A group of martian aliens invade earth, but they never expected mexicans to be immune to their multiple attacks.

A tale of forbidden love and family drama unravels 40 years of secrets and lies against a soundtrack of juke joint blues in the Deep South.

Felipe a wealthy businessman who has been quadriplegic, due to an accident, is looking for a therapeutic assistant. There are several highly qualified, but he decides to take the assistant of his gardener, Tito who has decided to resign.

Mustafa and his wife Salwa come from two Palestinian villages that are only 200 meters apart, but separated by the wall. Their unusual living situation is starting to affect their otherwise happy marriage, but the couple does what they can to make it work. Every night, Mustafa flashes a light from his balcony to wish his children on the other side a goodnight, and they signal him back. One day Mustafa gets a call that every parent dreads: his son has been in an accident. He rushes to the checkpoint where he must agonisingly wait in line only to find out there is a problem with his fingerprints and is denied entry. Desperate, Mustafa resorts to hiring a smuggler to bring him across. His once 200-meter journey becomes a 200-kilometer odyssey joined by other travellers determined to cross.

When a series of gruesome murders hit Seoul, the Korean investigation police has no choice but to ask help from world-renowned French doctor Alice Launey who developed a revolutionary technique for recognizing bodies. With more corpses on the way and a mysterious organ trafficking ring uncovered, things are about to get more dangerous in the land of the morning calm…

This documentary traces the capture of serial killer Guy Georges through the tireless work of two women: a police chief and a victim's mother.

Recently widowed mom Brenda fights to protect her family during a harrowing road trip when a murder and a missing bag of cash plunge them into danger.

Roxana Aubrey decides to drop her studies and escape her life in Paris for a free diving course in the south of France. She is quickly pulled into a life that reaches new depths brought by the weight of an ocean's descent.

Като разказва събитията около една от трагедиите на 20 век, филмът събира в едно история за любов, чест, бунт и оцеляване. Фонът на събитията е геноцидната политика на Йосиф Сталин срещу украинците през 30-те години на 20 век. Докато той властва в Кремъл, един млад художник на име Юри се бори с глада, арестите и изтезанията, за да спаси любовта от детството си Наталка от Холодомор – програмата за унищожение на украинската съпротива чрез глад, убила милиони украинци. На фона на ужасите, които се случват в страната му, Юри избягва от съветски затвор, за да се присъедини в съпротивата срещу болшевиките и борбата за независима Украйна.

Sophie and Tarik have inherited a family home in the Vallée de Joux. They could have chosen to move in, but they decided to start by knocking it down and are now attempting to renovate it. In this charming and humorous film, it is now Sophie's turn to deconstruct everything: from the patriarchy and capitalism to growth and degrowth, paving the way for an achievable utopia.

After a nervous breakdown, Walter trades the city for the countryside. But his hopes for a calm life are shattered once he meets his loud new neighbors.

Черна романтична комедия. Том и Джанет са щастливо женени от години. Но посещение на мистериозен непознат води до мъртво тяло и много въпроси. Дори след 14 години брак Том (Джоел МакХейл) и Джанет (Кери Бише) не могат един без друг. Те разбират, че приятелите им се дразнят от постоянните им прояви на любов и започват да се чудят на кои приятели все още могат да разчитат. Посещението на мистериозен непознат (Стивън Руут) предизвиква криза в семейството им, оставя труп след себе си, много въпроси и ги принуждава да тръгнат на една много напрегната ваканция.

At an elite boarding school for girls, six friends jokingly engage in a late night ritual, calling forth the spirit of a dead former student who reportedly haunts their halls. Before morning, one of the girls is dead, leaving the others wondering what they may have awakened.

Facing the possibility of prison - and in search of an idealized freedom - 3 siblings take matters in to their own hands with a cross country crime spree of epic proportions.

The company soldier Hannah and the scientists Gavin and Dimitri are researching an algae project on board the Rubikon space station, which is supposed to permanently supply humanity with oxygen and food. But suddenly the earth disappears below them in a brown, toxic fog and all contact is broken off - are they the last survivors of humanity? Should they initiate the safe station, dare the return flight and thereby risk their lives?

When a fashion employee thinks she will have to end her promising career after getting pregnant, her boss offers to adopt the child.

Five men meet on a self-development course run by a charismatic coach who promises to mend their relationship with their partners. The controversial methods of a self-proclaimed specialist turn their lives upside down, leading to a series of hilarious, sometimes blood-curdling consequences.

A year after Charlie's daughter disappears, another girl from Elrod, Georgia goes missing. Convinced there is a connection, Charlie draws suspicion and contempt from local law enforcement and townspeople as she stops at nothing to expose its most devastating and darkest secret.

Група политици и международни медии се срещат на частна вечеря, но скоро разбират, че са попаднали в смъртоносен капан.