Pirmo reizi uz lielajiem ekrāniem filma par ikonisko Gotemas ļaundari - Džokeru. Arturs Fleks ir vīrs, kurš cenšas atrast savu vietu pilsētas sašķeltajā sabiedrībā. Dienā strādājot par klaunu gadījuma darbos, bet vakaros cenšoties kļūt par atzītu stand-up komiķi, viņš nonāk pie atziņas, ka izjokots tiek viņš pats. Ierauts vienladzības un nežēlības cilkliskajā esamībā, Arturs pieņem vienu sliktu lēmumu, kas uzsāk ķēdes reakciju viņa transformācijā par Džokeru.

After discovering a once-in-a-lifetime player with a rocky past abroad, a down on his luck basketball scout takes it upon himself to bring the phenom to the States without his team's approval. Against the odds, they have one final shot to prove they have what it takes to make it in the NBA.

Ieguvis savu jauno veidolu, kareivis Džeiks Sallijs kļūst par vadoni un uzņemas aizsargāt savu ģimeni un jaunos draugus no alkatīgajiem Zemes biznesmeņiem, kad tie ar līdz zobiem apbruņotu armiju atgriežas uz Pandoru.

Leģendārais laupītāju piecinieks - Misters Vilks, Misters Čūska, Misters Piraija, Misters Haizivs un Mis Tarantula ir labākie no sliktajiem! Viņi ir nepārspējami viltīgi, talantīgi un nenotverami - īsāk sakot, kriminālās pasaules ģēniji. Vai jūs spētu noticēt, ka pienāks brīdis, kad kādam no viņiem prātā pavīdēs doma kļūt par... labo? Uz pasaules vēl neviens nebūs sastapies ar tādām grūtībām kļūt par labajiem kā studijas.

In 1978, two rival groups at Camp Nightwing must band together to solve a terrifying mystery when horrors from their towns' history come alive.

A charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime. Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win.

The true story of how Ray Kroc, a salesman from Illinois, met Mac and Dick McDonald, who were running a burger operation in 1950s Southern California. Kroc was impressed by the brothers’ speedy system of making the food and saw franchise potential. He maneuvered himself into a position to be able to pull the company from the brothers and create a billion-dollar empire.

Years after serving time for betting on games he officiated, former NBA referee Tim Donaghy revisits the scandal that shook up the league.

Maveriks ir pilots. Kad viņš Persijas līcī pārtver dažus MIG, viņa sabiedrotais ir apjucis un krīt izmisumā. Viņiem teju nav degvielas, tādēļ Maverikam izdodas abus nogādāt atpakaļ uz bāzes kuģi. Maveriks tiek nosūtīts uz Labāko šāvēju lidotāju skolu. Viņš cenšas būt labākais pilots un iet vismaz soli pa priekšu pārējiem studentiem. Tā ir pavisam cita pieeja nekā Čārlijam - personai, kurai viņš ir cītīgi pieķēries.

This documentary spotlights one of the most contentious deals in football history and the extraordinary player at the center of the storm: Luís Figo.

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, the media concocted a narrative that justified a summer of worldwide riots and helped contribute to the rise of Black Lives Matter who used the chaos to raise 90 million dollars. In this documentary, Candace Owens follows the money and discovers exactly how the money was spent and where it did—and didn’t go.

A Reno singer witnesses a mob murder and the cops stash her in a nunnery to protect her from the mob's hitmen. The mother superior does not trust her, and takes steps to limit her influence on the other nuns. Eventually the singer rescues the failing choir and begins helping with community projects, which gets her an interview on TV—and identification by the mob.

An LA vampire hunter has a week to come up with the cash to pay for his kid's tuition and braces. Trying to make a living these days just might kill him.

A man named Mr. Smith delivers a woman's baby during a shootout, and is then called upon to protect the newborn from the army of gunmen.

Two thieves, who travel in elegant circles, try to outsmart each other and, in the process, end up falling in love.

This shocking documentary chronicles a happy-go-lucky nomad's ascent to viral stardom and the steep downward spiral that resulted in his imprisonment.

On an uninhabitable 22nd-century Earth, the outcome of a civil war hinges on cloning the brain of an elite soldier to create a robot mercenary.

A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil.

A suburban teen girl and her little brother must stop a terrifying internet meme brought to life by the hysteria of their parents.

To escape the leader of a satanic metal band and the father of her unborn child, Lucia moves to a remote cabin with her grandmother. Though safe in her surroundings, she is haunted by his memory and knows he will stop at nothing to track her down.