BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

While under the care of the Outer Sailor Guardians, Hotaru begins to age rapidly. Then, the time comes for all the Sailor Guardians to reunite!

Kogure Nao is a shy and cute high school student. One day, Onise Taiga asks her "would you like to date with me on the promise that we will get married?" Nao is unable to turn down his proposal because she is scared of him. Taiga has red hair and piercing eyes. His appearance gives off the impression that he is a bad boy, but he is actually considerate to others and good at cooking. After getting to know Taiga, Nao begins to have feelings for him.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Groot discovers a miniature civilization that believes the seemingly enormous tree toddler is the hero they’ve been waiting for.

Following the events of “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1,” Baby Groot is finally ready to try taking his first steps out of his pot—only to learn you have to walk before you can run.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are taking on the British monarchy in the third installment in Lifetime’s movie trilogy about the royal couple. The film explores what really happened inside the palace that drove Harry and Meghan to leave everything behind in order to make a future for themselves and their son Archie.

In a future where Mars is terraformed and colonized by the best humanity has to offer, two very different college students wind up joining forces and sneak onboard a space shuttle to the red planet in order to be united with their significant others.

A Halloween-hating dad reluctantly teams up with his teenage daughter when an evil spirit wreaks havoc by making their town's decorations come to life.

Ting-yin je spisovatelka pisuca o vztahoch a laske. Jej citatelia ju miluju a vzdy netrpezlivo ocakavaju dalsiu knihu. Po rokoch pisania a medzinarodnych uspechoch oznami na tlacovej konferencii zmenu. Jej najblizsi roman bude o krajine mrtvych. Na konferencii dostane otazku, ci bude pisat na zaklade svojich skusenosti. Odpovie ano. Do tejto chvile vsak netusi, ze vyvolavanie duchov, ktore zazila pocas skolskych rokov alebo par nevysvetlitelnych situacii, ktore zazila, su len uspavankou pre male deti. Po prichode domov sa hned pusti do pisania. Onedlho sa v jej byte zacnu diat tajomne, nevysvetlitelne a hlavne desive veci. Spociatku si mysli, ze ide o halucinacie. Neskor zisti, ze vsetka hroza, o ktorej pise, sa prenasa do jej vlastneho zivota. Prestava rozoznavat fikciu od reality. Ked o svojich zazitkoch rozprava priatelke, citi sa ako blazon. Ma len dve moznosti. Bud prestat okamzite pisat, alebo pokracovat a dokoncit svoju knihu aj za cenu, ze sa stane jednou z postav.

Amaia má za úlohu vyšetriť podozrivé úmrtie dievčatka, ktorej otec sa snažil utiecť s jej telom.

In the near future, the southern Italian city of Taranto is surrounded by barbed wire that no one, not even the police, dares to cross. The poorest are left fighting for survival, while gangs compete for the territory. Two thirteen-year-old orphans who grew up together, dream of joining one of the gangs.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

1936. Giovanni Comini, the youngest Federal in Fascist Italy, is summoned to Rome for a delicate mission: to surveil aging national poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, whose increasingly restless behavior Mussolini fears could damage his alliance with Nazi Germany. However, after spending time with D'Annunzio, Comini finds himself torn between loyalty to the Party and his fascination with the poet, who will put his burgeoning career at risk.

An Irish undertaker profits when outlaws take over a peaceful town, but his own family come under threat as the death toll increases dramatically.

Keď veteránke z misie v Afganistane unesú syna, musí konať. Dohoda spočíva v tom, že ho vykúpi peniazmi, ktoré jej otec dlhoval vodcovi gangu. Počas odovzdávania však Claire zastrelí dvoch únoscov a vydá sa do hôr, aby na vlastnú päsť zachránila svojho syna. Clair ide na dohodnuté miesto vyzdvihnúť svojho syna s peniazmi, ktoré od nej únoscovia chcú. Únoscovia však syna neunesú a nastane prestrelka. Jeden z lupičov utečie do divočiny a Clair je mu na stope. Keď sa všade naokolo hemžia hladní vlci, je čoskoro jasné, že ak chcú prežiť, musia sa obaja stratení muži v lese spojiť a nájsť cestu von. Clair sa dozvie, že jej syna zadržiava zločinec, ktorého nazývajú Otec. Adoptuje ukradnuté deti a predáva ich záujemcom. On sám je psychopat a nie je jasné, čo urobí ďalej. Clair skutočne drží svojho syna v lese a ide s ním na chatu, aby zariadila odovzdanie dieťaťa klientovi.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.

Sami works in a children's home which is set to be closed. The young man is an enthusiastic stadium usher and has convinced the president of the Olympique de Marseille football club to help them keep it open.