Mr. Smith Goes to Tokyo (2009)
Modern Guatemala City (1945)
When the Road Ends (2020)
Rainbow Canyons (1935)
Grand Canyon, Pride of Creation (1943)
El fin de la vida (2015)
The Shaman & Ayahuasca: Journeys to Sacred Realms (2010)
Visiting St. Louis (1944)
Wandering Here and There (1944)
Seeing El Salvador (1945)
Yosemite the Magnificent (1941)
An Uncountable Number of Threads (2023)
Անդրեյ Բելի․ Հայաստան (2019)
Живые камни Саксайуамана (2014)
La medicina del perdón (2001)
Esas voces que curan
Ayahuasca Diary (2009)
Indian Durbar (1939)
Memories of Australia (1943)
Land of the Mayas (1946)