Luke Skywalker leads a mission to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt, while the Emperor seeks to destroy the Rebellion once and for all with a second dreaded Death Star.

Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint in Emma Watson se pridružijo drugim igralcem vseh osmih filmov o Harryju Potterju, ko se prvič vrnejo v Hogwarts, da bi proslavili obletnico prvega filma franšize, ki je bil premierno prikazan pred 20 leti.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann join forces with the revived Captain Barbossa to free Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' locker. The group must navigate dangerous waters, confront many foes and, ultimately, choose sides in a battle wherein piracy itself hangs in the balance.

Join Barbie in a colourful, modern-day fairytale filled with fashion, friends and fun! Barbie and her dog Sequin jet off to visit her Aunt's amazing fashion house in Paris, and much to her surprise it's about to be shut down forever. After she discovers three enchanting Flairies with sparkle-magic powers, Barbie comes up with a brilliant idea to save the business. She even inspires Alice, a shy fashion designer, and together they create a dazzling runway fashion show. Barbie shows that magic happens when you believe in yourself.

What starts out as a fun road trip for the Toy Story gang takes an unexpected turn for the worse when the trip detours to a roadside motel. After one of the toys goes missing, the others find themselves caught up in a mysterious sequence of events that must be solved before they all suffer the same fate in this Toy Story of Terror.

Siblings Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter step through a magical wardrobe and find the land of Narnia. There, they discover a charming, once peaceful kingdom that has been plunged into eternal winter by the evil White Witch, Jadis. Aided by the wise and magnificent lion, Aslan, the children lead Narnia into a spectacular, climactic battle to be free of the Witch's glacial powers forever.

After the death of his father, a brilliant college student returns to his family home where he learns that the horrors from his childhood aren't as dead and gone as he once thought.

Polish animator Anna Błaszczyk’s humorous short—a collage of drawing, cut-out, and computer animation—was inspired by Stanisław Lem’s 1961 novel Return from the Stars, a time-paradox tale of an astronaut who returns to Earth after many years away.

Set in the African savannah, the film follows Kion as he assembles the members of the 'Lion Guard'. Throughout the film, the diverse team of young animals will learn how to utilize each of their unique abilities to solve problems and accomplish tasks to maintain balance within the Circle of Life, while also introducing viewers to the vast array of animals that populate the prodigious African landscape.

Now, we find the rowdy extraterrestrial getting used to life with his new ʻohana. However, a malfunction in the ultimate creation of Dr. Jumba soon emerges, which reinstates his destructive programming and threatens to both ruin his friendship with Lilo and to short him out for good!

Ostrostrelec Brandon Beckett in novoustanovljena Global Response & Intelligence Team (G.R.I.T.) se odpravijo na Malto, da preprečijo mednarodno teroristično zaroto, odstranijo vodjo teroristične skupine in rešijo ugrabljeno sodelavko, agentko Lady Death.

Piše se leto 1969 in Indiana Jones je pripravljen obupati. Več kot desetletje je poučeval arheologijo na kolidžu Hunter v New Yorku in je tik pred upokojitvijo v svojem skromnem stanovanju, v katerem trenutno živi sam. Stvari se hitro spremenijo, ko ga nenapovedano obišče njegova odtujena krščenka Helena Shaw, ki išče redek artefakt, ki mu ga je dal njen oče – gre za zloglasno napravo, ki naj bi imela moč izslediti časovne razpoke. Uspešna prevarantka Helena ukrade artefakt in hitro zapusti državo, da bi ga prodala najboljšemu ponudniku. Ker Indy nima izbire, pobriše prah s svojega znamenitega klobuka in usnjene jakne za še eno, tokrat zadnjo pustolovščino.

Druščina se znajde v najbolj divjem kraju od vseh: v Afriki. Tam se naše živali, odrasle in vzgojene v živalskem vrtu, prvič srečajo z drugimi svoje vrste. Hitro se izkažejo razlike med betonsko džunglo in osrčjem Afrike.

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...

V zadnjem poglavju somračne vampirske romance Bella uživa v novem življenju vampirke, toda z možem Edwardom se bojita za usodo njune hčerke Renesmee. Poleg zlobnih Volturov, ki jo želijo pokončati, težave povzroča tudi volkodlak Jacob. Ta je z Renesmee doživel vtisnjenje, s katerim volkodlaki najdejo svojo sorodno dušo. Toda ko Volturi napovedo svoj prihod, morata Bella in Edward za pomoč zaprositi prijatelje in z močjo njune nerazdružljive ljubezni obvarovati hčerko pred najhujšim.

Kljub nenehnim napadom krvoločnih vampirjev, večnemu begu pred zlobnimi silami in kljubovanju vsem nasprotnikov, se je ljubezen med mlado Bello in vampirjem Edwardom dodatno okrepila in naposled sta pripravljena na poroko. Toda njuna združitev sproži niz usodnih dogodkov, ki mladoporočenca in njune ljubljene prisili v neusmiljen boj na življenje in smrt. Med tem se mora volkodlak Jacob dokončno sprijazniti z izgubo Belline naklonjenosti, vendar imajo njegova nepremišljena dejanja nepredvidljive posledice.

After her triumph at the Miss United States pageant, FBI agent Gracie Hart becomes an overnight sensation -- and the new "face of the FBI". But it's time to spring into action again when the pageant's winner, Cheryl, and emcee, Stan, are abducted.

A Hong Kong detective suffers a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion and is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers.

When a helpful family invites two lost couples in for a good ol' down-home massacre, the prom night teens find themselves all dressed up... with no place to escape.