A woman recalls her childhood growing up in the North of Spain, focusing on her relationship with her father.

Софи размишлява за споделената радост и личната меланхолия на една почивка, която е предприела с баща си преди двадесет години. Реални и въображаеми спомени запълват празнините между тях, докато тя се опитва да съчетае бащата, когото е познавала, с мъжа, когото не е познавала.

Dr. Mabuse and his organization of criminals are in the process of completing their latest scheme, a theft of information that will allow Mabuse to make huge profits on the stock exchange. Afterwards, Mabuse disguises himself and attends the Folies Bergères show, where Cara Carozza, the main attraction of the show, passes him information on Mabuse's next intended victim, the young millionaire Edgar Hull. Mabuse then uses psychic manipulation to lure Hull into a card game where he loses heavily. When Police Commissioner von Wenk begins an investigation of this mysterious crime spree, he has little to go on, and he needs to find someone who can help him.

A chemist carries out a bizarre experiment with his own head.

Vicky recalls her romances with her exes Hao Hao and Jack in the neon-lit clubs of Taipei.

If you ever find yourself traveling down Interstate 49 through Missouri, try not to blink—you may miss Rich Hill, population 1,396. Rich Hill is easy to overlook, but its inhabitants are as woven into the fabric of America as those living in any small town in the country. This movie intimately chronicles the turbulent lives of three boys living in said Midwestern town and the fragile family bonds that sustain them.

Историята проследява израстването на малко момченце, отгледано в джунглата от глутница вълци. Скоро Маугли разбира, че вече не е добре дошъл в единствения дом, когото познава, когато страховитият тигър Шир Хан, имащ горчив опит с Човека, се заканва да унищожи всичко, което сметне за заплаха. Детето предприема завладяващо пътешествие на самоопознаване под вещия взор на превърналата се в негов водач пантера Багира и свободолюбивия мечок Балу. Маугли среща и много създания, които не му мислят точно доброто, включително Ка, питон с хипнотизиращ поглед и глас, и убедителния Крал Луи, който се опитва да измъкне от Маугли тайната на огъня.

Takumi and his daughter Hana live in Mizubiki Village, close to Tokyo. One day, the village inhabitants become aware of a plan to build a camping site near Takumi's house offering city residents a comfortable "escape" to nature.

Stan and Ollie play door-to-door Christmas tree salesmen in California. They end up getting into an escalating feud with grumpy would-be customer James Finlayson, with his home and their car being destroyed in the melee.

Forensic experts scan Pompeii’s victims to investigate why they didn’t escape the eruption.

A child borrows his grandmother's magnifying glass to look at a newspaper ad for Bovril, at a watch, and then at a bird. The child shows grandma what he is doing. The child looks next at grandma's eye, then at a kitten.

В малкото градче Сант Инез, започват да се появяват трупове на прегазени хора от мистериозна черна кола с тъмни стъкла, без регистрация, дръжки на вратите и неизвестен модел. Цялото шерифство на окръга на чело с шериф Еверет и Уейд започват издирване на шофьора убиец. Патрулите и блокадите не успяват да спрат колата фантом, а не след дълго самия шериф Еверет става жертва на убиеца. След неуспешните опити на полицията да спре колата, шериф Уейд и хората от града, започват да разбират какво представлява не уязвимата черната кола убиец и дали изобщо има човек зад волана...

Perhaps the only film whose content is totally based on the musical form known as canon. The first sequence is a simple demonstration of the canon "Frere Jacques" where four cubes dance and combine with one another on a checkerboard. The second sequence show four little human-like figures dancing in space. The third and most elaborate sequence shows a human going through several strange gesticulations. Through multiple printing we realize that the man, as in the previous sequences, is part of a visual canon and is making the gestures to himself. As we hear variations on the canonic theme so too do we witness visual variations: a woman and cat enters the canon. To show the musical technique of inversion, the image of the man is printed upside down.

A man and a woman talk beside a street near a corner where a cop stands. Just as a horse-drawn cart rounds the corner, the man backs off the sidewalk saying good-by to his companion. The horse and cart flatten him and continue on, out of the camera's stationary range. The cop runs after the cab, the woman dashes to the body. The cop brings back the driver; is the victim dead?

Produced and directed by George Albert Smith, the film shows a couple sharing a brief kiss as their train passes through a tunnel. The Kiss in the Tunnel is said to mark the beginnings of narrative editing. It is in fact, two films in one, hence the 2 min length. Firstly, the G.A. Smith film here for the central cheeky scene in the carriage. The train view footage however is Cecil Hepworth's work, entitled 'View From An Engine Front - Shilla Mill Tunnel', edited into two halves in order to provide a visual narrative of the train entering the tunnel before the kiss and then leaving afterwards. More information about the filming of the phantom train ride can be found searching for the Hepworth film separately.

Една суперзвезда на мотоциклетизма, Джони Блейз, е сключил сделка с Дявола, за да защити най-близките си - своя баща и любимата от детството му Роксана. Сега Дяволът е дошъл да си търси дължимото. През деня Джони прави сензационни номера, яхнал мотоциклета си, но... през нощта, когато идва злото, се превръща в призрачен ездач, преследващ мошеници и измамници. Принуден да изпълнява дяволската „оферта”, Джони решава да се опълчи срещу съдбата и да използва проклятието и властта, за да брани невинните.

Two women in long skirts, wearing hats, and carrying umbrellas, gossip beside a fence. Two men on the other side of the fence reach through from underneath and nail the women's skirts to the boards. Off the men run leaving the women to discover their fate. What will they do?

A soldier attempts to rest at an inn, but his bed plays tricks on him, never giving the poor man a chance to sleep. The inn continues to haunt him until it explodes into a pile of rubble.

After his father's death, a young man is introduced to a world of hedonism and depravity by his amoral mother.