The Dangerous Servant (2009)
SEVEN (2020)
The Grand Design (1969)
The Newburgh Sting (2014)
Alick and Albert (2021)
Alles ist eins. Außer der 0. (2020)
Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama (2009)
Decasia: The State of Decay (2002)
Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11 (2008)
Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War on Musicians and Activists (2018)
Witness to 9/11: In the Shadows of Ground Zero (2020)
The Hunting of the President (2004)
Illuminati: The Grand Illusion (2017)
El instante decisivo (2022)
The Worst Thing (2019)
UFOs Masonry and Satanism in the Occult Social Order (2005)
The Greatest Truth Never Told (2012)
El submarino Peral, una conspiración (2021)
David Icke: The Freedom Road (2004)
Na crnoj listi (2019)