Històries de Filadèlfia és una comèdia protagonitzada per Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn i James Stewart. Tracy Lord (Katherine Hepburn) és idolatrada per tot el món i ha de mantenir el seu sinistre ex-marit, un periodista alcohòlic, i el seu futur marit contents.

Julie, the youngest daughter of a bankrupt merchant, sacrifices her life in order to save her father. She goes to an enchanted castle in the woods and meets Netvor, a bird-like monster. As Netvor begins to fall in love with Julie, he must suppress his beastly urge to kill her.

Johnny Case, a freethinking financier, has finally found the girl of his dreams — Julia Seton, the spoiled daughter of a socially prominent millionaire — and she's agreed to marry him. But when Johnny plans a holiday for the two to enjoy life while they are still young, his fiancée has other plans & that is for Johnny to work in her father's bank!

L'estrella del ballet Pete "Petrov" Peters se les ha arreglat per creuar l'Atlàntic a bord del mateix vaixell on viatja la ballarina de la qual s'ha enamorat perdudament, Linda Keene, tot i que amb prou feines la coneix. Però, en el moment que el transatlàntic arriba a Nova York, una petita mentida es propaga com un rumor: que les dues celebritats estan casades en secret.

L'Alvin C. York és un modest granger de Tennessee que voldria casar-se amb la seva veïna, Gracia Williams, però no pot aconseguir que li faci cas. Quan els Estats Units prenen part en la primera Guerra Mundial, l'Alvin es declara objector de consciència, però l'obliguen a vestir l'uniforme militar. Els seus caps descobreixen que l'Alvin és un gran tirador i procuren infondre-li l'esperit castrense. Alvin marxa al front de França i es converteix en un heroi nacional.

Jerry i Lucy Warriner estan a punt de divorciar-se i lluiten per la custòdia del seu gos, Mr. Smith. Abans que el divorci es faci oficial, Jerry decideix tornar amb Lucy, però s'assabenta que ella es casarà amb un home que s'ha fet ric gràcies al petroli. Jerry contraataca anunciant el compromís amb l'aristocràtica Molly Lamont.

Julita expressed her three greatest wishes shortly after getting married: lots of children, a monkey and a castle she can call her own. That all of these wishes have become a reality is probably down to the immense stubbornness of this charismatic and equally hilarious matriarch who has a weakness for collecting crazy objects. When financial circumstances force the family to sell their castle, her adult children are left sifting through a lifetime of peculiarities in search of a few lost bones… Spanish actor and neo director Gustavo Salmerón paints a deliciously absurd family portrait that just happens to reveal a lot about Spain, Catholicism and the economic crisis.

Tom Destry, son of a legendary frontier peacekeeper, doesn’t believe in gunplay. Thus he becomes the object of widespread ridicule when he rides into the wide-open town of Bottleneck, the personal fiefdom of the crooked Kent.

During the interwar period, a Lithuanian geography professor tries to convince the government to establish a backup state overseas, in order to save their country from ruin. However, the idea is mostly mocked and opposed. Still, there is hope in the secret support from the elderly prime minister, who has become disillusioned with politics.

A married couple living in a desolate small town in post-WWII China are paid a surprise visit by an old friend of the husband's.

Mary Marshall, serving a six year term for accidental manslaughter, is given a Christmas furlough from prison to visit her closest relatives, her uncle and his family in a small Midwestern town. On the train she meets Zach Morgan, a troubled army sergeant on leave for the holidays from a military hospital. Although his physical wounds have healed, he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and is subject to panic attacks. The pair are attracted to one another and in the warm atmosphere of the Christmas season friendship blossoms into romance, but Mary is reluctant to tell him of her past and that she must shortly return to prison to serve the remainder of her sentence.

Madcap couple George and Marion Kerby are killed in an automobile accident. They return as ghosts to try and liven up the regimented lifestyle of their friend and bank president, Cosmo Topper. When Topper starts to live it up, it strains relations with his stuffy wife.

Any 1883. Un grup de condemnats ingressa a la presó federal d'Arizona. Un d'ells és en Paris Pitman, un facinerós d'enginy endiablat que ha enterrat un botí de mig milió de dòlars en el desert i viu amb l'obsessió de fugar-se'n per recuperar-lo. Amb aquest objectiu intenta convèncer diversos presos perquè el secundin i, al mateix temps, intenta guanyar-se la confiança del nou alcaid.

Suècia, segle XVII. Durant la guerra dels Trenta Anys (1618-1648) mor, a la batalla de Lutzen, el rei Gustau Adolf de Suècia. Hereta el tron ​​la seva filla Cristina, que des de la infància es lliura en cos i ànima als problemes d'estat, cosa que la porta a renunciar al matrimoni amb el príncep Carles Gustau, heroi nacional i el pretendent preferit per tothom. Tot i això, Cristina s'enamora profundament de Don Antonio, Comte de Pimentel i ambaixador del rei d'Espanya a Suècia.

After a car accident that caused the loss of her baby, Jane experiences an increasing amount of nightmares that shake her to her core. After seeking professional help, her haunting visions turn into an even more frightening reality, one full of black magic, blood orgies, and murder.

Two ballet dancers perform a dance enhanced with surreal after-image visuals.

Northern Spain, October 1944. Several groups of guerrilla fighters, former Republican soldiers exiled in France after the end of the Spanish Civil War, infiltrate the country in order to provoke a popular uprising against General Franco's dictatorship.

Quan Conrad Birdie, estrella del rock i ídol juvenil, és cridat a files, totes les adolescents del país es revolucionen. A més, Albert (Dick van Dyke), el que escriu les cançons de Conrad, es queda sense feina. Ell i la seva núvia (Janet Leigh) organitzen llavors un concurs nacional gràcies al qual una afortunada assolirà el somni de fer el petó de comiat a Conrad a "El Show d'Ed Sullivan".

The vaudeville act of Harriet and Queenie Mahoney comes to Broadway, where their friend Eddie Kerns needs them for his number in one of Francis Zanfield's shows. When Eddie meets Queenie, he soon falls in love with her—but she is already being courted by Jock Warriner, a member of New York high society. Queenie eventually recognizes that, to Jock, she is nothing more than a toy, and that Eddie is in love with her.