When a single mother her teenage daughter becomes ensnared in a deadly crime, find an unexpected ally in their neighbor, a simple, doting but genius teacher math teacher comes to aid, while a tenacious cop digs into the case.

Grieving the loss of a best friend she couldn't protect, an ex-bodyguard sets out to fulfill her dear friend's last wish: sweet revenge.

See what Suzane von Richthofen, Daniel Cravinhos and Cristian Cravinhos did in the days following the brutal crime that led to the Richthofen couple's death. This film reveals crucial moments of the police investigation, testimonies and the confession of the crime.

After losing her job, a single mom falls into a lucrative but ultimately dangerous scheme selling prescription drugs.

Po fatálne nevydarenej akci sa nájomný vrah pustí do boja so svojimi zadávateľmi i sám so sebou a ženie sa za odplatou. Nie je v tom však vraj nič osobné…

On October 9th, 1963, at 10:39 pm, 260 million cubic meters of rock fell down from Mount Toc to the artificial lake formed by the Vajont dam, the higher dam in the world. The landslide formed a 250-meters wave and 50 million cubic meters of water completely destroied all the below towns, killing more than 2000 people. Planned by engineer Semenza, Vajont dam (263 meters) had to carry the electricity in all the houses of the country. Tina Merlin, a journalist from 'L'Unitá', tried for years to denounce the danger to build a dam near the Mount Toc and expecially to denounce all the omissions by the corrupted politicians and workers in charge of the dam construction. They preferred to trust in old geologist Dal Piaz instead to hear engineer Semenza young son's alarming analysis. No one seemed to understand the high danger until that October fatal night.

Noc v období Vianoc v meste Roubaix. Policajný šéf Daoud prechádza mestom, v ktorom sa narodil. Podpálené autá, násilné prepadnutia… Tvárou v tvár chudobe, podvodom a úzkostiam, Daoud rozpozná, kto klame a kto hovorí pravdu. Louis je nováčik z policajnej akadémie, ktorý sa nedávno stal novým členom Daoudovho tímu. Je mladý, nešikovný a nechá sa ľahko zmiasť. Daoud a Louis sú konfrontovaní s vraždou starej ženy. Na výsluch sa dostavia dve mladé ženy – Claude a Marie – ktoré sú celkom na dne a sú alkoholičky a milenky…

A high school coach, whose teenage daughter was murdered, takes matters into his own hands by going after the men who kidnap his students for their sex trafficking operation.

V apokalyptickom thrilleri si Amanda a jej manžel Clay spolu so svojimi deťmi Archiem a Rose prenajmú na víkend luxusný dom. Ich dovolenku však narušia dvaja cudzinci – G. H. a jeho dcéra Ruth, ktorí sa zničohonič zjavia uprostred noci a hľadajú útočiako pred kybernetickým útokom. Ten je každú minútu silnejší a desivejší a všetkých prinúti prijať, čo im rúcajúci sa svet prichystá.

Kvůli nečekanému povýšení v nemilosrdném hedgeovém fondu se jim vztah začne rozpadat pod rukama. A v ohrožení nejsou jenom nedávné zásnuby.

Three stories about the world of opioids collide: a drug trafficker arranges a multi-cartel Fentanyl smuggling operation between Canada and the U.S., an architect recovering from an OxyContin addiction tracks down the truth behind her son's involvement with narcotics, and a university professor battles unexpected revelations about his research employer, a drug company with deep government influence bringing a new "non-addictive" painkiller to market.

Two mermaid sisters, who end up performing at a nightclub, face cruel and bloody choices when one of them falls in love with a beautiful young man.

Randolph Bradley is perfectly content fading into the background, but when his coworker Benson snaps and goes on a violent killing spree, he’s forced to face his fears and confront his troubled past in order to find a way to survive.

In a small Midwestern town, a deadly annual ritual unfolds when the mythical nightmare, Sawtooth Jack, rises from the cornfields and challenges the town’s teenage boys in a bloody battle of survival.

Andres Cuadrado is an old-fashioned civil servant. Conservative and somewhat macho, he takes his job at the Ministry of Finance very seriously. He considers himself above all a person "as God commands" and, consequently, he takes it for granted that everything responds to a natural, hierarchical and immovable order. After an unfortunate confrontation with a colleague, Andrés is disciplined and transferred to the Ministry of Equality. There everything is totally new to him: there are no assigned places, no schedules, and everyone is a vegan. Andres will have a lot of catching up to do to adapt to this new order of things.

V Clintone v štáte Mississippi má detektív Lucas Boyd za úlohu vyšetriť sériu desivých vrážd, ktoré sa zdajú byť spojené s africkým rituálom známym ako Muti. Boyd je spočiatku zmätený povahou vrážd s prvkami čiernej mágie a desivým rituálom, akým sú vykonané. Keď sa však ponorí hlbšie do prípadu, zistí, že potrebuje pomoc niekoho, kto má skúsenosti s africkou kultúrou a zvykmi. Preto vyhľadá doktora Macklesa, profesora antropológie a znalca africkej kultúry, aby mu pomohol rozlúštiť rituálne prvky vrážd. Spoločne skúmajú kultúrny význam rituálu Muti a možné spojenie so zločinmi v Clintone. Pri práci na rozlúštení záhady čelia odporu miestnych úradov, ktoré sú k ich nekonvenčnému prístupu skeptické.

January 13, 2018. 8h08. Hawaii is in a state of alert: ballistic missiles have just been launched in the direction of the island, there are only a few minutes left to find a shelter. Like every year, a group of friends has come to spend a week's vacation in the hotel of one of their friends, who has left to live in Hawaii. As they think they are living their last moments, years of unspoken words come back and degenerate into a settlement of accounts. Fortunately for them, it's a false alarm. Unfortunately, they still have eight days of vacation to spend together.

Strhujúce akčné dobrodružstvo, v ktorom bojuje o prežitie bohatá americká rodina, ktorá cestuje do rozľahlej africkej divočiny v Keni a dúfa v dovolenku snov plnú vzrušenia, utužovania rodinných vzťahov a šance napraviť rastúce rozpory v ich rodine. Keď ale na ich safari vozidlo zaútočí nosorožec, ktorý chráni svoje mláďa, rodina uviazne na míle ďaleko od pomoci a ich vysnívaná dovolenka sa premení na desivý boj o prežitie vo svete, v ktorom je človek na konci potravinového reťazca.

A disgraced former cop, fresh off a six-year prison sentence for attempted murder, returns home looking for redemption but winds up trapped in the mess he left behind.

The company soldier Hannah and the scientists Gavin and Dimitri are researching an algae project on board the Rubikon space station, which is supposed to permanently supply humanity with oxygen and food. But suddenly the earth disappears below them in a brown, toxic fog and all contact is broken off - are they the last survivors of humanity? Should they initiate the safe station, dare the return flight and thereby risk their lives?