Burn the Stage: the Movie is the first movie from BTS, going behind-the-scenes of the BTS WINGS TOUR to reveal the full story of the band’s meteoric rise to fame. This unmissable film provides an intimate look at what happens when the most successful global boy band of all time breaks down barriers and invades the mainstream music scene. Exclusive tour footage and brand-new one-on-one interviews with BTS members give fans an unprecedented glimpse into their lives and an opportunity for everyone to celebrate together worldwide.

A glimpse into K-pop group BTS’ world away from the stage, featuring intimate group discussions alongside spectacular concert performances from their world tour.

Shot at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul during the BTS World Tour ‘Love Yourself’ to celebrate the seven members of the global boyband and their unprecedented international phenomenon.

A burning Godzilla, on the verge of meltdown, emerges to lay siege to Hong Kong. At the same time horrifying new organisms are discovered in Japan. These crustacean-like beings are seemingly born of the Oxygen Destroyer, the weapon that killed the original Godzilla.

After parting with Sasuke at the Final Valley, Uzumaki Naruto has been away from the village of Konohagakure to further his training. Two and a half years later, he finally returns to the village and takes his mission in Team Kakashi, then he finds the clue on Orochimaru. Naruto leads the team and heads to the place where Orochimaru is in order to save his friend Sasuke. However, little does he know that "Akatsuki" is seeking after his life to acquire the Nine-Tailed sealed in his body.

On the 20th anniversary of their edgy little 90's cable show Underground Entertainment, the authors, along with many SF, horror and B celebrities in cameos, remember how they pushed the envelope, shocked, entertained, but also introduced the audience to many movies, comics and conventions.

In the fifth film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto is challenged by five warriors, each has one fifth of Ogami's assassin fee and one fifth of the information he needs to complete his assassination.

Când Jack și Sally anunță că se despart, acest lucru vine ca un șoc pentru cei mai buni prieteni ai lor, Gabe și Judy. Poate mai ales pentru că și ei se depărtează și acum sunt conștienți de asta. Așa că, în timp ce Jack și Sally încearcă să continue și să cunoască oameni noi, căsătoria dintre Gabe și Judy devine din ce în ce mai tensionată și încep să se trezească atrași de alți oameni.

Filmul spune povestea scriitorului John F Romanoff, stabilit in Brooklyn, si a investigatiilor sale referitoare la adevarata istorie a stramosilor lui, participanti de frunte la Revolutia Rusa. Distractiv si provocator, filmul sfideaza conventiile si pune la indoiala veridicitatea a ceea ce se intampla in fata si in spatele camerei.

An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

Vacanța de vară, primele romanțe și un sediu nou pentru echipă - viața ar putea fi perfectă pentru Crocodili, dacă nu s-ar auzi zvonuri ciudate în legătură cu fabrica unde părinții lui Ollie și Maria lucrează. Se fac din ce în ce mai multe concedieri și aproape că e închisă, ceea ce înseamnă că părinții lor și-ar putea pierde locurile de muncă, poate și casele. Asta ar însemna sfârșitul Crocodililor: dacă Ollie și Maria sunt nevoiți să se mute, n-ar mai exista echipa nici pentru Hannes, Kai, Jorgo, Frank și Peter!

Manga artist Gengo Odaka lands a job with the World Children's Land amusement park only to become suspicious of the organization when a garbled message is discovered on tapes. As Gengo and his team investigate, Godzilla and Anguirus quickly decipher the message and begin their own plan of action.

Giacomo is a low-level actor and voice actor with a great passion for acting. After another disappointing audition he has one last chance to get the part assigned

Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

Acțiunea filmului se desfășoară în timpul Primului Război Mondial. Michael Dunne e un sergent canadian rănit în timpul uneia din numeroasele bătălii pentru cucerirea unei localități din Franța. Ca urmare a rănirii este trimis înapoi în Canada pentru a se recupera. Dunne se îndragostește iremediabil de Sarah, o frumoasă infirmieră. Deși fizic Dunne se recuperează, el este diagnosticat cu neuroastenie și este trimis să muncească într-un birou de recrutare a voluntarilor pentru armată.

After a violent encounter, Roy finds Rocky and sees something in her eyes that prompts a fateful decision. He takes her with him as he flees to Galveston, an action as ill-advised as it is inescapable.

Set in the year 2065 and tells the story of a man who enters an old holographic booth, intending to take a nap, but accidentally activating the resident sexual hologram.

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.