De Gaulle, le géant aux pieds d'argile (2012)
Motu Haka, le combat des îles Marquises (2023)
The Hippie Temptation (1967)
El precio de la risa (2017)
Kinder (2011)
Ortung (2012)
Les deniers du culte (1997)
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: Fifty by Four - Half a Century of CSNY (2014)
Byker Community
James Baldwin Abroad (2023)
Screen Test: Jackie (1967)
Black and White: Uptight (1969)
México, México: Mexique en mouvement (1968)
femton noll tre nittonde januari två tusen sexton (2024)
The Building and Burning of a Refugee Camp (2024)
Mezi odpady (2020)
Чубай. Говорити знову (2023)
Nordmennenes Egen Historie - Kongehuset (2007)
Trans - La confusion des genres (2022)
Deconstructing The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour (2018)