Ovaj animirani film studija Pixarove animacije, koji predstavlja Walt Disney Pictures, prati komičan i zanimljiv put dviju riba - preopreznog Marlina i njegovog znatiželjnog sina Nema, od kojeg se odvojio kod Velikog koraljnog grebena. U društvu Dory, druželjubive ali zaboravne ribe, Marlin kreće na opasan put te postaje junak koji spašava svoga sina...
Najbolje namjere često se vraćaju da vas progone. U novom nastavku Nemoguće misije, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) i njegov tim MMF-a (Alec Baldwin, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames) zajedno sa saveznicima (Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan), nađu se u utrci s vremenom kada misija krene po zlu. Henry Cavill, Angela Bassett i Vanessa Kirby pridružit će se dinamičnom timu s redateljem Christopherom McQuarriejem na čelu.
Features interviews with the cast and crew of Re-Animator (1985), except for the late David Gale.
Tri desetljeća nakon poraza Darth Vadera i Carstva, javlja se nova prijetnja. Prvi red uskrsnuo je iz pepela Galaktičkog Carstva, a njemu su se suprotstavili generalica Leia Organa i Pokret otpora koji nastoje pronaći nestalog jedi-učitelja Lukea Skywalkera. Usred potrage pojavljuju se novi junaci u obliku Rey, skupljačice otpada s planeta Jakkua koja osjeća Silu; Finna, jurišnika koji je prebjegao iz Prvog reda; te Poea Damerona, najboljeg pilota u Pokretu otpora. Han Solo pomaže im u potrazi za Skywalkerom i u misiji da unište novo superoružje Prvog reda, bazu Starkiller kojoj je cilj uništiti Novu Republiku i Pokret otpora. Suprotstavljaju im se zlikovci poput Kyla Rena, mračnog ratnika tajanstvene prošlosti, i generala Huxa, zapovjednika baze Starkiller.
Wart is a young boy who aspires to be a knight's squire. On a hunting trip he falls in on Merlin, a powerful but amnesiac wizard who has plans for him beyond mere squiredom. He starts by trying to give him an education, believing that once one has an education, one can go anywhere. Needless to say, it doesn't quite work out that way.
Baggage handlers Bud and Lou accidentally stumble upon Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula and the Wolf Man.
009 Re:Cyborg follows a group of nine cyborgs, each of them created by a shadowy organization for use as weapons against humanity. The group turns on their creators to protect the population instead, using the powers given them to fight their creators.
Before going on vacation, self-involved psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin has the misfortune of taking on a new patient: Bob Wiley. An exemplar of neediness and a compendium of phobias, Bob follows Marvin to his family's country house. Dr. Marvin tries to get him to leave; the trouble is, everyone loves Bob. As his oblivious patient makes himself at home, Dr. Marvin loses his professional composure and, before long, may be ready for the loony bin himself.
U središtu priče je Thor, moćni ali arogantni ratnik s drugog svijeta čije nepromišljene akcije pokreću drevni rat. Za kaznu je prognan na Zemlju i prisiljen živjeti s ljudima. Ovdje uči što čini pravog heroja kad najopasniji negativac njegova svijeta šalje mračne sile Asgarda da napadnu Zemlju.
In 1969, a young Beijing student, Chen Zhen, is sent to live among the nomadic herdsmen of Inner Mongolia. Caught between the advance of civilization from the south and the nomads' traditional enemies - the marauding wolves - to the north; humans and animals, residents and invaders alike, struggle to find their true place in the world.
Four fighters from different backgrounds come together to train under an ex MMA rising star and then ultimately have to fight each other and the traitor in their midst.
Od kada smo ih upoznali, svašta se promijenilo: Bella je postala besmrtni vampir, ona i Edward su u braku i imaju prekrasnu kćer… Volturi se približavaju Belli i Edwardu jer njihovo dijete predstavlja prijetnju za vampire.
High school senior Tara is so painfully shy that she dreads speaking to anyone in the hallways or getting called on in class. But in the privacy of her bedroom with her iPod in hand, she rocks out -- doing mock broadcasts for Miami's hottest FM radio station, which happens to be owned by her stepfather. When a slot opens up at The SLAM, Tara surprises herself by blossoming behind the mike into confident, "Radio Rebel" -- and to everyone's shock, she's a hit!
Megan proživljava krizu srednjih godina. Radi posao za koji je prekvalificirana i odbija pronaći bolji posao, te nema motivacije razmišljati o budućnosti dok su njezini prijatelji već odavno ušli u svijet odraslih. Nakon što je dečko zaprosi, Megan se uspaniči i pobjegne na tjedan dana pod izlikom da odlazi na konvenciju koja će joj pomoći u karijeri. Odluči provesti tjedan dana u kući šesnaestogodišnje Annike i njezina razvedenog oca.
U novom su nastavku, kroz niz nesporazuma, Alvin, Simon i Theodore uvjereni kako je Dave odlučio zaprositi svoju novu djevojku u New Yorku. Tri vjeverice odlučuju krenuti na put kako bi ga u tome spriječili, no imaju samo tri dana da ga zaustave i ujedno smanje mogućnost da dobiju užasnog polubrata.
An uptight documentary filmmaker and his wife find their lives loosened up a bit after befriending a free-spirited younger couple.
Aldo and Vittorio are two men suffering from disabilities. One is blind, the other is forced to a wheelchair. Vittorio one day by chance meets Aldo in the hospice and invites him to take a pleasure trip to Sanremo in Liguria. In fact Vittorio, though blind, is a cheat who’s in trouble.
A young Englishman plots revenge against his mysterious, beautiful cousin, believing that she murdered his guardian. But his feelings become complicated as he finds himself falling under the beguiling spell of her charms.
Yuri Pelagatti is a stage actor who is left jobless after a traumatic separation that resulted in his inability to remember his lines. Arturo Merlino is a shabby “investigator” who chases cats escaped from their homes. When Arturo and Yuri cross paths, Yuri is under the mistaken impression that Arturo is a consummate professional. He contracts Arturo to follow his ex-wife in order to find proof of her infidelity. But when he accidentally comes into the possession of a mysterious suitcase containing 1 million Euro, a series of hilarious troubles and daring adventures will result in an unpredictable finale…
Uvijek smo znali da će se oni jednog dana vratiti. Koristeći pronađenu vanzemaljsku tehnologiju iz prvog napada, nacije Zemlje surađivale su na ogromnom obrambenom projektu kako bi sačuvali našu planetu. No sada, 20 godina nakon napada, pojavila se nova prijetnja, a ništa nas ne može pripremiti za naprednu i nevjerojatnu snagu koju vanzemaljaci ovoga puta nose sa sobom. Samo genijalnost nekolicine hrabrih muškaraca i žena može naš svijet spriječiti od potpunog uništenja.