A woodsman, who loves chopping wood, is relentlessly pestered by a boy made out of logs

Relentlessly reworking ‘real’ images, using techniques borrowed from painting and animated film, Patrick Bokanowski is an author of stature, capable of creating an insane and cataclysmic universe of unquestionable beauty.

Vanille is a little Parisian girl who has just arrived in Guadeloupe. She will be immersed in an exotic and mysterious adventure, meeting picturesque characters and magical flowers, all embellished with a touch of Creole. These holidays promise to be rich and full of surprises!

An animated short film about two flocks of sheep and their shepherds who are at odds with one another and attempting to keep them separated.

Living with OCD, Anna has an organized routine. This balance breaks when her sister forgets a piece of instrument. To bring it back, Anna has to face a world out of her control in which her fears materialize.

Glaxo Wellcome Anti-Tobacco Commissioned Film. (23 Sec. )

Reworked and colored images of people playing at the seashore.

Hungry mosquitos, in search of a meal, find that fruit, flowers and other such fare doesn't satisfy. One enterprising bug hits the jackpot - a human! However, the victim vigorously resists joining the food chain, causing a number of winged casualties. The little buggers wait until the man falls asleep, then set up a number of enterprises: cafes, bars, filling stations, all serving blood. Things are going well, but then the mosquito Cosa Nostra moves in, and ramp production into high gear.

A film-noir murder mystery that takes place in a sleazy hotel. As cops investigate the gruesome murders, they become victims of this evil force.

Short stop motion animation with finger nails.

Propulsive Polish avant-garde animation following clouds of shapes that resemble nebulae or stellar surfaces.

Jarnow's first work for Sesame Street and the Children's Television Workshop - yak is a goofy take on the letter "Y."

Tondo introduces the cosmic formalism that was the primary theme of Al Jarnow's independent films. An infinite gridscape alternates with vibrating etchings, spirograms and other surreal realities.

In a Chinese style garret, four men were playing Mahjong. A woman stood aside in silence, holding a bottle of liquor.They all had hidden cravings of their own, unaware that they would be invariably led to the ultimate doom.

An ancient was looking for the plum blossom in the snow storm during the trip.

The day of the cremation of her grand mother, Emilie, a young mixed-race Asian girl, buries herself into her grandmother memories. She discovers the Indochina of Hoa, her romantic encounter with Jacques (a French colon), the birth of Linh (Emilie's mother) and her tragic departure to France in 1956. She relives with Linh the arrival into the camp of Sainte-Livrade, the exploitation of the Indochinese women by the market gardeners of Lot-et-Garonne. Between memories, dance, anger and traditional rituals, Emilie learns to accept this heritage.

Transformed into a salmon, an Indigenous street artist travels through decayed urban landscapes to the forests of long ago, in this sublime mixed animation.

Short animation by Al Jarnow based on the work of British poet Edward Lear. Made at NYU.

A stream of consciousness experiment committed directly to celluloid, Jarnow pays homage to Stan Brakhage and Harry Smith. Abstract designs transform self portraiture, lettering tests and images traced from other films including a Charlie Chaplin short.