Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean are joined by a host of celebrity and pro-skater guests for this live show at London's O2 Arena in spring 2010

Sarah slashes down the days to her summer vacation trip with all the gusto of Zorro and his infamous 'Z', until she discovers her best friend's plot to end his life while she's away.

Antimonitorius (blogasis Monitoriaus atitikmuo) paleidžiamas į daugialypę visatą ir pradeda naikinti skirtingas ją sudarančias Žemes. Stebėtojas bando užverbuoti didvyrius iš visos daugialypės visatos, bet yra nužudomas.

Upon the empire’s fall to invading conquistadors, the 16th-century Incas quickly concealed a sacred manual containing the secrets behind their deadly fighting technique. But after centuries of careful safeguarding, the manual is again at risk of falling into the wrong hands, leaving its rightful guardian to battle the world’s greatest assassins to protect the ancient secrets within.

Visiems komiksų gerbėjams – įtraukiantis animacinis filmas, kuriame žymiausi pasaulio superherojai – Betmenas, Supermenas ir Nuostabioji moteris – sieks apsaugoti pasaulį nuo piktadarių ir monstrų. Netikėtai išsiskyrus superherojų keliams, Betmenui teks susidurti su magija, Nuostabiai moteriai susipažinti su pavojingu Laukinių Vakarų pasauliu, o netikėtai savo unikalius sugebėjimus praradusiam Supermenui – su priešiškai nusiteikusiais ateiviais. Ar pavyks herojams atremti naujas grėsmes ir grįžti į savo visatą? Pasiruoškite nepamirštamai superherojų kovai su blogiu.

A documentary detailing the epic Rogues' Gallery of DC Comics from The Joker and Lex Luthor, Sinestro, Darkseid and more, this documentary will explore the Super Villains of DC Comics.

An ever evolving alien life-form arrives on a comet from the Dark Gaseous Nebula and proceeds to consume pollution. Spewing mists of sulfuric acid and corrosive sludge, neither humanity nor Godzilla may be able to defeat this toxic menace.

John Constantine wakes up in the eerie House of Mystery with no recollection of how he got there. Fortunately, Zatanna and his friends are all there. Unfortunately, they have a bad habit of turning into demons and ripping him to shreds, over and over again!

Siekdami išvaduoti Raganą ir Renfildą iš monstrų medžiotojos Milos Star gniaužtų, Višbaunų šeima dar kartelį transformuojasi į nemirtingą vampyrę, žalią Frankenšteiną, žmones hipnotizuojančia mumija bei super greitą vilkolakį. Padedama žaviųjų šikšnosparnių, Višbaunų šeima keliauja aplink visą pasaulį, kad išgelbėtų savo draugus. Kelionės metu jie supranta, jog niekas nėra tobulas – netgi tie, kurie turi trūkumų, gali atrasti savo laimę.

After being slain by a group of criminals, a man is reborn with animal-like superpowers and makes it his mission to right the wrongs of his city.

Karštais erotiniais šokiais išgarsėjęs Magiškasis Maikas sugrįžta! Po nesėkmingų investicijų įsidarbinęs paprastu barmenu Floridoje, vieną dieną jis patraukia paslaptingos turtuolės dėmesį. Suintriguota Maiko išvaizdos, ji pamažu išsiaiškina visą vaikino praeitį, o gavusi progą patirti įspūdingą privatų jo šokį, moteris pasiūlo Maikui keliauti kartu su ja ir garsiame Londono teatre surengti karštą erotinį vaikinų šou. Po šiokių tokių įkalbinėjimų sutikęs, Maikas surenka naują šokėjų trupę, paruošia naują programą ir sulig kiekviena diena vis labiau ima tikėti, kad darbą vainikuos sėkmė. Tačiau Maiko laukia staigmena – vieną dieną paaiškėja, kad jo naujoji pažįstama turi ir dar vieną planą, apie kurį iki šiol tylėjo. Ar Maikui pavyks su tuo susitaikyti, o svarbiausia – ar pavyks tą naująjį planą paversti realybe?

Jaunas FTB agentas Erikas pradėjo rizikingą žaidimą su savo bosu, agentu, kurio reputacija tiesiog nepriekaištinga. Jis nepaprastai atsidavęs darbui, beprotiškai ištikimas tėvynei ir uoliai lanko bažnyčią. Tačiau kuo toliau Erikas stebi bosą, tuo labiau įsitikina, kad šis kažką slepia. Gali būti, kad jaunasis agentas užtiko pavojingo šnipo pėdsakus.

Get ready for a battle of the ages when the Justice League faces off against its archenemies, the Legion of Doom, in an all-new movie from DC Comics. A mysterious being known as the Time Trapper arises, and a sinister plan led by Lex Luthor sends the Legion of Doom back in time to eliminate Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman before they become super heroes. For Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg, along with teen super heroes Karate Kid and Dawnstar, the stakes have never been higher, the rescue mission never deadlier. So join the fight for the future as the Justice League confronts its ultimate challenge… the threat of having never existed!

Pabudus senovės blogiui, tik Betmenas gali išgelbėti Gotamo miestą nuo pražūties.

Using never-before-seen archival footage, personal photos, first-person narratives, and cutting-edge, mouth-watering food cinematography, the film traces Julia Child's surprising path, from her struggles to create and publish the revolutionary Mastering the Art of French Cooking (1961) which has sold more than 2.5 million copies to date, to her empowering story of a woman who found fame in her 50s, and her calling as an unlikely television sensation.

This Christmas, Homer surprises Marge with the ultimate gift: an unforgettable performance from Italian opera superstar Andrea Bocelli and his children Matteo and Virginia.

Jian is a counter terrorism agent who blends his skills as a martial artist and clairvoyant to bring the world's most nefarious individuals to justice. This lone wolf is is forced to make an unexpected detour to Los Angeles upon receipt of the devastating news of a cover up surrounding his brother's alleged suicide. With the reluctant help of LAPD detectives, Abby, Carl, and Captain Duke, the unlikely group become involved in the investigation. Jian and Abby fight against a high-tech criminal looking to exploit the brothers' gifts in his own quest to power.

Holiday magic has never gleamed brighter as Santa’s Elves head out on an adventure to bring every boy and girl their Christmas wish while also bringing a family back together in this heartfelt Christmas movie from Gaumont. After accidentally destroying a bag of Christmas wishes from a small town on the eve of Christmas Eve, two junior elves learn that if even one wish goes unfulfilled, Christmas could be extinguished forever. For the first time in their lives, the elves Mindy and Cam venture out of the North Pole and sneak into Minnedoza to collect the lost wishes. Along the way they enlist the help of young Blake, whose family has a difficult time celebrating Christmas since his father died. With their deadline fast approaching, Mindy and Cam have only one more wish to find…but whose could it be? It’s up to Mindy and Cam to find out and save Christmas!

When a woman is attacked in her rental home, the company's shady clean-up team steps in to help her pick up the pieces. However, she soon learns that the head of the team might be cleaning up his own crimes and will go to any measures to silence her.