An army of bear cubs train and indoctrinate young recruits for the war against the unicorns, which threatens the safety of the cubs. Brothers Bluey and Tubby, along with a group of inexperienced cadets, are sent on a dangerous mission to save the Magic Forest, where the unicorns live, and start a terrible battle.

Selina's father sells her to Tiago who makes her a sex slave. With the help of Domeng, Tiago's blind slave, she plans their way out of this living hell.

An English schoolgirl suspects the foster brother she worships is the serial killer at large.

Yukon Territory, Canada, November 1931. Albert Johnson, a trapper who lives alone in the mountains, buys a dog almost dead after a brutal dogfight, a good deed that will put him in trouble.

Filmas pasakoja apie komplikuotus FTB specialių bylų tyrėjo Bilo Hegmajerio ir serijinio žudiko Tedo Bandžio santykius, užsimezgusius prieš nusikaltėliui paskiriant mirties bausmę.

Sergio is a former hitman who has just recently retired. His routine is disrupted by the visit of an old friend. He wants to hire Sergio for one last assignment: to kill the Ventura brothers, two dangerous criminals.

After suffering a family tragedy, a widower named Thanh moves his two daughters to a centuries-old ancestral home. Both daughters fall prey to sleep paralysis and night terrors. Their father seeks the help of a local psychologist, but chilling secrets and visions eventually prove that all is not what it seems in the old family house.

An endearing outlier, Brian lives alone in a Welsh valley, inventing oddball contraptions that seldom work. After finding a discarded mannequin head, Brian gets an idea. Three days, a washing machine, and sundry spare parts later, he’s invented Charles, an artificially intelligent robot who learns English from a dictionary and proves a charming, cheeky companion. Before long, however, Charles also develops autonomy. Intrigued by the wider world — or whatever lies beyond the cottage where Brian has hidden him away — Charles craves adventure.

Klaivo Beikerio 1987 m. siaubo klasika. Į jaunos moters, kovojančios su priklausomybe, rankas pakliūna senovinė galvosūkių dėžutė, kuri priverčia susidurti su siaubingomis blogio jėgomis.

After the discovery of a mysterious VHS tape, a brutish police SWAT team launches a high-intensity raid on a remote warehouse, only to discover a sinister cult compound whose collection of pre-recorded material uncovers a nightmarish conspiracy.

Beieškodami reto video įrašo, trys pasamdyti įsilaužėliai patenka į paslaptingą vasarnamį. Šeimininką vagišiai randa prie įjungto televizoriaus. Jis negyvas jau kelios dienos, o paslaptingas jo palikimas, senų video kasečių kolekcija, guli šalia. Ieškodami reikalingos kasetės, draugai peržiūrinėja jas vieną po kitos. Kiekvienas įrašas panardina juos į naują košmarą - ant tiek realų, kad regis viskas vyksta iš tiesų ir visai šalia. Kiekviena istorija baisesnė už ankstesnę. O kažkur netoliese, su kiekviena minute, vis labiau bunda Jis - nesuvokiamas bei negailestingas BLOGIS.

Pasakojama apie jauną porą, kuri leidžiasi į tolimą kelionę į Šiaurės vakarus palei Ramiojo vandenyno pakrantę ir susiduria su bauginančiais įvykiais, kurie priverčia suvokti, jog viskas šioje vietoje nėra taip, kaip atrodo.

Tai grėsminga transliacija, kurioje žiūrovai išvys pamirštus 8-ojo dešimtmečio košmarus: katastrofos padarinių likvidavimo komanda išlaisvina senovės dievo rūstybę; ežeras, kuris atgaivina mirusiuosius; performanso meno kūrinys, kuriame užmezgamas ryšys su būtybe iš anapus; kruvinos mirusiųjų skerdynės ir nerimą kelianti vaizdo įrašuose užfiksuotų žmogžudysčių vizija.

Desperate for a role as a demonologist, struggling actor Clayton contacts Eliza, an expert in devil lore, to help him prepare. As he spends the weekend at her home, Eliza forces Clayton to confront his troubling past, perform dark rituals, and sacrifice a goat. Does she want to help Clayton, seduce him—or destroy him?

Teenagers Charly and Paula worry that sex could ruin their friendship, while their suddenly and surprisingly bossy private parts urge them to go for it.

A suspect is killed while the ICAC team is investigating illegal soccer gambling in Hong Kong.

Chemical waste seeps into a small town's water supply, causing the birth of a mutant FROGGG which is instinctively driven to mate with its genetic match - human women. Sexy EPA super-agent Dr Barbara Michaels tracks the Froggg's every move, fighting off corrupt good-ol'-boy politicians and drunken rednecks at every turn. No one in town believes her, or the evidence, until the shocking climax when the Froggg is finally brought to justice... or IS it...?

an ambitious boy named Badshah who dreams of becoming a don. He gains access to the crime of city's don and uses his own cleverness to play of the top two - Tangrar Tony and Jyanrar Johny fierce rivals with each other . He goes to London on a project. How he becomes don.

Seven years after the events of the first film, Samantha Darko finds herself stranded in a small desert town after her car breaks down where she is plagued by bizarre visions telling of the universe's end. As a result, she must face her own demons, and in doing so, save the world and herself.