Rupert Angier (Jackman) in Alfred Borden (Bale) sta slavna londonska čarovnika, ki poleg izrednih spretnosti, očarljivosti in talenta posedujeta tudi močno tekmovalno žilico. Njuno rivalstvo za zdaj še ni ušlo nadzoru, toda kmalu se vse to spremeni. Nekega dne Alfred izvede osupljivo iluzijo, za katero se zdi, da zanjo ne obstaja nobena logična razlaga. Razjarjeni Rupert je odločen, da bo odkril najgloblje skrivnosti svojega tekmeca. Njun odnos se tako spremeni v goreče sovraštvo, ki ju popolnoma prevzame in slabo vpliva na njuno poklicno ter zasebno življenje.
V pristanišču Long Beach se nahaja 27 trupel, umirajoča priča pa uspe v grozi izgovoriti samo eno ime ... Kayser Soze. Carinski agent Daniel Kujan (Chazz Palminteri) mora najti strašnega morilca, odgovore pa morda pozna samo en človek - Verbal Kint (Kevin Spacey), majhen goljuf, ki je edini preživel pokol na Long Beachu. Verbal pove Kujanu neverjetno zgodbo. Vse se je začelo pred šestimi tedni, ko je nekdo sredi New Yorka oropal kamion, poln orožja. Zaradi morebitne indentifikacije policija pridrži peterico zakrnelih kriminalcev - Keatona (Gabriel Byrne), Mc McManusa (Stephen Baldwin), Hockneyja (Kevin Pollak), Fensterja (Benicio Del Toro) in Kinta. Med čakanjem v zaporniški celici pa eden od njih predlaga sodelovanje pri pri največjem podvigu njihovih karier. Keaton, nekdanji policist in najizkušenejši od peterice, ideji najprej nasprotuje, nato pa nanjo le pristane.
Oskarjevec Clint Eastwood se vrača na velika platna v vlogi ostarelega veterana korejske vojne Walta, ki se sooča s številnimi osebnimi predsodki proti priseljencem. Kljub temu priskoči na pomoč sosedom azijskega porekla, ki jih ogroža lokalna tolpa, rešitev mladega Thao-a pa mu na glavo nakoplje neželeno hvaležnost njegove družine. Mentorski odnos do mladeniča počasi prerašča v nevsakdanje prijateljstvo, s pomočjo katerega Walt odkriva, za kaj (in proti komu) se je zares vredno boriti.
When Dr. Indiana Jones – the tweed-suited professor who just happens to be a celebrated archaeologist – is hired by the government to locate the legendary Ark of the Covenant, he finds himself up against the entire Nazi regime.
Jeffrey 'The Dude' Lebowski, a Los Angeles slacker who only wants to bowl and drink White Russians, is mistaken for another Jeffrey Lebowski, a wheelchair-bound millionaire, and finds himself dragged into a strange series of events involving nihilists, adult film producers, ferrets, errant toes, and large sums of money.
Franky je diamantni tat, ki mora svojemu šefu Aviju dostaviti ogromen kos, na poti pa ga Boris mika, da bi stavil na nezakonito boksarsko tekmo. V resnici je past, da ga tako oropajo, ko Avi izve, najame Tonyja, da najde Frankyja in diamanta. Frankyjeva žalostna usoda se kmalu odkrije, lov in ujetje manjkajočega dragulja pa vse privede v noro igro, ki tvega, da uidejo nadzoru, kjer se prevara, izsiljevanje in goljufije krvavo mešajo s psi, diamanti, bokserji in raznolikim orožjem v kaotično črno kosilo.
Nine years later, Jesse travels across Europe giving readings from a book he wrote about the night he spent in Vienna with Celine. After his reading in Paris, Celine finds him, and they spend part of the day together before Jesse has to again leave for a flight. They are both in relationships now, and Jesse has a son, but as their strong feelings for each other start to return, both confess a longing for more.
Scenarist in režiser Guy Ritchie nam v začetku leta 2020 prinaša prefinjeno in sofisticirano akcijsko komedijo Gospodje, ki sledi ameriškemu izseljencu Mickeyu Pearsonu (Matthew McConaughey), ki je v Londonu ustvaril visoko donosen imperij marihuane. Ko se po okolici razširi beseda, da Mickey želi za vedno izplačati celoten posel, mnogi hitro sprožijo spletke, sheme, podkupovanja in izisljevanja v upanju, da bi del posla ukradli izpod njegovih rok. Ta skoraj legendarna ekipa vsebuje imena, kot so Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong in Eddie Marsan.
