Ten years ago, Carina Bergfeldt covered the terrorist attack in Norway, and as one of the first reporters on-site, she gained a unique insight into the aftermath of the tragedy. For two days she lived with survivors and parents who were looking for their missing children in the hotel that was turned into a crisis centre. Now she has returned to see what happened with the families and with Norway.

Nabila Djahnine, president of the feminist association Thirghri N'tmetout, died in hands of an armed group in Tizi Ouzou (Algeria) in 1995. The Islamists forced women, on pain of death, to wear the hijab or stop working. It was the first time a feminist woman paid with her life. Nabila wrote a letter to her sister Habiba in 1994. This documentary is her answer. In 2006 Habiba comes back to the place to restore her sister’s memory, her point of view, the day of her death and the political moment Algeria was going through at that time.

In Italy and Germany, numerous people die in bomb attacks in the 1960s to 1980s. Clues prove certain connections, the traces lead to a secret structure called "Gladio".

This documentary picks up after the horror has ended. Almost 500 teens are in grief as 69 of their friends have fallen. They've been shot dead. How could this island ever become a safe place again? Here, we see how Utøya was first the safest place on Earth to the most terrible and how it was restored and stands as a beacon of hope for the survivors and the Norwegian people.

An in-depth interview with José Antonio Urrutikoetxea, known as Josu Ternera, one of the most relevant leaders of the terrorist gang ETA.

A look at one of the worst plane bombings of the 20th century. In 1985, an Air India 747 flying from Montreal, Canada to Delhi was blown up in mid-flight by Khalistani extremists. All 331 passengers were killed, most were of Indian origin.

How the graduate student Gudrun Ensslin became a radical and violent woman. After the department store fire in Frankfurt, November 1968, in which Gudrun Ensslin and Andreas Baader was involved the violence and their actions escalated. Soon they were joined by Ulrike Meinhof, Together the three created the urban guerrilla of West Germany, the Baader-Meinhof Gang a.k.a. die RAF - die Rote Armee Fraktion. An episode out of Panorama, NDR.

Rachel Maddow takes a special look at the Oklahoma City bombing by offering a first look at a taped confession by Timothy McVeigh that was made shortly before his execution.

Adeel Alam struggles to balance his pro-wrestling career, where he portrays a terrorist in the ring, with his Muslim faith.

Leila Khaled was the first woman to hijack a plane. In 1969, she showed her grenades to the terrified passengers by order of the Che Guevara commando unit of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Through the ensuing media bombardment, she put the Palestinian nation on the global map. The pretty 24-year-old Leila became a hero to many Palestinians, including the Swedish/Palestinian teenager Lina Makboul, who is now a filmmaker. At least Leila dared to do something, Lina thought at the time. She visits Leila 35 years later with a camera, and finds a woman who does not regret anything.

Ever Again examines the sweeping resurgence of antisemitism in 21st century Europe and its connection to global terrorism.

On November 20, 1979 at 5:30 in the morning, hundreds of armed men take over the Grand Mosque of Mecca, transforming the holiest shrine of Islam into a fortress and a trap for almost 100,000 pilgrims inside. This was the beginning of the siege of Mecca…

Following the 1975 West German Embassy siege in Stockholm, the German Red Army Faction (RAF) terrorist Norbert Kröcher allegedly planned to kidnap Anna-Greta Leijon. The goal was to exchange Leijon for 8 of his comrades held in German prisons. The plan, known as Operation Leo, was intercepted by the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) and Kröcher and other team members was arrested on 31 March in Stockholm.

"Klein, a German Case" - The inside story on international terrorism related by an ex-terrorist Hans Joachim Klein. Through interviews, archive footage and reconstitution that clarify certain events, Klein reveals the workings of international terrorism : the underground networks, his participation in the OPEC bombing in Vienna, training camps, the manipulating role played by certain governments and the cynicism of those underground shadows that terrorized the world for 20 years.

"Operation OPEC - Terror Attack in Vienna" - On December 21, 1975, six terrorists including the Germans Gabriele Tiedemann and Hans-Joachim Klein, led by Venezuelan top terrorist Carlos, attack the participants of the OPEC conference in Vienna and take eleven oil ministers and dozens of employees hostage. The action kills three people. The lavishly researched film reveals the background of the spectacular attack and establishes connections. The investigators, former hostages and some of the terrorists involved are heard.

On December 21, 1975, six terrorists from the Revolutionary Cells, led by Carlos 'The Jackal' forced their way into the conference room of the OPEC headquarters in Vienna and took seventy ministers hostage. A gun battle with the police ensued, and three people were killed. One terrorist was seriously wounded. The terrorists managed to escape to Algiers with a few hostages and the wounded man. There the hostages were released. The wounded terrorist was Hans-Joachim Klein. At the moment that Klein arrived in Algiers, he decided to quit terrorism.

For the past 12 years, journalist Paul Moreira has travelled extensively in Iraq. In this film, he goes in search of the men he filmed back in 2003 at the very beginning of the American occupation. Through their stories, and by tracing the roots of ISIS to the arrival of Abu Mousab Al-Zarqawi and America's handling of the resistance, he tells the story of how Iraq became such a fractured nation.

The Baader-Meinhof gang, a left-wing terrorist collective born of the student revolutions of the Sixties, terrorized West Germany with a series of bombings, assassinations and hijackings in the Seventies. They became die RAF - die rote army fraktion in 1970. It is claimed that property destruction during the Watts riots in the United States in 1965 influenced the practical and ideological approach of the RAF founders. As for changing the world, they failed. All they achieved was to make West Germany a less tolerant, more paranoid society than it had been before.

What threads of history bind Manhattan's Ground Zero to those of Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Or connect sight to truth, games to war, or the silkworm to the drone? What does the United States hold to be the role of science in warfare? How has war historically been waged in Buddhist traditions? These are some of the topics addressed in Eyewar: 80 minutes of found footage which traces the development of the digital image from the maps of the second century to the screens of the twenty-first, and the uses of the field of cybernetics from Japan in the 1940s to Chile in the 1970s and Iraq in the 1990s.

An intrepid archeology professor and his team of students are the only ones who stand in the way of an ISIS illicit antiquities network. Faced with losing their cultural heritage they become spies and they go undercover in ISIS territory. They dodge bombs and militia to create a system to monitor theft and destruction of Syrian antiquities. During this process, they discover more than they anticipated, discovering thousands of trafficked items and that the crimes committed are being enabled by terrorists and multinational corporations. The tragedy continues because the sale of illegal goods are uncovered in the most unsuspecting place.