A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

"Roninul anonim, spirit independent si dornic de libertate deplina, impertinent vagabond este cel care descurca itele incalcite punand intr-o lumina istorica veridica tarele unei caste paralizate." - Romulus Vulpescu 1966 (Cinema)

A young man falls for a young woman on his trip home; unbeknownst to him, her family has vowed to kill every member of his family.

A day in the city of Berlin, which experienced an industrial boom in the 1920s, and still provides an insight into the living and working conditions at that time. Germany had just recovered a little from the worst consequences of the First World War, the great economic crisis was still a few years away and Hitler was not yet an issue at the time.

The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. In the field bag of the captured pilot, they find a secret report, which speaks of the existence of defensive fortifications around the coastal city, which the Reds have yet to take. Young heroes get the task to get a map of fortifications and go to the city...

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

Cyrano, un poet-filosof, dar și un neîntrecut spadasin, se îndrăgostește de frumoasa Roxane, pe care nu îndrăznește s-o curteze, de teamă că defectul lui fizic mai mult decât evident – un nas uriaș – o va face pe fată să-l respingă. În schimb îi trimite acesteia scrisori pătimașe, ca din partea lui Christian, un tânăr frumos, dar mai puțin înzestrat cu spirit. Roxane se îndrăgostește de cel care îi scrie, fără să-i cunoască adevărata identitate.

The Borg, a relentless race of cyborgs, are on a direct course for Earth. Violating orders to stay away from the battle, Captain Picard and the crew of the newly-commissioned USS Enterprise E pursue the Borg back in time to prevent the invaders from changing Federation history and assimilating the galaxy.

A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.

Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about their faith. Traveling around the world, Maher examines the tenets of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and raises questions about homosexuality, proof of Christ's existence, Jewish Sabbath laws, violent Muslim extremists.

25 years after the beginning of her career, Florence Foresti speaks frankly about seduction, in a funny and striking tone. This is an opportunity for the comedian to take stock of the state of male-female relations five years after #MeToo.

Londra anilor 1965. Ca multi alti tineri, Jimmy uraste viata conservatoare si plina de conventionalisme a parintilor sai. El se simte bine doar printre prietenii cu care isi petrece serile. Alergand nebuneste pe motociclete, speriindu-i pe cei din jur cu atitudinea lor noncoformista, prietenii lui Jimmy par sa aiba suficienta putere, ca sa rastoarne o lume ipocrita si falsa. Jimmy va intelege curand ca totul nu este decat o iluzie.

Conversații cu un deținut condamnat la moarte cu opt zile înainte de a fi pusă în executare pedeapsa și cu cei afectați de crima sa, menite să arate de ce oamenii (și statul) comit astfel de fapte.

Both dumped by their girlfriends, two best friends seek refuge in the local mall. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others and take care of their respective nemeses.

Three Chinese friends build a successful English language school to help Chinese teenagers fulfil their dreams.

Pound x Pound introduces you to the world of boxing elite through the eyes of Juan Manuel Marquez, four-time world champion. It is a ringside ticket to the professional and personal life of Juan Manuel. An unique access to the truth behind the rivalry with Manny Pacquiao. Read the story behind the Mexican idol, who through work, effort, sacrifices and frustrations, has established itself as one of the best pound for pound fighters in the world.

Un hoț de rând plănuiește să jefuiască un magazin de mobilă, dar se trezește prins în planul secret al unui ticălos cu intenții mult mai abjecte.

The story of an idealist's rise to power in the world of Louisiana politics and the corruption that leads to his ultimate downfall. Based on the 1946 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel written by Robert Penn Warren, loosely based on the story of real-life politician Huey Long.

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.

After settling in the tiny Australian town of Walkabout Creek with his significant other and his young son, Mick "Crocodile" Dundee is thrown for a loop when a prestigious Los Angeles newspaper offers his honey a job. The family migrates back to the United States, and Croc and son soon find themselves learning some lessons about American life -- many of them inadvertent