A fatalistic car crash in Mexico city sets off a chain of events in the lives of three people: a supermodel, a young man wanting to run off with his sister-in-law, and a homeless man. Their lives are catapulted into unforeseen situations instigated by the seemingly inconsequential destiny of a dog.
Življenjska zgodba o boksarju "Ircu" Mickyju Wardu in njegovem bratu ter trenerju Dicku Eklundu, posneta po resničnih dogodkih. Brata proti vsem pričakovanjem naporno trenirata za zgodovinski boksarski naslov, ki naj bi vnovič povezal njuno razbito družino in njunemu rojstnemu mestu povrnil tisto, kar vsi že dolgo pogrešajo: ponos. Micky Ward je nadebudni boksar, ki odrašča v senci starejšega brata in trenerja Dickyja, ta pa se bori z lastnimi demoni. Njun eksplozivni odnos grozi, da bo pokopal oba; krvna vez je morda njuna edina možnost za odrešitev.
In a gritty and alternate 1985, the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown. But after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered, an investigation into the killer is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so they uncover a sinister plot that puts all of humanity in grave danger.
Fast-talking, quick-thinking Detroit street cop Axel Foley has bent more than a few rules and regs in his time, but when his best friend is murdered, he heads to sunny Beverly Hills to work the case like only he can.
Mesto je Detroit leta 1995. Mesto je razdeljeno na 8 milj, cesto, ki mesto razdeli na polovico po rasnih poteh. Mladi beli raper Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith Jr. pokliče moči v sebi, da prestopi te samovoljne meje, da izpolni svoje sanje o uspehu v hip hopu. S palico Prihodnost in tremi tretjinami na mestu je samo, da se ne zaduši.
When a Russian mobster sets up a real estate scam that generates millions of pounds, various members of London's criminal underworld pursue their share of the fortune. Various shady characters, including Mr One-Two, Stella the accountant, and Johnny Quid, a druggie rock-star, try to claim their slice.
Alex the lion is the king of the urban jungle, the main attraction at New York's Central Park Zoo. He and his best friends—Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe and Gloria the hippo—have spent their whole lives in blissful captivity before an admiring public and with regular meals provided for them. Not content to leave well enough alone, Marty lets his curiosity get the better of him and makes his escape—with the help of some prodigious penguins—to explore the world.
When an asteroid threatens to collide with Earth, NASA honcho Dan Truman determines the only way to stop it is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear bomb. This leads him to renowned driller Harry Stamper, who agrees to helm the dangerous space mission provided he can bring along his own hotshot crew. Among them is the cocksure A.J. who Harry thinks isn't good enough for his daughter, until the mission proves otherwise.
Terry is a small-time car dealer trying to leave his shady past behind and start a family. Martine is a beautiful model from Terry's old neighbourhood who knows that Terry is no angel. When Martine proposes a foolproof plan to rob a bank, Terry recognises the danger but realises this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. As the resourceful band of thieves burrows its way into a safe-deposit vault at a Lloyds Bank, they quickly realise that, besides millions in riches, the boxes also contain secrets that implicate everyone from London's most notorious underworld gangsters to powerful government figures, and even the Royal Family. Although the heist makes headlines throughout Britain for several days, a government gag order eventually brings all reporting of the case to an immediate halt.
A fleet of Martian spacecraft surrounds the world's major cities and all of humanity waits to see if the extraterrestrial visitors have, as they claim, "come in peace." U.S. President James Dale receives assurance from science professor Donald Kessler that the Martians' mission is a friendly one. But when a peaceful exchange ends in the total annihilation of the U.S. Congress, military men call for a full-scale nuclear retaliation.
Hotshot gambler Jake Green is long on bravado and seriously short of common sense. Rarely is he allowed in any casino because he's a bona fide winner and, in fact, has taken so much money over the years that he's the sole client of his accountant elder brother, Billy. Invited to a private game, Jake is in fear of losing his life.
Disgraced ex-England football captain, Danny 'Mean Machine' Meehan, is thrown in jail for assaulting two police officers. He keeps his head down and has the opportunity to forget everything and change the lives of the prisoners. When these prisoners have the chance to put one over the evil guards during a prison football match, Danny takes the lead.