2014 marked the 40th Anniversary of KANSAS! The classic lineup reunited, for the first time in more than 30 years, to relive the incredible, untold story of one of the most successful American rock bands. The Feature film includes in-depth interviews with all 6 original members along with Brian May (Queen), David Wild (Rolling Stone), Garth Brooks, and many more! Here how "Dust in the Wind" was just a passing comment away from never being recorded and how "free beer" changed their lives forever!

In the aftermath of the Fourth Impact, stranded without their Evangelions, Shinji, Asuka and Rei find refuge in one of the rare pockets of humanity that still exist on the ruined planet Earth. There, each lives a life far different from their days as an Evangelion pilot. However, the danger to the world is far from over. A new impact is looming on the horizon—one that will prove to be the true end of Evangelion.

An ad creative and a successful exec have a great marriage — until he wants to be a dad just as her star is rising. Then he brings someone new home.

After a high school lab experiment goes horribly wrong, Mordecai and Rigby must go back in time to battle an evil volleyball coach in order to save the universe — and their friendship.

Huikaiseva satumusikaali! Barbie on Alexa, ujo prinsessa, joka löytää salaisen oven ja astuu fantastiseen taikaolentojen ja yllätysten maailmaan. Salaisessa maailmassa seikkaillessaan Alexa tapaa Romy-merenneidon ja Nori-haltijan, jotka kertovat pilalle hemmotellun hallitsijan Malucian pyrkivän viemään maasta kaiken taikuuden. Yllätyksekseen Alexalla on taikavoimia tässä uudessa maailmassa, joten hänen uudet ystävänsä uskovat hänen voivan palauttaa heidän taikuutensa. Katso, kuinka Alexa rohkaistuu taistelemaan oikeudenmukaisuuden puolesta ja oppii, että ystävyyden voima on taikuutta arvokkaampaa.

Garfield, Jon and Odie go to Jon's family farm for Christmas, where Garfield finds a present for Grandma.

Over the course of a summer, two teenage girls develop the perfect kindred spirit friendship, with one big problem: one of them is dating the other's ex.

After his parents decide to move to a retirement home in Florida, professional gamer Quincy “Q” Johnson (Jerry Trainor) must find a way to raise 175,000 dollars to buy his family home. After hearing about a tournament for the game “Black Hole” with a grand prize of 175,500 dollars, Quincy enters the tournament, only to be faced with a new challenge. An equally skilled gamer, named Chris Saunders “Prodigy” (Jeanette McCurdy), has become the one block in Quincy’s plan, defeating him at every turn. Quincy then teams-up with his friend Wendell (Amir Talai), to try and find ways to stop Chris from entering the tournament.

A Californian family inherits a castle in Romania. This is especially exciting to the son, who is obsessed with monsters. And he is not disappointed.

Robottiyhtiö saa kumppanikseen korruptoituneen CIA-agentin, joka lähettää neljä robottien prototyyppiä salaiselle testimatkalle tuhoamaan kaukaisen huumeleirin aasian kultaisessa kolmiossa. Tehtävän pitäisi osoittaa, että robotteja valmistava yhtiö on valmis yhteistyöhön armeijan kanssa. Kuusi lääkäriä humanitaarisissa aikeissa sattuvat tulemaan samalle leirille, ja he joutuvat tapahtuman silminnäkijöiksi. Pian alkaa kuolettava kissa ja hiiri -leikki, kun lääkärit joutuvat uusiksi kohteiksi.

Amalie is the girl who has everything, good looks, money, a boyfriend and a big talent of dancing. One day, her world falls apart and she moves from everything she knows. Then enter Mikael. He is dancing in the streets and Amalie joins him in dancing on the streets, dancing Battles.

High schoolin suosituin tyttö Jessica saa käsiinsä maagiset korvakorut, joista toinen päätyy poropeukalorikollisen Cliven käsiin. Pian Jessica saa huomata joutuneensa Cliven vartaloon, ja Clive saa totutella ihaillun opiskelijatytön rooliin.

