Heartwarming animated short about the misunderstood behavior of a street dog, and the motivation behind it. But is it too late for the people know the reason why??

Les forces d'en Sàruman han estat destruïdes i la seva fortalesa assetjada. Ha arribat el moment que es decideixi el destí de la Terra Mitjana i, per primera vegada en molt temps, sembla que hi ha una petita esperança. L'atenció del senyor fosc Sàuron es centra ara en Góndor, l'últim reducte dels homes, i del qual l'Àragorn haurà de reclamar el tron per ocupar el seu lloc de Rei. Però les forces d'en Sàuron ja es preparen per llançar l'últim i definitiu atac contra el regne de Góndor, la batalla que decidirà el destí de tots. Mentrestant, en Frodo i en Sam continuen el seu camí cap a Mórdor, a l'espera que en Sàuron no repari en què dos petits hòbbits s'acosten cada dia més al final del seu camí, el Mont del Fat.

Truman Burbank és un home corrent i una mica ingenu que ha viscut tota la seva vida en un d'aquells pobles on mai no passa res. Tot i això, de sobte, uns estranys successos el fan sospitar que alguna cosa anormal està passant. Tots els amics són actors, tota la seva ciutat és un plató, tota la seva vida està sent filmada i emesa com el reality més ambiciós de la història.

A space bounty-hunter travels to a lonely planet to kill a terrible monster.

«Interstella 5555» és la realització visual de Discovery, àlbum del grup francès de música electrònica «Daft Punk». La història es desenvolupa entorn d'un grup de pop alienígena, que és segrestat per un productor musical del planeta Terra, que pretén convertir el grup en una font inesgotable de diners per dur a terme els seus malèfics plans.

An enchanting making-of story told through all-new in-depth interviews and cast conversations, inviting fans on a magical first-person journey through one of the most beloved film franchises of all time.

Connie Doyle is eighteen, pregnant and alone. She accidentally ends up on a train where she meets Hugh Winterbourne and his wife pregnant Patricia. The train wrecks and she wakes up in the hospital to find out that it's been assumed that she's Patricia. Hugh's mother takes her in and she falls in love with Hugh's brother Bill. Just when she thinks everything is going her way, her ex-boyfriend shows up.

Frank i el seu aprenent Freddy acaben el torn en un magatzem de productes sanitaris. Xerrant, Frank explica al jove que els fets narrats a la pel·lícula la Nit dels Morts Vivents van ser reals, però han estat ocultats per les autoritats. Per convèncer el noi de queno menteix, el porta al soterrani, on li ensenya un barril que conté un dels zombies, i el gas que al seu moment li va tornar la vida. Accidentalment obren el barril, alliberant tant el mort vivent com el gas, que arriba a un cementiri proper. Sense saber-ho, un grup de joves que han anat a passar la nit al cementiri seran testimonis del despertar dels morts.

After they meet at their parent's engagement party, Mia and Frida are intrigued by and attracted to one another, despite Mia's own upcoming engagement to Tim. Mia must decide whether to continue her life with Tim or to follow her heart with Frida.

Days away from her wedding to Steve Austin, Jaime Sommers experiences a mysterious breakdown of her Bionic limbs. With her physical fate unknown, Jaime calls off the wedding. Her condition quickly deteriorates, and Dr. Rudy Wells races to find the cause behind the breakdown. Meanwhile, in the Bahamas, terrorist Miles Kendrick takes control of the American Embassy and threatens the launch of a nuclear missile. Steve and OSI operative Kimberly Harmon head to the Bahamas to stop Kendrick, but in the midst of the mission Steve is suddenly stricken with the same computer virus that is destroying Jaime.

The Bionic Woman and the Six-Million-Dollar Man reunite--with a few younger bionic assistants--and try to catch a bionic spy.

Dorothy, saved from a psychiatric experiment by a mysterious girl, finds herself back in the land of her dreams, and makes delightful new friends, and dangerous new enemies.

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.

A famous Hollywood actress and a young wilderness expert drive from Los Angeles to New York. Along the way both women learn they can't run from their past to create the future they want. Stars Holly Robinson Peete, Kaylee Bryant.

When the young orphan boy James spills a magic bag of crocodile tongues, he finds himself in possession of a giant peach that flies him away to strange lands.

Han passat deu anys, Rick O'Connell s'ha casat amb Evelyn, i tots dos són pares del petit Alex, de vuit anys. Quan, després d'una sèrie d'esdeveniments, la mòmia de l'antic sacerdot egipci Im-Ho-Tep és ressuscitada per una estranya secta al British Museum, i la maledicció mil·lenària del Rei Escorpí -que sis mil anys enrere va trair el déu Anubis- ho torna a la vida, el xoc entre les dues forces malignes desencadenarà el caos al món... si Rick i Evelyn no aconsegueixen evitar-ho.

One summer, Dario flees the hellish environment of his home. Luismi, unconditional friend, a poor devil with pretensions of winning, and Antonia, an old woman who collects abandoned his motorcar furniture, become his new family. Three generations living together in a city too big to be alone.

Un conte de fades escrit per William Hjortsberg (Angel Heart) que recrea la lluita eterna entre les tenebres i la llum en un món poblat per personatges màgics com nans, diablons, follets, unicorns, fades i humans.

In the South Pacific island of Makatea, career-driven magazine editor Robin Monroe is on a week-long vacation getaway with her boyfriend, Frank Martin. An emergency work assignment in neighboring Tahiti requires Robin to hire the cantankerous pilot Quinn Harris who had flown them to Makatea on a small transport plane. While flying, a powerful storm forces Quinn to make an emergency landing on a nearby deserted island. The dissimilar pair avoid each other at first, until they're forced to team up to escape from the island -- and some pirates who want their heads.

The Toa Metru return to their glorious city of Metru Nui to finally accomplish their mission, only to find the city in ruins, overrun by the dreaded Visorak horde. Captured by their new enemy and transformed into hideous Toa Hordika, our heroes must find a figure out of myth to be cured of their mutations and fulfill their destiny before the beast within overtakes them.