KI - Die letzte Erfindung (2021)
Edward VIII: Britain's Traitor King (2022)
Endangered (2022)
A King's Story (1965)
Pixar 2021 Disney+ Day Special (2021)
Wallis Simpson, Loved and Lost (2013)
Edward & George: Two Brothers, One Throne (2012)
Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters (2011)
Whatever Happened to the Windsors? King Edward VIII And Wallis Simpson (2015)
The Formula One Drivers (aka The Quick and the Dead) (1974)
Belo Monte: Um mundo onde tudo é possível (2017)
Fico García (2021)
A corrida do doping (2016)
Baía dos pesadelos (2016)
Tu seras mère ma fille (2020)
Bravos valentes: Vaqueiros do Brasil (2021)
Now Return Us To Normal
Transhumanism: Recreating Humanity (2014)
Campeones: 1978 FIFA World Cup official film Argentina (1978)
Think of England (1999)