Almost 20 years after the start of the original "Brady Bunch" the kids are grown up and have kids of their own. Everyone is having a wonderful time back at the family house for Christmas, until Mike learns of a structural problem in one of the buildings he designed. As he is inspecting the problem, the building collapses, trapping him inside. As the whole family waits by the pile of rubble, they fear the worst. Will Dad be all right?

High school senior Tara is so painfully shy that she dreads speaking to anyone in the hallways or getting called on in class. But in the privacy of her bedroom with her iPod in hand, she rocks out -- doing mock broadcasts for Miami's hottest FM radio station, which happens to be owned by her stepfather. When a slot opens up at The SLAM, Tara surprises herself by blossoming behind the mike into confident, "Radio Rebel" -- and to everyone's shock, she's a hit!

Chef Dave Oberlin's career is in shambles when his altercation with a famous food critic goes viral. After being blacklisted by the elite restaurants, Dave is forced to take a teaching position at his friend's culinary arts school. When cardiologist Nina Kirby is up for a promotion at the local hospital, the Head of Cardiology informs her if she gets Dave on board to teach the Healthy Living seminars she would be a shoo-in for the position. The only problem is Nina can't cook and she doesn't want to learn. With a little coaxing from her best friend Olivia, Nina agrees to take Dave's class. When Nina presents Dave with the Healthy Living seminars he's disinterested in working with her due to her lack of class participation. In her effort to persuade him to get on board, Nina and Dave come across some unexpected common ground.

As their first year of high school looms ahead, best friends Julie, Hannah, Yancy and Farrah have one last summer sleepover. Little do they know they're about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Desperate to shed their nerdy status, they take part in a night-long scavenger hunt that pits them against their popular archrivals. Everything under the sun goes on -- from taking Yancy's father's car to sneaking into nightclubs!

Valeria's joy at becoming a first-time mother is quickly taken away when she's cursed by a sinister entity. As danger closes in, she's forced deeper into a chilling world of dark magic that threatens to consume her.

Get ready for the oddest summer yet! Timmy Turner and his fairies are going on a summer vacation to Hawaii. But, unfortunately for Timmy, something tells us this won’t be a very relaxing holiday. With all the magic in Fairy World at stake and villains like Vicky , Foop and Crocker on his tail, there’s no way he’ll be able to enjoy himself…

Rankan työpäivän päätteeksi palomies Jeremy Coleman ja hänen kollegansa päättävät rentoutua parin oluen merkeissä. Kaupassa hän joutuu todistamaan raakaa murhaa, jossa kaksi ihmistä ammutaan kuoliaaksi. Poliisilaitoksella Jeremy tunnistaa syyllisen peililasin takaa, mutta yllätys on suuri kun tämän jälkeen tappaja lausuu ääneen hänen koko nimensä ja täydelliset osoitetiedot. Jeremy joutuu luopumaan urastaan ja liittymään todistajien suojeluohjelmaan, mutta turvallisuus osoittautuu kuitenkin väliaikaiseksi.

Parikymppinen Casey Beldon (Odette Annable) kärsii toistuvasti piinaavista painajaisista, joissa sama kalpea poika vihjailee halustaan syntyä maailmaan. Pian valveilla ollessaankin Caseylle ja hänen läheisilleen alkaa tapahtua outoja asioita. Casey alkaa epäillä, että paha henki yrittää ottaa hänet valtaansa ja kääntyy henkimaailman neuvonantajan, rabbi Joseph Sendakin (Gary Oldman), puoleen. Silmän värimuutoksia tutkittaessa selviää, että Casey on kaksonen, jonka veli on kuollut jo kohdussa. Hän alkaa selvitellä itsemurhan tehneen äitinsä taustoja ja saa selville, että tätä kiusaavat näyt ovat natsiajoilta periytyvän pahan hengen aikaansaannoksia. Pahan hengen päästyä vapaaksi Caseyn ainoa mahdollisuus selviytyä on sulkea maailman ulkopuolelle johtava tie, jota on pitänyt auki joku, joka ei ole koskaan syntynyt.