Shikichi og Tomi forlader deres landsby for at besøge deres voksne børn i Tokyo: Koichi, som er læge med egen praksis, og Shige, som driver en skønhedssalon. Selvom de ikke ses ofte, virker børnene ikke ovenud begejstrede for forældrenes besøg. I et travlt storbyliv har de ikke engang tid til at vise dem rundt i byen. Den eneste, der tager sig tid til forældrene, er Noriko, deres afdøde søns kone.

Kaji is sent to the Japanese army labeled Red and is mistreated by the vets. Along his assignment, Kaji witnesses cruelties in the army and revolts against the abusive treatment against the recruit Obara. He also sees his friend Shinjô Ittôhei defecting to the Russian border, and he ends in the front to fight a lost battle against the Russian tanks division.

En omvandrende sulten samurai, ankommer til en lille by, der er splittet mellem to rivaliserende købmænd. Han øjner chancen for at spille de to grupper ud mod hinanden for at tjene penge. Pludselig dukker en bror til en af rivalerne op. Han er bevæbnet med en revolver men op imod samuraiens sværd er den intet værd.

After years spent working as a prostitute in her Italian village, middle-aged Mamma Roma has saved enough money to buy herself a fruit stand so that she can have a respectable middle-class life and reestablish contact with the 16-year-old son she abandoned when he was an infant. But her former pimp threatens to expose her sordid past, and her troubled son seems destined to fall into a life of crime and violence.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

'Before Sunset' er fortsættelse af filmen Before Sunrise (1995). 'Before Sunset' fortsætter ni år efter, at Jesse (Ethan Hawke) og Celine (Julie Delpy) mødte hinanden for første gang i et tog på vej til Wien. Jesse møder Celine igen, denne gang i en parisisk boghandel, og førstnævnte vælger at tilbringe de næste timer sammen med Celine, før han skal flyve tilbage til USA.

"Revival of Evangelion" combines the movies, "Evangelion: Death (True)²" (a re-edit of "Death" segment from "Death and Rebirth") and "The End of Evangelion," into one long production. It is a "complete" ending.

Two guys against globalization want to plant a virus in the network of a finance corporation. On the day of the attack Alex has an accident and cannot remember anything. Visions and reality are thrown together in a confusing maze. Alex tries to escape from this muddle but what he discovers turns out to be rather frightening…

Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle er narkobetjent og en af de rigtig seje af slagsen med hang til vold, humørsvingninger og alkohol. Sammen med sin makker forsøger Popeye at opspore bagmanden til nakotikatrafikken mellem USA og Europa. Efterhånden kommer han på sporet af den franske narkobaron Charnier, der efterhånden tvinges til at reagere på Popeyes stadige jagt.

A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted by ghosts and that the children are being possessed.

Bret Maverick har store talenter som kortsvindler, og skulle det gå galt er han også helt ferm med et gokkejern. Men efterhånden har Maverick spillet lidt for smart og snydt lidt for mange, så nu er yndige Annabelle og seje sherif Zane Cooper ude efter ham. Samtidig starter en rigtig stor pokertunering, som Maverick også gerne lige vil vinde.

Onkel Boonmee er dødeligt syg og har valgt at tilbringe sine sidste dage på landet omgivet af sine nærmeste. Til alles overraskelse dukker Boonmees afdøde hustrus genfærd op for at tage sig af ham, og hans forsvundne søn vender hjem i en ikke-menneskelig form. Boonmee overvejer de mulige årsager til sin sygdom og vandrer med sin familie gennem junglen til en mystisk bjerggrotte – fødestedet for hans første liv...

After losing her parents, young flower selling Midori is put up by a fairground group. She is abused and forced to slavery, until the arrival of an enigmatic magician of short stature, who gives her hope for a better future.

After her son accidentally witnesses a break-in in the house across the street and records the horrific murder of the homeowner, Lila becomes embroiled in a deadly struggle to protect him.

An artificial intelligence escapes her spaceship to turn into a female ghost and challenges two blade runners to a galactic chase.

In this sequel to the popular adventures of Mademoiselle C, the strange Mademoiselle Charlotte began a new life as a postwoman in Saint-Gérard where she encounters a particularly dishonest businessman.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

Bronze contemplatively brings viewers through the course of a fateful 12 hours in the lives of three teenage girls. Slowing creeping towards tragedy, viewers are forced to analyze and rationalize an uncomfortable judgment: were they “asking for it?" Feminist questions about consent, responsibility, victim accountability, and the often skewed media representation of sexual violence are raised as these girls leave their suburban NJ home for a night out.

An alien arrives on Earth looking to take human blood in an attempt to preserve his dying planet.