La pel·lícula està inspirada en la increïble història d'un gos pastor anomenat Palma que va ser deixat inadvertidament a l'aeroport pel seu amo. Es fa amiga de Nicholas, un noi de nou anys, la mare de la qual mor, deixant-ho amb un pare que amb prou feines coneix, un pilot que troba el gos a l'aeroport. És una història d'aventures sorprenents, veritable amistat i amor incondicional.

Un jove conill intenta construir el cau dels seus somnis, malgrat no tenir ni idea de com fer-ho i es fica cada vegada en més problemes. Després de tocar fons, descobreix que no ha de tenir vergonya en demanar ajut.

As Emily struggles to fit in at home and at school, she discovers a small red puppy who is destined to become her best friend. When Clifford magically undergoes one heck of a growth spurt, becomes a gigantic dog and attracts the attention of a genetics company, Emily and her Uncle Casey have to fight the forces of greed as they go on the run across New York City. Along the way, Clifford affects the lives of everyone around him and teaches Emily and her uncle the true meaning of acceptance and unconditional love.

The travails of Sara, a frustrated fashion designer who blames karma for her bad luck. Fate will put her face to face with her sister, Lucy, who enjoys very different luck, and in a series of events and reunions that will lead her to make a radical decision.

Isabella runs her own salon and isn’t afraid to speak her mind, while Prince Thomas runs his own country and is about to marry for duty rather than love. When Izzy and her fellow stylists get the opportunity of a lifetime to do the hair for the royal wedding, she and Prince Thomas learn that taking control of their own destiny requires following their hearts.

Deoxys, a Pokémon from outer space, terrorizes the high-tech city Ash Ketchum and his friends are visiting.

Follows Callie and Joseph one year after they fell in love, now running a dairy farm and winery, but their romance is threatened when business and family obligations call Joseph back to the city.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

Heart set on becoming a princess, Lisa Simpson is surprised to learn being bad might be more fun.

La jove Lucy Standbridge (Aubrey Plaza) ha heretat l'editorial del seu pare, però la seva ambició com a editora l'està enfonsant amb diversos títols fallits. Desesperada, un dia Lucy descobreix que l'escriptor Harris Shaw (Michael Caine), un autor solitari, rondinaire i alcohòlic que va ser un gran èxit de vendes dècades abans, té per contracte amb l'editorial encara un llibre per lliurar. En un últim esforç per salvar l'empresa, Lucy obligarà Harris a llançar un nou llibre, tots dos embarcant-se en una gira de promoció que els canviarà d'una manera que no esperaven.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

Mentre assisteix al ball reial amb la Ventafocs, la Caputxeta Vermella es veu immersa en un gran misteri. Podrà resoldre el cas abans que arribi la mitjanit?

An African American male is imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement after being found guilty of murdering his wife, as he's haunted by internal demons and his dead wife, and pushed to the breaking point by an abusive female guard.

Jackie Foster, a dynamic Assistant District Attorney and single mom, is looking forward to wrapping up her latest case and spending Christmas with Gracie, her adorable and precocious, eight-year old daughter. But when Jackie’s estranged dad, Jack , a gruff retired police officer, unexpectedly shows up at her door, they will be forced to confront old wounds.

After his brother dies in a car crash, a disgraced MMA fighter takes over the family nightclub — and soon learns his sibling's death wasn’t an accident.

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

When a hotel hallway is ravaged by a dreadful airborne virus, pregnant Japanese runaway wife Naomi is tragically thrust into the fight of her life. After getting infected, she is forced to crawl her way through other helpless victims to escape. In the room next door to her is Val, a mother trapped in a toxic marriage, who must also navigate her way out of the hotel corridor through the long and narrow stretch of isolated carnage, desperately looking for her young daughter Kelly. Will these two women avoid the debilitating sickness and get out alive?

Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.

Cinc caçadors d'elit paguen per caçar un home a una illa deserta. A mesura que avança la cacera, els caçadors es converteixen en presa de la presa que demostra un nivell de supervivència desconegut.

A hardened mechanic must stay awake and maintain an interstellar ark fleeing the dying planet Earth with a few thousand lucky souls on board... the last of humanity. Unfortunately, humans are not the only passengers. A shapeshifting alien creature has taken residence, its only goal is to kill as many people as possible. The crew must think quickly to stop this menace before it destroys mankind.