On ildir ki, avatar şəklini alan əsgər Cek Salli başqa bir planetdə yaşayır. Qəhrəman öz taleyini Navi xalqı ilə bağladı və onun müdafiəçisi oldu. Lakin Cek başa düşür ki, əsgərlərlə keçmiş qarşıdurma sonuncu deyil. Bir müddət sonra onlar yad planeti ələ keçirmək üçün yenidən qayıdacaqlar. Və belə də olur: Yer hökuməti ordunu Pandoraya göndərir. Cek Salli düşmənlərinin qələbə qazanmaması üçün hər şeyi etməyə hazırdır. Qəhrəmanın indi artıq itirəcəkləri var, çünki yeni dünyada o, nəhayət öz sevgisini tapıb.

A young woman, traumatized by a tragic event in her past, seeks out vengeance against those who crossed her path.

Paris, France, 1942, during the Nazi occupation. Robert Klein, a successful art dealer who benefits from the misfortunes of those who are ruthlessly persecuted, discovers by chance that there is another Robert Klein, apparently a Jewish man; someone with whom he could be mistakenly identified, something dangerous in such harsh times.

New York Times reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor break one of the most important stories in a generation — a story that helped launch the #MeToo movement and shattered decades of silence around the subject of sexual assault in Hollywood.

When Astrid Lindgren was very young something happened that affected her profoundly, and this combination of both miracle and calamity came to shape her entire life. It was an event that transformed her into one of the most inspiring women of our age and the storyteller a whole world would come to love. This is the story of when a young Astrid, despite the expectations of her time and religious upbringing, decided to break free from society's norms and follow her heart.

Young-goon, mentally deranged and frequently electro-charging herself with a transistor radio, has been admitted into a mental institution. Firmly believing herself to be a cyborg, she refuses to consume like a human being. Il-soon is another patient, who catches the eye of Young-goon and soon becomes a close friend. Il-soon is now confronted with the biggest task: to cure Young-goon's mental problem and have her eat real food.

Paris 2052. Julia, 80 years old, had a fulfilled life. On her birthday, she reflects on the decisions and circumstances that could have led her on different paths. From the age of 17 to this day, her life was full of small but critical moments. Each was a turning point with dramatic consequences. What would have happened if she had forgotten her passport, chosen a different line at the store, driven the scooter this one time...? Is her life a succession of coincidences and accidents or a ready-made path?

Émilie meets Camille who is attracted to Nora, who crosses paths with Amber. Three girls and a boy – They're friends, sometimes lovers and often both.

Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.

While holidaying in the French Alps, a Swedish family deals with acts of cowardliness as an avalanche breaks out.

British reporters suspect an international cover-up of a global disaster in progress... and they're right. Hysterical panic has engulfed the world after the United States and the Soviet Union simultaneously detonate nuclear devices and have caused the orbit of the Earth to alter, sending it hurtling towards the sun.

Vincent is 13 years old and has a boundless admiration for his father. His father is unemployed and is mainly involved in football, pretending to become a professional trainer soon, and does not take care of his family. Vincent's mother manages everything, until one day, at the end of her tether, she attempts suicide.

After 25 years, an ex hired gun visits his old colleague, who is now a small town sheriff. Their past relationship is explored, as is how they reflect on it in the present.

To push the crime rate below one percent for the rest of the year, the New Founding Fathers of America test a sociological theory that vents aggression for one night in one isolated community. But when the violence of oppressors meets the rage of the others, the contagion will explode from the trial-city borders and spread across the nation.

Gad Elmaleh decides to leave New York and move back to Paris, to get baptized and become a Catholic. Despite his attempt to hide the truth from his Jewish family, Gad's parents discover their son's unconditional love for the Virgin Mary – and for them, it’s a nightmare! Determined to bring Gad back to reason and to his Jewishness, they turn his conversion into a battlefield - as Gad tries to make them understand by any means necessary that his sincere beliefs do not change his identity and the love he has for his family.

Jean and Sara have been living together for 10 years. When they first met, Sara was living with François, Jean’s best friend and an admirer from back when he played rugby. Jean and Sara love each other. One day, Sara sees François in the street. He does not notice her, but she is overtaken by the sensation that her life could suddenly change. François gets back in touch with Jean. For the first time in years. He suggests they start working together again. From here on, things spiral out of control.

During an eviction procedure in a troubled area of Madrid, police officer Dani makes a shocking discovery.

In the middle of a performance at la Comédie-Française, an actor dies on stage, poisoned. Martin, member of the troupe and friend of the victim, becomes the center of everyone’s attention. Suspected by the police, he’s also chased by a mysterious organization, Le Parfum vert, that seems to have ordered the murder.

High in the French Alps, Jacky Caillou lives with his grandmother, Gisèle, a magnetizer-healer recognized by all. As Gisèle begins to pass on her gift, a young woman arrives from the city to consult. A strange stain spreads over her body. Certain that he will be able to heal her, Jacky runs after the miracle.