it's the thing she wants the most. Amanda chooses her new mission as to convince her childhood friend to believe that they are still best friends.

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

Una dona amb un gran cor no té ningú amb qui compartir-lo, excepte amb el gat, la mare i un grup de persones sense llar a qui prepara una sopa gurmet cada setmana. Mentre compra una bona ampolla de vi, coneix un cellerer local rondinaire. Ansiosa per tornar-lo a veure, assisteix a un caòtic tast de vins a la seva botiga.

Titlla Swinton és la mestra de cerimònies, per partida doble, en la nova pel·lícula de Joanna Hogg, la directora britànica darrere del celebrat díptic: "The Souvenir". Una dona i la seva anciana mare han d'enfrontar-se a secrets enterrats fa molt temps quan tornen a la seva antiga casa familiar, una antiga gran mansió que s'ha convertit en un hotel gairebé buit ple de misteri.

An overlooked pencil-pusher catches her husband in bed with another woman, the shock of which causes him to die of a heart attack. So she buries his body and takes advantage of the growing celebrity status that comes from having a missing husband. But she quickly finds herself in over her head, dodging cops and criminals, all while trying to keep the truth from her sister, a local news anchor who’s desperate for a story.

A handyman living in New York City is mistaken for a famous and famously reclusive writer and brought to a university where he is to deliver a keynote address.