Join us as BTS and ARMY become one once again with music and dance in this unmissable live concert experience broadcast from Seoul to cinemas around the world! 'BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE' is the latest world tour series headlined by 21st century pop icons BTS, featuring powerful performances and the greatest hit songs from throughout their incredible career.
An unemployed man learns that his ex-girlfriend was murdered. He suddenly finds himself travelling through time to his middle school years and has chance to change the future and save the girl. He aims to rise to the top of the most brutal delinquent gang.
In the late 19th century, a young Danish priest travels to a remote part of Iceland to build a church and photograph its people. But the deeper he goes into the unforgiving landscape, the more he strays from his purpose, the mission and morality.
Courtney Bennett, a former US figure skating hopeful, runs the city’s public skating rink but when the Mayor announces its closing, Courtney is heartbroken but determined to save it. After Courtney’s attempts to warm the Mayor’s Scrooge-like heart fail, she enlists the help of Noah Tremblay, a former professional hockey player and single dad, who owns the new indoor skating center, to help her, and together they find more than just the spirit of holidays on the ice.
After his son is wrongly accused of kidnapping, a deacon who has just lost his wife takes matters into his own hands and fights a crooked police gang to clear him.
It has been a year since Mic Mic and Oscar returned from their incredible adventure. And now, after a diabolical plan by Vulture to sabotage the delivery of the Grizzly cub to his opponent in the American presidential elections, Mic Mic, Oscar, Panda teenager and Stork set off on another great adventure as they ride a zeppelin to return little Grizzly to its rightful parents and save the American elections and the whole continent from an erupting volcano.
The Elric brothers meet their toughest opponent yet — a lone serial killer with a large scar on his forehead.
Vaikai, prestižiniame priemiesčio rajone, dingsta dažnai, tik niekas apie tai neprisimena ir gyvena taip, lyg nieko nebūtų nutikę. Juos tyliai ir nepastebimai išsiveda paslaptinga moteris ir jie niekada nebegrįžta. Vos tik šeimoje atsiras kūdikis ji pasibels į jūsų duris ir būtinai pasiūlys auklės paslaugas. Ji bus mandagi, išsilavinusi, švelni ir rūpestinga, būtent tokia, kokios jums ir reikia, bet neilgam... viskas pasikeis tada, kai prieš išeidami ramia širdimi uždarysite savo namų duris...
Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.
Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents de Suzane von Richthofen's point of view of the events that led to the death of her parents.
To rescue his daughter, an unstable Special Forces veteran unleashes his inner beast as he pursues her kidnappers — and soon becomes a suspect himself.
Praėjus dvejiems metams po tarpgalaktinės ateivių invazijos mūsų planetoje tvyro chaosas. Išgyvenusieji Sidnėjuje, Australijoje, kovoja beviltiškame žemės kare. Kasdien daugėjant aukų, pasipriešinimas ir netikėti jų sąjungininkai atskleidžia sąmokslą. Ši informacija yra neįkainojama, nes jos dėka karas gali baigtis lemiama. Ar ateiviai, pasiryžę paversti žemę savo naujais namais, leisis įveikiami? Ar žmonijai lemta išsigelbėti?
Jie buvo sukurti ir užauginti mėgintuvėliuose specialiai šiai misijai. Jų biologiniai tėvai – pažangiausi pasaulio mokslininkai. Nuo šių žmonių priklauso žmonijos likimas. Į tolimąją planetą keliaujantys jaunuoliai lyg saitas tarp praeities ir ateities kartų. Kelionė truks 86-erius metus. Kosminiame laive trisdešimt jaunuolių sulaukia septyniolikos metų. Jie auginami visiškoje izoliacijoje, kad būtų prisitaikę išgyventi kosmose. Įgulos nariai labai protingi, tačiau visiškai bejausmiai. Kasdien jie priversti gerti vaistus, kurie slopina visas žmogiškas emocijas. Paveikti medikamentų jaunuoliai tampa besąlygiškai paklusnūs ir lengvai kontroliuojami. Netikėtai žuvus vieninteliam jų prižiūrėtojui, jaunuolių likimas tampa nevaldomas. Jie nebegeria vaistų ir į laisvę išsiveržia niekada anksčiau nepatirti jausmai ir norai - pajusti tai, ko niekada nejuto – meilę, aistrą, bet kartu su jais atsiskleidžia ir tamsioji jų pusė - pyktis, maištas ir valdžios troškimas.
Mary-Kate and Ashley star in this Down Under adventure filled with nonstop Aussie intrigue, laughs and romance. After running afoul of a notorious gangster, Mary-Kate and Ashley take refuge in the FBI Witness Protection Program. Unfortunately, the girls are uncontrollable blabbermouths and they blow their cover in town after town until there's only one hiding place left - Australia.
Kim ir jos draugas Ianas (akt. Eric Wiegand) ima tyrinėti 203 kambario praeitį. Išaiškėja sveiku protu nesuvokiami ir nepaaiškinami dalykai. Daugelis nuomininkų iš šio buto yra dingę be žinios, žiauriai nužudyta sutuoktinių pora, o prieš penkiasdešimt metų šiame bute rastas savižudžio kūnas. Išaiškėjus kraupiai tiesai, jog kambario savininkas Ronanas (akt. Scott Gremillion) – nužudytų sutuoktinių sūnus, prasideda dar labiau sukrečiantys įvykiai. Ronanas nusprendžia paaukoti Kim kūną siaubingose ritualinėse apeigose, kad pasotintų demonišką „Morrigu“ dvasią. Netikėtai miršta Ianas, o Izi kūną apsėda „Morrigu“. Kad išgelbėtų Izi gyvybę, Kim gali tekti paaukoti savąją....
Paauglys grįžta namo praleisti vasaros atostogų moterų pilname dvare.
New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?
As fanged, furious furballs viciously invade an L.A. apartment building and sink their teeth into the low-rent tenants, Josh leads the battle to beat back the conniving critters and save the planet.
A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.