Kontroverzni vojnik i pustolov T. E. Lawrence gine u prometnoj nesreći, vozeći motocikl. Nakon komemoracije, među prisutnima se povede razgovor o pokojniku. Ključno razdoblje pokojnikova života bio je Prvi svjetski rat. U to doba Lawrence je bio poručnik britanske vojske u Kairu. Ljubitelj arapske kulture, Lawrence je bio na glasu kao svojeglav i neposlušan časnik. Ipak, zbog poznavanja arapske kulture, Lawrence je poslan u misiju kako bi istražio šanse arapskog princa Faisala u pobuni protiv Turaka. Izuzetno šarmantan i snalažljiv, Lawrence postaje važan čimbenik u događajima koji će promijeniti povijest…

Braća Marx pokušavaju pomoći dvoje ljubavnika unoseći kaos u Operu. Groucho nastoji voditi operu, Harpo je nezadovoljni tenor, a Chico samoproglašeni menadžer nepoznatog, talentiranog pjevača u usponu (Allan Jones). Ovaj je pak zaljubljen u kolegicu, pjevačicu Rosu (Kitty Charlisle) no njihovu vezu sprječava tenor.

Dan Morgan je mnogo toga: odani suprug, otac pun ljubavi, uspješan prodavač automobila, a također je i bivši ubojica. Kad ga prošlost sustigne, prisiljen je povesti svoju nesuđenu obitelj na jedinstveno putovanje.

U noći prije odlaska u mirovinu, policijski poručnik Franco Amore pozvan je da istraži smrt svog dugogodišnjeg partnera u pljački dijamanata u koju je i sam bio uključen.

Dog and Mirales have been friends since childhood, and live in a small village in the south of France. They spend most of the day hanging around in the streets. To kill time, Mirales has got into the habit of teasing Dog, to the extent that he has become a sort of whipping boy. But one summer, Dog meets Elsa, and they fall in love. Eaten away with jealousy, Mirales will have to get over his past to be able to grow and find his place…

Newly transferred to the bustling port city of Marseille to assist with a crackdown on organized crime, energetic young magistrate Pierre Michel is given a rapid-fire tutorial on the ins and outs of an out-of-control drug trade. Pierre's wildly ambitious mission is to take on the French Connection, a highly organized operation that controls the city's underground heroin economy and is overseen by the notorious —and reputedly untouchable— Gaetan Zampa. Fearless, determined and willing to go the distance, Pierre plunges into an underworld world of insane danger and ruthless criminals.

Radnja je smještena u današnji Los Angeles gdje upoznajemo stand-up komičara Henryja (Adam Driver) koji se zaljubljuje u prvoklasnu pjevačicu Ann (Marion Cotillard). Njihova romantična idila i savršen život okrenut će se naglavce rođenjem njihove kćeri Annette koja ima neobičan dar te koju čeka nevjerojatna sudbina.

Plaćena ubojica koju je obučila vojska prestane se skrivati kako bi zaštitila kćer koju nikad nije upoznala od nemilosrdnih zločinaca koji traže osvetu.

A parasitic alien soul is injected into the body of Melanie Stryder. Instead of carrying out her race's mission of taking over the Earth, "Wanda" (as she comes to be called) forms a bond with her host and sets out to aid other free humans.

After an impulsive travel decision to visit friends, Freddie, 25, returns to South Korea for the first time, where she was born before being adopted and raised in France. Freddie suddenly finds herself embarking on an unexpected journey in a country she knows so little about, taking her life in new and unexpected directions.

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

U društvu Aidena, špijuna alergičnog na mačke, Elly (noseći Alfieja u ruksaku) juri po cijelom svijetu kako bi ostala korak ispred ubojica dok granica između Ellyna izmišljenog svijeta i njezinog stvarnog počinje blijediti.

Kada strogo čuvano oružje padne u ruke plaćenika, CIA agentica Mason Brown morat će udružiti snage sa njemačkom agenticom Marie, saveznicom iz agencije MI6, vrhunskom računalnom stručnjakinjom Khadijah i vještom psihologinjom Gracielom u smrtonosnoj, vratolomnoj misiji. Akcija kreće diljem svijeta, od pariških bistroa do šarenih tržnica Maroka, te raskošnih aukcijskih kuća u Šangaju, a kvartet žena će udružiti snage kako bi zaštitile svijet ili ga uništile.

Karine, a housekeeper of 34, is the full-time mother of 17 year-old Ziggy. When the company that employed her is taken over, subject to the laws of capitalism, Karine will have to choose between being true to herself, or lie to protect herself and her family.

Community workers, Alex and Stéphanie take five teen dropouts on an educational journey across the Mediterranean. But their skipper happens to be an ex cop with a powerful hatred for youths from the hood.

Grégoire Beaulieu learns that he has a twin brother: Anthony Girard. Gregoire is bourgeois, ambitious and promised to a great career, Anthony has no prospect and lives of shenanigans. The two brothers couldn’t be more opposite. Especially when one is white and the other is black !

Marie is an executive in an airport. During a rafting trip, she meets Maxime, a parachuting and wingsuit enthusiast. However, she is unaware that Maxime and his gang are looting airport cash-in-transit vehicles and planning a robbery. To ensure Marie's silence, Sofia - leader of the gang - sabotages her parachute during an initiation. Marie falls 2,000 meters but miraculously survives. A year later, handicapped, she took refuge in her parents' house in Gap, her hometown. Until the day Marie meets Sofia, who thinks she is dead and does not recognize her. Marie decides to take revenge by luring them into a new robbery. But Luc Ferraz, a BRI officer looking for the source of the gang's information, is not to be trusted. Marie has the ideal profile. So Luc pretends to be an assistant to her in order to trace the robbers.

Tridan Lagache has spent his whole life at Club Med, changing friends every 8 days. At 50, he resigns from the vacation spot where he was born, determined to track down his great mini-club childhood love, Violette. He shows up in Paris, naïve and lost but glad to be lodged by Louis, a half-brother he never knew he had. In order to be rid of the cumbersome Tridan, Louis passes one of his fling off as Violette, and Tridan, all emotional, thinks he recognizes her at first glance.

Juliane, a police commissioner in Paris, is a woman with great moral integrity. But when she discovers her husband’s double life, she starts committing acts she never would have thought herself capable of.

Hercules is summoned to oppose the evil Queen Samara, who has allied herself with aliens and is sacrificing her own people in a bid to awaken a moon goddess.