A short movie, made for Comic Relief, in which Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) and Baldrick (Tony Robinson) must help protect King Charles I (Stephen Fry) from the machinations of Oliver Cromwell and his Roundheads

In a world ravaged by crime, the entire island of Manhattan has been converted into a walled prison where brutal prisoners roam. After the US president crash-lands inside, war hero Snake Plissken has 24 hours to bring him back.

The British Army, retreating ahead of victorious Rommel, leaves a lone survivor on the Egyptian border who finds refuge at a remote desert hotel. He assumes the identity of a recently deceased waiter and is helped by the hotel's owner, despite protest from the French chambermaid, who fears the imminent arrival of Rommel and the Germans.

A coming-of-age story that follows 12-year-old Andy Nichol, a bright student who, like most kids his age, will do anything to avoid conflict for fear of suffering overwhelming ridicule and punishment from his junior high school peers.

Strange things begin to occurs as a tiny California coastal town prepares to commemorate its centenary. Inanimate objects spring eerily to life; Rev. Malone stumbles upon a dark secret about the town's founding; radio announcer Stevie witnesses a mystical fire; and hitchhiker Elizabeth discovers the mutilated corpse of a fisherman. Then a mysterious iridescent fog descends upon the village, and more people start to die.

Before entering a prestigious American university, Gabriel Buchmann decides to travel the world for one year. After ten months on the road with his backpack full of dreams, immersed at the heart of various countries, he arrives in Kenya determined to discover the African continent. Until he reaches the top of Mount Mulanje, Malawi, his final destination.

Luigi Di Santo is a professor of philosophy in Milan who returns to his Apulian hometown to finalize the sale, together with his brothers, of an old family farm. But this project is hampered by his violent stepbrother Aldo. Things degenerate further when the four brothers find themselves embroiled in a murder.

This historical drama is an account of the early life of British politician Winston Churchill, including his childhood years, his time as a war correspondent in Africa, and culminating with his first election to Parliament.

Eighties teen romp involving Bill and his new apartment, Jim and his rebellious antics, Tom and his crazy self, and Anita with her older man David.

Experienced Green Beret sergeant Johnny Gallagher is escorting a prisoner, Airborne Ranger Thomas Boyette, back to the US, but Boyette escapes and Gallagher must risk life and limb to catch him.

An American village is visited by some unknown life form which leaves the women of the village pregnant. Nine months later, the babies are born, and they all look normal, but it doesn't take the "parents" long to realize that the kids are not human or humane.

Seržant David Callahan vedie prísne tajnú misiu jednotky americkej námornej pechoty, jej cieľom je preniknúť na územie kontrolované Vietkongom a zneškodniť jej veliteľa Tran Van Phua. Ten sa však o ich akcii dozvedel a pripravil sa. Z pasce unikla len trojica vojakov – veliteľ David, jeho najlepší priateľ Charlie a Douglas. Aby sa poistili, vzali si aj rukojemníka, Tranovu dcéru Mai Lihn, ktorú na konci jeden z trojice zabije. O 5 rokov neskôr žije David spolu so svojou rodinou v Thajsku, kde pôsobí ako tajný vojenský poradca. Na jeho veľké prekvapenie ho navštívi Charlie, o ktorom si myslel že je mŕtvy. Radosť však netrvá dlho, objavia sa neznámi útočníci a obom spôsobia zranenia, navyše Davidova manželka a dcéra pri útoku zomrú. Keď sa David dostane z nemocnice, je jasné, že niekto za to kruto zaplatí...

An accountant sent to produce an evaluation of a tornado research project, and the scientist running the project pursue tornadoes and each other.

This tragic musical drama chronicles the star-crossed love between beloved French singer Edith Piaf and World Middleweight boxing champion Marcel Cerdan who died in a plane crash. The tumultuous affair is paralleled by the love affair of a French POW and his young pen pal who get engaged after writing to each other for four years and having never met. Their romances are framed by the sad, torchy songs of Piaf.

After the death of Renaud, her boyfriend, Armelle can't possibly take him out of her mind. Her sister advises her to see a medium, in whose house she meets a boy who strangely looks like Renaud...

Time-traveling bounty hunters find a doomed race-car driver in the past and bring him to 2009 New York, where his mind will be replaced with that of a terminally ill billionaire.

Julian Rome, ľahko zneuznávaný expert na mimozemské civilizácie a nevysvetliteľné javy, je povolaný do srdca Antarktídy. Prísne tajný tím výskumníkov tu hlboko pod ľadom narazil na neznámy mimozemský objekt, a Rome má pomôcť plavidlo identifikovať. Od prvého kroku ho prenasleduje nedôvera a prekážky zo strany úradov, on však postupne speje k nezvrátiteľnému objavu. Prebehla ľudská evolúcia naozaj bez cudzieho pričinenia?

BETTER THAN SOMETHING is an exciting and intimate portrait of Memphis-based punk musician Jay Reatard, who toured the world and released dozens of records over the course of a 15 year career that began in his mid-teens. Original and never-before-seen footage documents his self-made journey to iconic garage rock star, with colleagues, friends, and family speaking candidly about Jay's vibrant and complicated life. Jay Reatard himself - filmed just nine months before his untimely death at the age of twenty-nine - shares his experiences both on and off stage, with all the humor, savvy, and pathos one can expect from such a prolific and vital artist.

Based on the preachings of Reverend Estus W. Pirkle, this film warns what will happen to America if the citizens do not give up their depraved ways and turn to God and Jesus for salvation. Communist infiltrators, the "footmen", will pave the way for an all out invasion by weakening our will through TV, dance, rock music and alcohol. Once the invasion begins, the new Communist government will proceed to round up all Christians, and either execute them or force them to undergo re-education. Only by putting their faith in the bible where it belongs, says Rev. Pirkle, can America resist the coming Red Menace.