A short movie, made for Comic Relief, in which Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) and Baldrick (Tony Robinson) must help protect King Charles I (Stephen Fry) from the machinations of Oliver Cromwell and his Roundheads

  1988年,为了应对不断翻倍的犯罪增长率,联邦将曼哈顿岛改建成一座庞大的监狱,囚犯们被扔到其中自生自灭,纽约城变成了犯罪之城。转眼已是1997年,代号“大卫14”的美国空军一号被美国国家解放阵线劫持,最后坠毁在监狱城内,美国总统独自深陷城中。曾经的空军英雄、功勋特种队员普林斯肯中校(库尔特•拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)由于抢劫银行入狱,政府决定利用普林斯肯潜入监狱城,救出总统。   普林斯肯的任务时间只有二十四小时,他在城中找到了自己昔日的战友、如今监狱地下统治者“公爵”的部下瑟翁,他们合作搭救总统,而要面对的是无处不在的疯狂犯人……

1941年的北非战场,英德两军激战正酣,英军节节败退。布兰保下士(Franchot Tone 饰)被坦克遗落,蹒跚进入埃及人法瑞德的女王酒店,而几乎同时,德意联军指挥部进驻此处。布兰保乔装酒店服务生达沃斯伺机逃脱,意外发现隆美尔元帅居然近在咫尺,而他所假扮的达沃斯更是德军间谍,布兰保决定留下以便探听德军补给计划的“五墓行动”详情,同时也对酒店的法国女招待姆丝(Anne Baxter 饰)产生情愫。


100年前的北加利福尼亚的安东尼奥海滩,患有麻风病的富豪布雷克希望在此建立一个小镇,将同样患有麻风病的患者集中起来治疗。然而他的爱心并未得到应有的回报,许多觊觎布雷克财富的贪婪之徒来到这里,伺机杀害了布雷克。100年后,当小镇人民举行百年庆典时,一团神秘雾气降临小镇,布雷克及其随从的冤魂从大海深处归来,所到之处人们尽皆死亡。神父罗伯特(Hal HolbrooK 饰)无意中发现其祖父藏在教堂墙壁中的日记,终于得知曾发生在100年前的惨剧……


Luigi Di Santo is a professor of philosophy in Milan who returns to his Apulian hometown to finalize the sale, together with his brothers, of an old family farm. But this project is hampered by his violent stepbrother Aldo. Things degenerate further when the four brothers find themselves embroiled in a murder.


比尔刚毕业,跃跃欲试的他等不及展开十八岁的成年生活。于是他挥别舒服的家,搬进单身公寓里,朝成人的「真实世界」迈进。 为了减轻房租的负担,他要求好友汤姆搬来同住,这下一来,扯出了一大堆的问题…首先,汤姆对女友忠贞不二,但是女友却将两人的爱情视为儿戏;另一方面,为了配合自己「成人」的身份,比尔抛弃了女友安妮塔,气不过的安妮塔于是和一个中年人大卫开始交往,没想到大卫不但已婚,且为人父了!这一堆十七、八岁的年轻人,初踏入成人的世界就搞得一团乱,这一段「疯狂野生活」要如何收呢? 此片由卡梅伦·克罗所编写,他早期曾有代表佳作「开放的美国学府」,近年则以「征服情海」再度征服影坛。



Sergeant David Callahan leads a task force of U.S. Marines on a failed mission. Five years later, working as an adviser to Thai Special Forces, he is forced to return to the Vietnamese P.O.W. camp he escaped years before, to fight a deadly duel.

An accountant sent to produce an evaluation of a tornado research project, and the scientist running the project pursue tornadoes and each other.

Edith Piaf和拳击手Marcel的爱情故事


Time-traveling bounty hunters find a doomed race-car driver in the past and bring him to 2009 New York, where his mind will be replaced with that of a terminally ill billionaire.

Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole.

BETTER THAN SOMETHING is an exciting and intimate portrait of Memphis-based punk musician Jay Reatard, who toured the world and released dozens of records over the course of a 15 year career that began in his mid-teens. Original and never-before-seen footage documents his self-made journey to iconic garage rock star, with colleagues, friends, and family speaking candidly about Jay's vibrant and complicated life. Jay Reatard himself - filmed just nine months before his untimely death at the age of twenty-nine - shares his experiences both on and off stage, with all the humor, savvy, and pathos one can expect from such a prolific and vital artist.

Based on the preachings of Reverend Estus W. Pirkle, this film warns what will happen to America if the citizens do not give up their depraved ways and turn to God and Jesus for salvation. Communist infiltrators, the "footmen", will pave the way for an all out invasion by weakening our will through TV, dance, rock music and alcohol. Once the invasion begins, the new Communist government will proceed to round up all Christians, and either execute them or force them to undergo re-education. Only by putting their faith in the bible where it belongs, says Rev. Pirkle, can America resist the coming Red Menace.