Le Louvre, un musée pharaonique (2019)
Portrait of a Goan Collector (2019)
Black Fire
The Power of Activism (2022)
Audrey Napanangka (2023)
Gurrumul (2018)
Gerhard Richter: 4 Decades (2005)
Message from Mungo (2014)
Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict (2015)
Chez les Touaregs (1908)
Rembrandt: From the National Gallery, London and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (2014)
Marepe (2006)
Voice (2024)
Ablaze (2016)
Elämän äidit (2002)
Momias De Quinto (2022)
Endangered (2005)
Múzeum Liptovskej dediny (1999)
Tváře času (1968)
Traces: People of the Peacock (2016)