Vedeli ste, že vo vašom dome žije niekto bez toho, aby ste ho videli? Elfinovia sú malé chlpaté príšerky, ktoré udržiavajú v každom dome pokoj a harmóniu. Ich úlohou je premeniť váš dom na domov. Finnick nie je ako všetci ostatní Elfinovia. Zdá sa, že z každého, kto sa nasťahuje do jeho domu, si len robí žarty a snaží sa ich z domu vyhnať. Všetko sa ale zmení, keď do domu príde Christine s jej rodinou, ktorá Finnicka odhalí. Keď sa ale v meste začnú diať čudné veci, Finnick a Christine, ktorí sú tak odlišní, sa budú musieť spojiť a spolupracovať, aby vyriešili všetky záhady a zachránili mesto!

Barcelona, Spain, in the late sixties. Eugenio, a young jeweler who has fallen in love with Conchita, a singer, to the point of learning to play the guitar to accompany her in her performances, will first have to learn to overcome his stage fright.

5. októbra 2011 dôjde na rieke Mekong k vražde 13 čínskych rybárov, ktorí prevážali 900 000 piluliek metamfetamínu. To odštartuje spoločnú operáciu Číny, Thajska, Barmy a Laosu, ktorej cieľom je objasniť, k čomu toho dňa skutočne došlo, a hlavne dopadnúť drogových dealerov, ktorí za tým stoja.

To prevent the national crisis of childbirth, the State makes the Sex Life Management Committee. When a couple (Doyoon Min, Arang Kim) could not get pregnant, the person in charge of the National Sex Life Management Committee (Chaedam Lee, Minwoo Kang) was dispatched to encourage pregnancy. Since the officials in charge are experts in this area, they have been given the role of evangelists who hold the wrong position and convey the correct sexual knowledge.

Trying to regain his memory, a man must evade a demonic presence while following the clues left for him to discover his past.

Former Antigang legend Niels Cartier, known for his muscular and unconventional methods, left the force following an intervention that went wrong and led to the death of his wife. When the gang of bank robbers responsible for her death reappears eight years later, Niels won't let anyone stand in his way to seek revenge. Even if it means forming an explosive duo with his temperamental 14-year-old daughter.

Widowed Elinor Randall and her young daughter Jerrine arrive in a barren stretch of Wyoming in 1910 after Elinor's application for work as a housekeeper is accepted by Clyde Stewart, a rancher. The work is back-breaking and the isolation is brutal, particularly as winter arrives. Elinor begins to think about homesteading her own property near Stewart's ranch, but Stewart tries to dissuade her with explanations about the killing conditions and poor rewards, especially for a woman with no man to help her ranch. Although their temperaments are different and little affection exists, Elinor and Stewart agree to marry and combine homesteads. What lies ahead is the severest test of all.

In the near future, the southern Italian city of Taranto is surrounded by barbed wire that no one, not even the police, dares to cross. The poorest are left fighting for survival, while gangs compete for the territory. Two thirteen-year-old orphans who grew up together, dream of joining one of the gangs.

They've swapped Christmas – again. Can Hayley and James' relationship survive another turbulent family Christmas or has their future together gone off-piste?!

Fresh out of prison, a former debt collector working for a gangland boss is told he has a terminal brain tumour. In an attempt to atone for his past he rescues a young girl from trafficking, forcing him into a deadly game of cat-and-mouse with his boss.

When Bússi, Iceland's toughest cop, is forced to work with a new partner to solve a series of bank robberies, the pressure to close the case as soon as possible proves too much for him.

A young woman attempting to restore an abandoned mill in a remote area soon discovers the place harbors a dangerous creature.

After being forced to drive a mysterious passenger at gunpoint, a man finds himself in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse where it becomes clear that not everything is as it seems.

Former SWAT leader David Hendrix and hard-partying movie star Brody Walker must cut their ride-along short when a police training facility is attacked by a team of mercenaries.

Jake Foley zarobil miliardy vďaka špičkovej vojenskej technológii. Keď pozve svojich najlepších priateľov zo školy, vrátane ministra Paula Muccina a fešáka Michaela Nankervisa, na spoločný herný večer, podujatie sa začne veľkým prekvapením - namiesto hotela, ktorý bol dohodnutý ako miesto stretnutia, sa pokerová párty koná na Jakeovom odľahlom súkromnom pozemku. Jeho kamarátov čakajú na letisku miliónové športové autá, aby sa do jeho sídla dostali, pričom najrýchlejší z nich si dokonca môže svoje vozidlo ponechať. To však nie je jediné prekvapenie tej noci. Jake im ponúka šancu vyhrať astronomickú sumu pod jednou podmienkou – musia vyzradiť svoje najväčšmi strážené životné tajomstvá. Keď im Jake plán odhalí, nastane chaos.

Philippe is a well-known writer, whose life was going smoothly: a surgeon wife, a circle of high-ranking friends, a Parisian mansion... And above all, an imminent entry into the Académie Française. Except that Philippe suffers from terrible back pain that plagues his life. When he meets the incredible Martha, who picks him up after a car accident on the roads of Normandy, his vision of the world changes. With her gentle madness and her healing hands, this woman who seems so free is especially concerned with treating others, even if it means forgetting herself. Between these two characters that everything opposes, a surprising friendship is woven, with the opportunity for them to finally seize the best that life can offer them.

A sheriff tries to keep the peace when a desperate family man violently robs a pill mill with his brother-in-law, alerting an enforcer for the New Orleans mafia.

Mike Regan je úspešný muž, ktorý sa sám vypracoval a má všetko: nádhernú manželku, krásnu dospievajúcu dcéru a "inteligentnú domácnosť". Čoskoro sa však ocitne v smrteľnej hre na mačku a myš, v ktorej je v stávke všetko, keď jeho IT konzultant Ed začne využívať svoje schopnosti na prenasledovanie Mikeovej dcéry a ohrozuje jeho rodinu, podnikanie a život. Vo svete, kde neexistuje súkromie a osobné tajomstvá sa dajú zistiť kliknutím myši, sa Mike musí spoľahnúť na svoje staré známosti, aby porazil nový druh nepriateľa.

Príbeh šéfa podsvetia Johna Gottiho, zvaného “Teflonový Don”, člena newyorské zločineckej rodiny Gambinových. Sledujte očami Gottiho syna Johna juniora tri búrlivé dekády Gottiho života, behom ktorých sa spoločne so svojou ženou navzdory mnohím tragédiam a pobytom vo vezení snažili udržať rodinu pokope.

Mercerovci odišli na dovolenku do Japonska a desaťročného syna Maxa zabudli doma. Keď sa manželský pár pokúsi získať dom ako vzácne dedičstvo, je na Maxovi, aby ho ochránil pred narušiteľmi... a urobí všetko pre to, aby sa nedostali dnu.